Oracle Applications Setup


Oracle Purchasing implementation is a prerequisite.

For more information, see the Setting Up section in the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous release, you should review Oracle iProcurment Documentation Resources, Release 12 for the most current information, available on My Oracle Support.

Setup Checklists

The following table shows the Oracle Purchasing setup steps that are specific to implementing optional features in Oracle iProcurement. You might have already completed these steps if you have already implemented Oracle Purchasing.

Note: This table does not show all of the setup steps for Oracle iProcurement. It shows only the setup steps in Oracle Purchasing that Oracle iProcurement optionally uses.

Oracle Purchasing Setup Steps Specific to Oracle iProcurement
Step Required or Optional Information Source
Define Requisition Templates for Oracle iProcurement Public Lists Optional Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Define Information Templates Optional Define Information Templates
Define Global Blanket Purchase Agreements Required for Local Content Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Define Contract Purchase Agreements Optional Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Define Shipping Networks and Customer Locations for Internal Requisitions Required for Internal Requisition Creation Oracle Order Management User's Guide, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Internal Requisitions
Set Up P-Cards Optional Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Employee P-Cards
Supplier P-Cards
PO Extract for P-Card Reconciliation
Set Up Content Security Optional Content Security
Create Commodity-Based Expense Account Rules Optional Expense Charge Account Rules
Set Up Smart Forms Optional Smart Forms
Set Up E-Commerce Gateway Mapping Required for Punchout Oracle Procurement Buyer's Guide to Punchout and Transparent Punchout

The following table shows the setup steps specific to implementing features of other Oracle Applications with Oracle iProcurement. You might have already completed these steps if you implemented Oracle Purchasing. These steps appear in a suggested, but not required, order.

Setup Steps that Integrate with Other Oracle Applications
Step Required or Optional Information Source
Encumbrance Optional Oracle Purchasing User's Guide,
Oracle General Ledger User's Guide
Grants Accounting Optional Oracle Grants Accounting User's Guide
Grants Accounting Integration
Project Accounting Optional Oracle Projects Implementation Guide
Project Accounting Integration
Project Manufacturing Optional Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Manual
Project Accounting Integration
Advanced Pricing Optional Oracle Advanced Pricing Implementation Manual
Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Oracle Services Procurement Optional Oracle Services Procurement

The following table shows the setup steps associated with administering or managing Oracle iProcurement. These include important utilities, provided with Oracle iProcurement, that can enhance the requester's experience. This chapter includes details of these steps. These steps appear in a suggested, but not required, order.

Administrative Setup Steps for Oracle iProcurement
Step Required or Optional Information Source
Set Up Function, Menu, and Data Security Optional Set Up Function, Menu, and Data Security
Personalize Oracle iProcurement Using Oracle Applications Framework Optional Personalize Oracle iProcurement Using Oracle Applications Framework
Create Operating Unit-Specific Purchasing News Optional Create Operating Unit-Specific Purchasing News
Customize Operating Unit-Specific Purchasing Policies Optional Customize Operating Unit-Specific Purchasing Policies
Customize Workflows Optional Customize Workflows
Define Descriptive Flexfields on Requisitions Optional Define Descriptive Flexfields on Requisitions
Implement Custom Packages Optional Implement Custom Packages
Modify Online Help Recommended Modify Online Help
Set Profile Options Required Set Profile Options

Set Up Function, Menu, and Data Security

Function security can restrict requester access to certain functions and actions in various pages throughout Oracle iProcurement. For example, you can exclude the Express Receive buttons in Receiving to prevent this type of receipt creation. Function security could also prevent access to the Corrections pages in Receiving.

An administrator also has the option of setting menu security. Menu security attribute settings tend to be more broad in the areas they restrict than function security attribute settings. With menu security, you can prevent a requester from accessing entire menus and submenus within Oracle iProcurement. With this type of setting, you can exclude the requester from accessing all of receiving or all of Oracle iProcurement workflow, as opposed to only a specific button or link within these modules. Due to their more specific nature, there are more function security attributes than menu security attributes. You define both function and menu security attributes at the responsibility level.

Setup Steps

Perform these steps to modify the default function and menu security associated with the default-provided iProcurement Procurement responsibility.

  1. Define responsibility:

    1. Using the System Administrator responsibility navigate to the Responsibilities window. See: Defining a Responsibility, Oracle Applications System Administration.

    2. Create a new responsibility related to Oracle iProcurement. This responsibility enforces function security.

    3. Enter a Responsibility Name, Application, Responsibility Key, and Effective From Date.

    4. Set Available From to Oracle Self Service Web Application.

    5. Enter the Data Group fields for Name and Application.

    6. Set the Menu field to Internet Procurement Home.

  2. Exclude responsibility functions and menus:

    1. On the Menu Exclusions tab of the Responsibilities window, select either the Function or Menu selection to set up either function security or menu security.

    2. In the Name field, select the appropriate function or menu to exclude.

  3. Assign Oracle iProcurement responsibility to a requester:

    1. Using the System Administrator responsibility navigate to the Users window.

    2. Search for the requester to assign to the responsibility.

    3. Insert the new responsibility.

    Note: If you are not implementing Oracle Services Procurement, consider excluding the Contractors tab menu and the Contractor Request sub-tab from the Internet Procurement Home menu. If you do not implement Oracle Services Procurement, the Contractor Request link and Contractors tab still appear in Oracle iProcurement. When requesters try to access these areas, a message indicates that they cannot access the page because Oracle Services Procurement has not been enabled. To remove these areas, create a custom responsibility that excludes the Contracts menu and Contractor Request submenu from the Internet Procurement Home menu.

Oracle iProcurement Functions

The following tables show functions that can establish function security in Oracle iProcurement. Only those functions that correspond to the main features in Oracle iProcurement appear in the following table.

Functions--Requisitions Page: My Groups Requisitions
Name System Name Description
View My Group's Requisitions POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS View requisitions that employees in the requester's organization created. The definition of a group is based on the Security Level option selected during the Document Types setup in Oracle Purchasing.
View My Group's Reqs Receive POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS_RECEIVE Register requested items as received.
View My Group's Reqs Cancel POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS_CANCEL Cancel a requisition that has been submitted for approval.
View My Group's Reqs Copy POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS_COPY Create a requisition by copying an existing requisition.
View My Group's Reqs ReSubmit POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS_RESUBMIT Resubmit requisitions that have been rejected or returned.
Functions--Requisitions Page: My Requisitions
Name System Name Description
View My Reqs Cancel POR_VIEW_MY_REQS_CANCEL Function security for the Cancel button
View My Reqs Copy POR_VIEW_MY_REQS_COPY Function security for the Copy button
View My Reqs Receive POR_VIEW_MY_REQS_RECEIVE Function security for the Receive button
View My Reqs Resubmit POR_VIEW_MY_REQS_RESUBMIT Function security for the Resubmit button
View my Requisitions POR_VIEW_MY_REQS View requisitions that a requester owns.
View my Reqs Change Order POR_VIEW_MY_REQS_CHANGE_ORDER Function security to request changes and cancellations to requisition lines on purchase orders
View My Reqs Withdraw POR_VIEW_MY_REQS_WITHDRAW Function security for the Withdraw function of the Change button
Functions--Requisitions Page: All Requisitions
Name System Name Description
View All Reqs Cancel POR_VIEW_ALL_REQS_CANCEL Cancel a requisition that has been submitted for approval.
View All Reqs Copy POR_VIEW_ALL_REQS_COPY Create a requisition by copying an existing requisition.
View All Reqs Receive POR_VIEW_ALL_REQS_RECEIVE Register requested items as received.
View All Reqs ReSubmit POR_VIEW_ALL_REQS_RESUBMIT Resubmit requisitions that have been rejected or returned.
View All Requisitions POR_VIEW_ALL_REQS View all requisitions in the requester's organization.
View Reqs Change Order History POR_VIEW_REQS_CHANGE_HISTORY Function security for the Change History link
Functions--Approvals Status Page: Requisitions I Approved
Name System Name Description
View Reqs I Approved Cancel POR_VIEW_APPR_REQS_CANCEL Cancel a requisition that has been submitted for approval.
View Reqs I Approved Copy POR_VIEW_APPR_REQS_COPY Create a new requisition by copying an existing one.
View Reqs I Approved Receive POR_VIEW_APPR_REQS_RECEIVE Register requested items as received.
View Requisitions I Approved POR_VIEW_APPR_REQS View requisitions that a requester approved.
Functions--Approvals Status Page: Orders to Approve
Name System Name Description
View Orders to Approve POR_VIEW_TO_APPR_REQS View orders awaiting approval.
View Orders to Approve Cancel POR_VIEW_TO_APPR_CANCEL Cancel requisitions to approve.
View Orders to Approve Copy POR_VIEW_TO_APPR_COPY Copy orders to approve.
Functions--Approvers/Add Approvers Page
Name System Name Description
Add Approver POR_ADD_APPROVER Change the requisition approval route based on the requester's choice of first approver.
Change First Approver POR_CHANGE_FIRST_APPROVER Change first approver.
Delete Approver POR_DELETE_APPROVER Delete non-mandatory approvers from a requisition's document approval routing list.
User Default approver list POR_USER_DEFAULT_APPROVERS Ignore changes and revert to the original document approval routing list.
Approve or Reject a Requisition POR_SHOW_APPROVE_REJECT_BTN Approve or reject a requisition.
Functions - Receive Orders Page
Name System Name Description
All Items to Receive POR_ALL_ITEMS_TO_RECEIVE Restrict a requester from receiving all items.
Correct All Receipts POR_SHOW_ALL_RCV_CORRECTIONS Grant or deny access to correct all receipts.
Correct Receipts POR_SHOW_RCV_CORRECTIONS Grant or deny access to correct receipts.
Express Receive POR_EXPRESS_RECEIVE Create an Express Receipt.
POR: Receive Orders POR_RECEIVE_ORDERS Let a requester receive orders.
Return All Items POR_SHOW_ALL_RCV_RETURNS Grant or deny access to return all items.
Return Items POR_SHOW_RCV_RETURNS Grant or deny access to return items.
View All Receipts POR_SHOW_ALL_RECEIPTS Grant or deny access to view all receipts.
View Receipts POR_SHOW_VIEW_RECEIPTS Grant or deny access to view receipts.
Functions - Other Functions
Name System Name Description
Express Setup Tools POR_SSP_EXP_SETUP Enable express setup of employees and locations.
Favorite Charge Accounts POR_FAV_CHG_ACCT List of Favorite Charge Accounts
POR SSP ECManager POR_SSP_ECMANAGER Internet Procurement eContent Manager
POR SSP Home POR_SSP_HOME Internet Procurement Home Page
Functions - Requisition Checkout
Name System Name Description
Displays Check Funds Button POR_DISP_CHECKFUNDS_BUTTON Control the display of the Check Funds button.
Create Emergency Req POR_CREATE_EMERG_REQ Create an emergency requisition.
One Time Location POR_ONE_TIME_LOCATION Enter a one-time address during checkout.
Functions - Workflow
Name System Name Description
Self-Service Purchasing Receive Orders POR_RCV_ORDERS_WF Receive orders from workflow.
Self-Service Purchasing Resubmit Requisition POR_RESUBMIT_URL Resubmit requisition (called from workflow).
Self-Service Purchasing Update/Cancel Requisition POR_UPDATE_REQ Update or cancel requisition lines (called from workflow notifications).
Self-Service Purchasing View Requisition POR_OPEN_REQ View requisition (called from workflow).
Functions - Oracle Services ProcurementOracle Services ProcurementfunctionsServices ProcurementOracle Services Procurement
Name System Name Description
iProcurement: View all Contractor Performance Entries ICX_POR_VIEW_CONTR_PERF Control access to viewing contractor performance evaluations on the Contractors tab.
iProcurement: Manage all Contractor Performance Entries ICX_POR_MANAGE_CONTR_PERF Control access to entering, editing, and managing performance evaluations on the Contractors tab.
iProcurement: Create Contractor Performance Entries ICX_POR_CREATE_CONTR_PERF Control access to entering contractor performance evaluations on the Contractors tab.
iProcurement: Suggest supplier/contractor for contr request POR_CONTR_REQST_SUGGEST_SUPPL Control whether the requester can specify a suggested supplier or must pick from one of the preferred suppliers.
iProcurement: Select supplier for contractor request POR_CONTR_REQST_SELECT_SUPPL Control whether to select all the preferred suppliers by default while the requester is creating the contractor request.
View my Requisitions POR_VIEW_MY_REQS Control access to viewing one's own contractor requests on the Contractors tab.
View My Group's Requisitions POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS Control access to viewing contractor requests in one's group on the Contractors tab.
Obsolete Functions
Name System Name
Change Multiple Lines POR_CHANGE_MULTI_LINES
Compare Search Results POR_COMP_SEARCH_RESULTS
Create Emergency Requisitions POR_EMERG_REQS
Create New Requisition ICX_REQS
eContent Manager POR_ECMANAGER
Emergency Req Add Approver POR_EMERG_ADD_APPROVER
Emergency Req Change First Approver POR_EMERG_CHANGE_FIRST_APPR
Emergency Req Change Multiple Lines POR_EMERG_CHANGE_MULTI_LINES
Emergency Req Delete Results POR_EMERG_DELETE_APPROVER
Emergency Req Sort Approvers POR_EMERG_SORT_APPROVERS
Emergency Req Use Default Approver List POR_EMERG_USE_DEFAULT_APPROVER
Emergency Req View Approvers POR_EMERG_VIEW_APPROVERS
POR: Create New Requisition POR_NEW_REQS
Receiving Home Page POR_SHOW_RCV_HOME
SSP Notification Reassignment POR_NOTIFY_REASSIGN
View Reqs I Approved Complete POR_VIEW_APPR_REQS_COMPLETE
View Reqs I Approved Delete POR_VIEW_APPR_REQS_DELETE
View Reqs I Approved Resubmit POR_VIEW_APPR_REQS_RESUBMIT
View My Group's Reqs Complete POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS_COMPLETE
View My Group's Reqs Delete POR_VIEW_GROUP_REQS_DELETE

Oracle iProcurement Menus

The following table shows the settings for menu security. Only those menus that correspond to the main features in Oracle iProcurement appear.

Note: If you are upgrading from a previous release, you should review About Oracle iProcurement for your most recent release, available on My Oracle Support. This document discusses the features and setup that are new in this release. It also includes a list of new and changed menus in this release.

Oracle iProcurement Menus
System Name Name Description
POR_SSP_ECMANAGER iProcurement eContent Manager Allows access to the Oracle iProcurement eContent Manager.
ICX_POR_SSP_HOME Internet Procurement Home Allows a requester access to the Oracle iProcurement Home page.
ICX_POR_ALL_ITEMS_TO_RECEIVE SSP5: All Items to Receive Determines if a requester can view all items to receive.
ICX_POR_RECEIVE_ORDERS SSP5: Receiving Determines if a requester is given access to receiving.
ICX_POR_SSP5_CREATE_REQ Create Requisition Allows access to Oracle iProcurement requisition creation.
ICX_POR_SSP5_VIEW_ALL_REQS SSP5 - View All Requisitions Oracle iProcurement view all requisitions submenu.
ICX_POR_SSP5_VIEW_GROUP_REQ SSP5 - View My Group's Requisitions View my group's query submenu defined for function security.
ICX_POR_SSP5_VIEW_MY_REQ SSP5 - View My Requisitions Oracle iProcurement view my requisitions submenu.
ICX_POR_VIEW_TO_APPR_REQ SSP5 - View Orders to Approve Oracle iProcurement submenu for order to approve.
ICX_POR_SSP5_VIEW_APPR_REQ SSP5 - View Requisitions I Approved Oracle iProcurement submenu for orders I have approved page.
ICX_POR_WORKFLOW Self Service Purchasing Workflow link Allow a requester access to Oracle iProcurement workflow link.

Data Security

Data security uses securing attributes to allow rows (records) of data to be visible to specified requesters based on the specific data contained in the row. In Oracle iProcurement, securing attributes called realms restrict requester access to the catalog.

The following table shows securing attributes that can establish data security in Oracle iProcurement:

Attribute Application Description
ICX_POR_ITEM_SOURCE_ID Oracle Self Service Web Applications No longer used. (If you used it in a previous release, the current release still honors it.)
RT_CATEGORY_ID Oracle Self Service Web Applications No longer used. (If you used it in a previous release, the current release still honors it.)
ICX_POR_REALM_ID Oracle Self Service Web Applications Use this attribute to secure the responsibility for category or item source realms.

Personalize Oracle iProcurement

Oracle iProcurement is built upon the Oracle Applications Framework technology. Oracle Applications Framework enables system administrators to personalize the user interface in Oracle iProcurement. Examples include showing, hiding, moving, or modifying regions (such as the My Requisitions section on the shop Home page), items (such as a button), or fields (such as showing the Rate Type field, which is hidden by default in the shopping cart).

When the personalization profile option is turned on, the system administrator can log in to Oracle iProcurement, click the Personalize Page link on any page, and customize the desired regions, items, or fields. Users see these customizations. For example, if you make the customization at the responsibility level, then the changes are visible to all users who sign on using that responsibility.

By default, Oracle iProcurement is already set up to display the optimum information to requesters. You can display one or more fields that are hidden by default.

Note: The personalization profile option must be turned on to see the Personalize Page link. For more information, see the Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide.

As you are implementing the features and setup steps described in this guide, use the personalization feature to see which fields are hidden by default or which page regions and items you want to modify.

For instructions on enabling and performing personalizations, see the Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide,

Note: Before using personalization to show or hide information, verify the function security options. You may be able to restrict access to a function instead. For more information, Setting Up Function, Menu, and Data Security.

Create Operating Unit-Specific Purchasing News

You can create purchasing news that is specific to an operating unit. Requesters can view information that is pertinent only to their operating unit when accessing this area from the home page.

The following figure demonstrates where the Purchasing News area displays below the Shopping Cart area.

the picture is described in the document text

Setup Steps

  1. Create a directory under OA_HTML/<language code>/.

    For example: OA_HTML/US/operating_unit_1 where operating_unit_1 is your help path.

  2. Copy PORPNEWS.htm from the OA_HTML/US/ directory to the directory that was created in step 1. Modify this file to include content specific to the operating unit.

  3. Set the value for the responsibility-level profile option POR: Purchasing News Location to the location of the operating unit-specific files as specified in step 1. For more information, see Set Profile Options.

    For the example from step 1, you would enter /operating_unit_1/ for the profile option.

    Note: The POR: Purchasing News Location profile option requires a slash character / at the beginning and at the end of the string. OA_HTML is the path of all the Oracle iProcurement HTML files and is part of the Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS) setup.

  4. By default, the Purchasing News area is hidden. Use Oracle Applications Framework personalization to display the Purchasing News.

    For more information, see Personalize Oracle iProcurement Using Oracle Applications Framework.

Profile Options

Customize Operating Unit Purchasing Policies

Customers can provide purchasing policies that cover the same topic, but in terms appropriate to specific countries, regions, or operating units. To accomplish this, add an optional localization code to the end of the anchor_name in the HTML online Help files.

Setup Steps

  1. Determine a localization code to use, for example, ou1 for operating unit 1.

  2. Copy the original PORPOLCY.htm file to a new file with the same name. Copy the file from $ICX_TOP/help/<language code>.

  3. Open the new file with an HTML editor.

  4. In this Help file, find the HTML anchor with the anchor_name ppolicy:

    < A NAME = "ppolicy"></A>

    Append the localization code for the appropriate operating unit to this anchor name. For example:

    < A NAME="ppolicy@ou1"></A>
  5. Change the PORPOLCY.htm file to include the localized information to appear for the given operating unit.

  6. Save your changes.

  7. Upload the localized Help file to the database using the Oracle Applications Help System Utility. For more information about using the Help System Utility, see the Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide.

  8. Set the profile option Help Localization Code for the appropriate responsibility to the value defined with the anchor name in the HTML code:

    • Log in to Oracle Applications and choose the System Administrator responsibility.

    • Navigate to the System Profiles window and search for the profile Help Localization Code and the appropriate responsibility (such as Internet Procurement).

    • Set the profile value to the localization code that you appended to the anchor name (ou1 in this example) for the appropriate responsibility.

      Since each responsibility is tied to an operating unit, requesters with that responsibility (such as Internet Procurement) in that operating unit see the Purchasing Policies Help file that is appended with the localization code (ou1 in this example).

Customize Workflows

Oracle Workflow lets you automate business processes by routing information according to customized business rules. Workflows automate several procedures in Oracle Purchasing and Oracle iProcurement.

This section presents a brief description of each workflow that Oracle iProcurement uses:

Each of these workflows consists of processes that you can view in the Oracle Workflow Builder. Each workflow process, in turn, consists of individual function activities. You can customize the processes to support your business practices.

For more information about these workflows, see the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide. For information about the procedures for setting them up, see the Oracle Workflow Guide.

PO Requisition Approval

Workflow File Name: poxwfrqa.wft

Note: If you are installing and implementing Oracle iProcurement for the first time, the name of this workflow is Requisition. For upgrading customers, the name is PO Requisition Approval.

This workflow manages all requisition approvals and starts when you submit a requisition in Oracle iProcurement. Approvers, upon receipt of the approval notification (through Web or e-mail), can approve, reject, forward, or reassign the requisition. If approved, the notification passes to the next approver until all approvers have acted on the requisition. Finally, when all approvers have approved the requisition, the workflow process submits the requisition to the buyer or purchasing department. If the requester has the appropriate security access, the requester can override the default approver list. For more information, see Set Up Function, Menu, and Data Security.

Customize the attributes in this workflow to fit your business needs. The key attribute that requires consideration is Send PO Autocreate to Background. This attribute determines whether a deferred process is created at the very end of the requisition approval workflow. By default, the process defers the call to the PO Create Documents workflow by placing the call in Background mode. There is also an Online mode. For more information, see the PO Requisition Approval section of the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

PO Create Documents

Workflow File Name: poxwfatc.wft

This workflow manages the automatic creation of purchasing documents. The PO Create Documents workflow starts in Oracle iProcurement when you submit a requisition associated with an existing blanket purchase agreement, contract purchase agreement, or catalog quotation in Oracle Purchasing.

Customize the attributes in this workflow to fit your business needs.

The following table shows the attributes that you must consider:

Attributes: Display name Attributes: Internal name Description
Is Automatic Creation Allowed? AUTOCREATE_DOC Indicator (Y for Yes or N for No) of whether this workflow is initiated for all approved requisition lines.
Default value: N
Is Automatic Approval Allowed? AUTO_APPROVE_DOC Indicator of whether the purchase order approval workflow is initiated automatically after this workflow.
Default value: N
Should Workflow Create The Release? CONT_WF_FOR_AC_REL_GEN Indicator of whether this workflow creates, releases, or leaves them to the buyer to create using AutoCreate in Oracle Purchasing.
Default value: N
Should Contract be used to autocreate Doc? USE_CONTRACT_FLAG Indicator of whether the workflow should autocreate standard purchase orders with contract purchase agreement references. If this attribute is set to Yes and a contract exists, then the purchase order is created with the contract reference. If a contract does not exist or cannot be found, then the buyer must use AutoCreate to create the purchase order. If this attribute is set to No, then the buyer must use AutoCreate to create the purchase order.
Default value: N
Is Contract Required on Requisition Line? CONTRACT_REQUIRED_FLAG Indicator of whether a contract purchase agreement must exist on the requisition line for autocreation to generate a standard purchase order. (For example, a contract purchase agreement is referenced on a requisition line by associating a contract purchase agreement with an item using bulk loading.)
Default value: N
Should non-catalog requests be autosourced from contract? INCLUDE_NON_CATALOG_REQ_FLAG If Should Contract be used to autocreate Doc? is set to Yes and Is Contract Required on Requisition Line? is set to No, then use this attribute to indicate whether the workflow should search for a contract purchase agreement with which to associate non-catalog requests.
Default value: N
Should temp labor request be autosourced from contracts? INCLUDE_TEMP_LABOR_FLAG If Should Contract be used to autocreate Doc? is set to Yes andIs Contract Required on Requisition Line? is set to No, then use this attribute to indicate whether the workflow should search for a contract purchase agreement with which to associate contractor requests.
Default value: Y
Is Grouping of Requisition Line Allowed? GROUPING_ALLOWED_FLAG Indicator of whether the workflow should group all lines from a single requisition to a single purchase order. If this option is set to No, then each requisition line becomes a separate purchase order.
Default value: N
Is Grouping of One Time Address Line Allowed? GROUP_ONE_ADDR_LINE_FLAG Indicator of whether the workflow should group all requisition lines for the same one-time address (on a single requisition) to a single purchase order. If this option is set to No, then each requisition line becomes a separate purchase order.
Default value: N

For more information about this workflow and these attributes, see the Workflow section of the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

Account Generator

Workflow File Name: poxwfpag.wft

During checkout, the Oracle Purchasing Account Generator builds a charge, budget, accrual, and variance account for each purchase order, release, and requisition distribution based on the distribution's destination type. When an account has been determined for a requisition distribution, the Account Generator populates all segments of the account.

Customize the processes in the requisitions Account Generator workflow to fit your business needs. For more information, see the Account Generator Workflow section of the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

PO Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents

Workflow File Name: poxwfarm.wft

The PO Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents workflow searches for documents that are incomplete, rejected, or in need of reapproval and sends notifications of the document's status to the appropriate users. You can view and respond to these notifications online or through e-mail.

Customize the messages in this workflow to fit your business needs. For more information, see the PO Send Notifications for Purchasing Documents Workflow section of the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

Confirm Receipts

Workflow File Name: poxwfrcv.wft

The Confirm Receipts workflow sends notifications that are visible online or through e-mail to requesters who create requisitions through Oracle iProcurement. (Online, requesters can see the notifications on the Notifications page in Oracle iProcurement. Buyers can see the notifications in the Notifications Summary work list in Oracle Purchasing.)

The Confirm Receipts workflow sends notifications for purchase order shipments that meet the following criteria:

Customize the processes or messages in this workflow to fit your business needs. For more information, see the Confirm Receipts section of the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

PO Change Request Tolerance Check

Workflow File Name: poxrcoa.wft

The PO Change Request Tolerance Check workflow lets the administrator customize the business rules for routing of the change request through the Oracle iProcurement user's approval hierarchy. This workflow is called for changes that requesters make to a requisition after one of its requisition lines appears on an approved purchase order.

Customize the attributes in this workflow to fit your business needs. These attributes control whether the requester's approval hierarchy requires reapproval. Each attribute comes with an upper and lower tolerance limit. For example, for the unit price, you define a lower tolerance limit of 20 (percent) and an upper tolerance limit of 0 (percent). In this example, a change to the price requires reapproval whenever it is decreased by more than 20 percent or whenever it is increased.

The attributes are defined on the Requester Change Order page in Oracle Purchasing.

For instructions on opening and modifying workflows, see the Oracle Workflow Guide.

Requester Change Order Approval

Workflow File Name: poreqcha.wft

The Requester Change Order Approval workflow handles changes that requesters make to a requisition after one of its requisition lines appears on an approved purchase order.

This workflow performs:

  1. After the requester makes the change, the workflow examines the change order attributes in the PO Change Request Tolerance workflow to see if the requisition approval hierarchy must reapprove the change. If it does not, then the requisition is submitted directly to the buyer for approval.

  2. If the requisition changes require reapproval, then the Requester Change Order Approval workflow routes the changed requisition through the requisition approval hierarchy. (Approvers receive a notification of the changes.)

  3. When the requisition approval, the workflow process sends the changes to the buyer for acceptance or rejection. (The buyer receives a notification of the changes.)

  4. When the buyer accepts the changes, the workflow completes and starts the PO Change Approval for Requester workflow.

Note: When users make changes to a requisition before any of its lines appear on an approved purchase order, the requisition is withdrawn from the approval process. The requisition approval workflow handles this withdrawal, not the Requester Change Order Approval workflow.

PO Change Approval for Requester

Workflow File Name:porpocha.wft

When the buyer accepts a change order request, this workflow starts processes in the PO Approval workflow (poxwfpoa.wft) for determining whether the buyer's approval hierarchy must approve the changed purchase order.

For more information about workflow processes for approving change orders, see the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

Define Descriptive Flexfields on Requisitions

You can define descriptive flexfields on requisition headers, lines, and distributions.

The following figure shows descriptive flexfields during the checkout process. In this example, the following header-level flexfields appear in the Requisition Information section:

The Additional Line Information section appears only if there are line-level descriptive flexfields. The following line-level flexfields appear in an Additional Line Information section:

Line-level descriptive flexfields can also appears in the shopping cart and in the final checkout page (before you click Submit). To see descriptive flexfields at the distribution level, click Edit Lines, Accounts, and then the Split icon. Distribution flexfields can also appear in the final checkout page (before you click Submit).

Note: When set up, flexfields appear only if you use Oracle Applications Framework to display them on the desired pages. (By default, they are hidden on all pages.)

Oracle iProcurement supports global segments and a single context field. Oracle iProcurement supports neither multiple context fields nor reference fields. Support for the single context field is possible through the context value profile options, descriptions of which follow.

For example, suppose you define the following Requisition Headers descriptive flexfields using the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window in Oracle Applications:

Note: The POR: Context value for Requisition header descriptive flexfield profile option setting is Country Code.

In this example, the following descriptive flexfields would appear on the requisition header:

Note: Province would not appear because it is not a selected context field in the profile option.

In summary, for each part of the requisition--header, line, distribution--Oracle iProcurement displays all global segments that you define, plus the context field that is selected in the corresponding profile option.

Setup Steps

To define descriptive flexfields:

  1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, create descriptive flexfields for any or all of the following entities:

    • Requisition Headers

    • Requisition Lines

    • Requisition Distributions

    Oracle Applications includes definitions for each of the preceding entities. In the Descriptive Flexfields Segments window, they appear in the Title field. Query the one you want and define the desired flexfields for it. For instructions, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide.

  2. For flexfields that are context fields, select the desired flexfield in the corresponding profile option that appears in the Profile Options section.

  3. By default, the flexfields are hidden on all pages. Use Oracle Applications Framework personalization to display the flexfields on the desired pages.

    For more information, see Personalize Oracle iProcurement Using Oracle Applications Framework.

    When you personalize a page, the descriptive flexfield name includes Flex, for example: Flex: (ReqHeaderDFF). One field is given for all flexfield segments. In the preceding examples, the Flex: (ReqHeaderDFF) field is given for all of the segments--Region, Country Name, and Country Code--on the Checkout: Requisition Information page. If you display Flex (ReqHeaderDFF), then you display Region, Country Name, and Country Code.

Profile Options

Implementation Considerations

Implement Custom Packages

The following sections describe how to use a PL/SQL package to make requisition header and line customizations and how to use Oracle Applications Framework to make customizations to the default account generation and account validation procedures.

POR_CUSTOM_PKG provides customization hooks to perform the defaulting logic and validation of the requisition header, line, and distribution data. These procedures are invoked from CustomReqHeaderHelper, CustomReqLineHelper, and CustomReqDistHelper classes. By default, they do not affect the existing logic and validation. POR_CUSTOM_PKG is bundled in the PORCUSTB.pls file.

For instructions on modifying PL/SQL packages, see the Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

The following table describes the different procedures in POR_CUSTOM_PKG for requisition header, line, and distribution customizations and how they are triggered.

Requisition Header and Line Procedures
Procedure Name Purpose Invocation Details
CUSTOM_DEFAULT_REQ_HEADER You can customize this procedure to include logic to default to the header information for a given requisition. This procedure is called from the executeCustomDefaultingLogic method in CustomReqHeaderHelper when a requisition is created.
CUSTOM_VALIDATE_REQ_HEADER You can customize this procedure to include logic to validate the header information for a given requisition. This procedure is called from the validate method in CustomReqHeaderHelper before the requisition is submitted.
CUSTOM_DEFAULT_REQ_LINE This procedure can include logic to default to the information onto a requisition line. This procedure is called from the executeCustomDefaultingLogic method in CustomReqLineHelper when a new line is added to the shopping cart.
CUSTOM_VALIDATE_REQ_LINE This procedure can include logic to validate the information on the requisition line. This procedure is called from the validate method in CustomReqLineHelper on every page in the checkout flow.
CUSTOM_DEFAULT_REQ_DIST This procedure can include logic to default to the information on a requisition distribution. This procedure is called from the executeCustomDefaultingLogic method in CustomReqDistHelper when a distribution is created upon entering the checkout flow.
CUSTOM_VALIDATE_REQ_DIST This procedure can include logic to validate the information on the requisition distribution. This procedure is called from the validate method in CustomReqDistHelper on every page in the checkout flow.

Setup Steps

  1. Extend the Entity Object for requisition lines or distributions.

    The Entity Object contains all of the target attributes that can potentially cause account re-defaulting. Follow these steps:

    • Since you extend Entity Objects (EO) in the BC4J package oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server, open this package in your project.

    • Select the parent EO.

      For requisition lines, select oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server.PoRequisitionLineEO.

      For requisition distributions, select oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server.PoReqDistributionEO.

    • For information about identifying the parent EO, see the section about modifying entity object attribute default values in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide. (For an exact reference to the correct location on My Oracle Support forum, see the Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide.)

    • In the section about modifying entity object attribute default values, follow the steps for creating a new, empty BC4J package to hold your custom BC4J objects and for creating a new entity object that extends the parent EO.

    • In the second step of the Entity Object Wizard, click New from Table ... and select your target attributes.

      These are the attributes, such as AMOUNT, that you want to trigger account re-defaulting when their values are changed.

      Selecting Target Attributes

      the picture is described in the document text

    • Click OK, and accept the defaults for the rest of the steps in the wizard.

  2. In the System Navigator panel, highlight the Entity Object that you created in the preceding steps, to show all of the attributes in the Entity Object.

  3. Highlight each target attribute in the Structures panel, right-click, and select the Edit option to edit each of your target attributes. The Attribute Editor appears.

  4. Select Properties from the left-hand panel. For each target attribute, add a new property in the Attribute Editor.

    • If your target attribute is associated with a requisition line, enter AccountLineBizAttrSet in the Property Name field and Y in the Value field.

    • If your target attribute is associated with a requisition distribution, enter AccountDistBizAttrSet in the Property Name field and Y in the Value field.

    • Click Add, and then OK, to save the changes.

    AccountLineBizAttrSet and AccountDistBizAttrSet include all of the attributes that trigger account re-defaulting. You have set your target attributes to trigger account re-defaulting when the attribute's value is changed.

  5. When you have completed extending the Entity Objects, see the instructions in the section Substitute Extended BC4J Objects for Parent BC4J Objects, in the Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide, to substitute your extended BC4J object for the parent BC4J object.

  6. Restart the Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS) after these changes.

Profile Options

The following profile options control whether to invoke the corresponding custom procedures:

Set the corresponding profile option to Yes to invoke your customized procedure. For more information, see Profile Options.

Implementation Considerations

Modify Online Help

The online Help is available as Oracle Applications Help. All the Help documents and graphic files are stored in the database. The Help documents are in HTML format. You can modify the Help content by using any HTML editor.

For detailed instructions on modifying and updating Help files, see the Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide.

Oracle iProcurement consists of the following sets of Help files:

Purchasing Policies and Support Online Help

The Oracle iProcurement online Help contains placeholder Help files for you to add instructions specific to your company's processes.

Oracle iProcurement Placeholder Help

the picture is described in the document text

In the Oracle iProcurement Help, the placeholder files are in an Additional Help section. The placeholder files contain temporary placeholder text. You should replace this text.

The placeholder files in the Oracle iProcurement Help are:

Particularly for the Oracle iProcurement Help files, which requesters see, you should modify or replace these files with files of your own, or remove them from the Additional Help section of the Oracle iProcurement main Help page (PORINDEX.htm)

Procurement Catalog Administratiion

Content Management Placeholder Help

the picture is described in the document text

The placeholder file used in the iProcurement Catalog Administration Help is Contacting Technical Support (PORCTECH.htm), in the Additional Information section.

You should modify or replace these files with files of your own, or remove them from the Additional Help section of the iProcurement Catalog Administration main Help page (PORCATIX.htm).

Oracle Services Procurement

If you are not implementing Oracle Services Procurement, you can remove the online Help for that application.

The following figures show the Contractor Request section and Receiving Items section of the Oracle iProcurement Help. To remove access to the Contractor Request Help files, then modify the Oracle iProcurement main Help page (PORINDEX.htm) to remove the Contractor Request section and links:

Profile Options and Profile Options Categories

A number of profile options govern the behavior of Oracle iProcurement. During implementation, you must set a value for each profile option to specify how Oracle iProcurement controls access to and processes data.

Note: When you update a Site-level profile option, you must restart the Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS) for the change to take effect.

For details regarding setting profile options, see: Overview of Setting User Profiles, Oracle Applications System Administration.

List Of Oracle iProcurement Profile Categories

List Of iProcurement Related Profile Options

Configuration Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Configuration.

Configuration Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
Discoverer DBC filename override 2500 Update Update Update Update Update
HR: Cross Business Groups Yes   Update      
ICX: Date format mask   Update Update     Update
ICX: Date language     Update     Update
ICX: Default Discoverer Workbook Owner   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Default Employee   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Default Flow Operand   Update Update Update Update Update
MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set     Update      
POR: Bulk Loader Commit Size 2500   Update      
POR: Cache Time To Live Minutes 15   Update      
POR: Context value for Requisition distribution descriptive flexfield     Update      
POR: Context value for Requisition header descriptive flexfield     Update      
POR: Context value for Requisition line descriptive flexfield     Update      
POR: Enable Req Distribution Customization     Update Update Update Update
POR: Enable Req Header Customization     Update Update Update Update
POR: Enable Requisition Line Customization Yes   Update Update Update  
POR: Purchasing News Location     Update   Update  
POR: Purge Jobs Older Than (days) 30   Update      
POR: Transparent Punchout Timeout Limit 60 Update Update Update Update Update

Discoverer DBC filename override

Determines the batch size used to commit records to catalog tables when bulk loading or purging data. You can change the default setting depending on the volume of purchasing data and your database configuration. For example, if the commit size is exceptionally large, errors may occur. If the value is too small, there may be performance issues. Contact your database administrator to see whether you should change the default commit size.

HR: Cross Business Groups

This profile affects the suggested buyer, global requester, and global approver features. When set to Yes:

ICX: Date format mask

Determines the date format mask to use. The American English default is DD-MON-RRRR, for example, 12-NOV-2002. For year 2000 compliance, all year formats are converted to RRRR, which accepts four-digit century and year entries verbatim (1950 is stored as 1950) and converts two-digit year entries:

For example, if a requester enters 50 for the year, the year is converted and stored as 1950. If a requester enters 49, the year is converted and stored as 2049.

ICX: Date language

Determines the date language to use. This impacts the default date format mask.

ICX: Default Discoverer Workbook Owner

Indicates the default Discoverer Workbook owner

ICX: Default Employee

Indicates employee person id to be defaulted in for quotes and ordering.

ICX: Default Flow Operand

This profile sets the default view operand.

MRP: Default Sourcing Assignment Set

Sourcing rules dictate which supplier or internal organization will supply a given requisitioned item. Sourcing rules are utilized by Oracle iProcurement so that a default source can be generated by the application. In Oracle iProcurement only those sourcing rules that have been assigned to the assignment set defined in this profile will be used when the sourcing logic is called.

POR: Bulk Loader Commit Size

Determines the batch size to commit records to catalog tables when uploading, extracting, or purging data. You can change the default setting depending on the volume of purchasing data you expect to extract or upload and your database configuration. For example, if the commit size is exceptionally large, errors may occur. If the value is too small, there may be performance issues. Contact your database administrator to see whether you should change the default commit size.

POR: Cache Time To Live Minutes

Time, in minutes, until the middle tier server performs a garbage collection.

POR: Context value for Requisition distribution descriptive flexfield

Determines which context-sensitive descriptive flexfield Oracle iProcurement uses for requisition distributions.

POR: Context value for Requisition header descriptive flexfield

Determines which context-sensitive descriptive flexfield Oracle iProcurement uses for requisition headers.

POR: Context value for Requisition line descriptive flexfield

Determines which context-sensitive descriptive flexfield Oracle iProcurement uses for requisition lines.

POR: Enable Req Distribution Customization

Yes indicates that distribution level customization is enabled.

POR: Enable Req Header Customization

Yes indicates that header level customization is enabled.

POR: Enable Requisition Line Customization

Yes indicates that line level customization is enabled.

POR: Purchasing News Location

For multi-org environments, this is the directory where operating unit-specific purchasing news is stored. Normally, this value is the name of the operating unit

POR: Purge Jobs Older Than (days)

Catalog administrators can use this profile option to specify the number of days catalog loader job history is stored in the database. This setting helps minimize the amount of disk space that the loader tables use. When the catalog loader is started, it retrieves this profile option setting and purges any data older than the value in the profile option.


Use the POR: Bulk Loader/Extractor Commit Size profile option to determine how many records are purged at a time.

POR: Transparent Punchout Timeout Limit

Set this profile option if you are setting up a transparent punchout content zone. Enter the time, in seconds, after which you want transparent punchout catalogs to time out if the search takes longer than this time to complete. For example, if you enter 30 and a transparent punchout catalog takes longer than 30 seconds to return results, Oracle iProcurement displays a message after 30 seconds that the Web site is not responding. The timeout does not affect other catalog search results if other catalogs are in the store. It affects only the transparent punchout catalog or catalogs in the store that take longer than this timeout to return results.

Content Management Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Content Management.

Content Management Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
FND: Native Client Encoding WE8MSWIN1252 Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Default Requisition Template   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer Default End User Layer Schema Prefix   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer EBS End User Layer Schema Prefix   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer EDW End User Layer Schema Prefix   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer End User Layer Language Override   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer Launcher   Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Autocreate Shopping Category and Mapping No   Update      
POR: Auto Load Category Descriptors No   Update      
POR: Auto Load Root Descriptors No   Update      
POR: Auto Load Shopping Categories No   Update      

FND: Native Client Encoding

Encoding that you want to default into the spreadsheet that you download from the Download Instructions and Templates page in the eContent Manager (accessible through the iProcurement Catalog Administration responsibility). For example, if you select the Cp1252 encoding for this profile option (also displays the technical name WE8MSWIN1252), the #ENCODING field in the spreadsheet template defaults to Cp1252.

ICX: Default Requisition Template

Indicates the default Requisition Template for iProcurement requisitions.

ICX: Discoverer Default End User Layer Schema Prefix

Indicates the Discoverer default end user layer schema prefix.

ICX: Discoverer EBS End User Layer Schema Prefix

Indicates the Discoverer EBS end user layer schema prefix.

ICX: Discoverer EDW End User Layer Schema Prefix

Indicates the Discoverer EDW end user layer schema prefix.

ICX: Discoverer End User Layer Language Override

Indicates the Discoverer end user layer language override.

ICX: Discoverer Launcher

This profile identifies the URL directed to the Discoverer server.

POR: Autocreate Shopping Category and Mapping

If set to Yes, create shopping category and mapping automatically when Purchasing category is created.

POR: Auto Load Category Descriptors

If set to Yes, creates a Category Descriptor if the descriptor found in the upload file does not exist in iProcurement.

POR: Auto Load Root Descriptors

If set to Yes, creates a Root Descriptor if the descriptor found in the upload file does not exist in iProcurement.

POR: Auto Load Shopping Categories

If set to Yes, creates the Shopping Category if the category found in the upload file does not exist in iProcurement.

Deployment Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement deployment.

Deployment Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
Application Framework Agent WE8MSWIN1252 Update Update Update Update Update
Apps Servlet Agent   Update Update Update Update Update
ECX: Log File Path     Update      
Help Localization Code No Update     Update Update
ICX: Client IANA Encoding Western European (ISO-8859-1)   Update      
ICX: Discoverer OLTP End User Layer Schema Prefix   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer Parameters   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer Release   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer use Viewer   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Discoverer Viewer Launcher   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Forms Launcher   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: HTML directory Default   Update      
ICX: Language   Update Update     Update
ICX: Limit connect 1000 Update Update     Update
ICX: Limit time 4 Update Update     Update
ICX: Match case LOV   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Match case View   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Media directory Default   Update      
ICX: NLS Sort   Update Update Update Update Update
ICX: Numeric characters   Update Update      
PO: Enable Services Procurement No   Update      
PO: Validate Need-by Time For Requisition Submit Yes   Update Update Update  
POR : Amount Based Services Line Type     Update      
POR : CA Certificate File Name     Update      
POR: Contractor Expense Line Type   Update Update Update Update  
POR: Default Currency Conversion Rate Type   Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Goods Line Type     Update      
POR: Hosted Images Directory     Update      
POR : Proxy Server Name     Update      
POR : Proxy Server Port     Update      
POR : Rate Based Services Line Type     Update      
POR : Use Sequence for Requisition Numbering No   Update      

Application Framework Agent (Required)

HTTP server that the Oracle Self-Service Framework application uses. The system administrator who configured Oracle Self-Service Framework should already have set this profile option. If requesters experience errors on the Search Results page after first adding an item to the cart, you may need to remove the trailing slash from this profile option value.

Apps Servlet Agent

The URL, including the hostname and port number, from where the Oracle iProcurement server is running.

ECX: Log File Path

Directory where the Oracle XML Gateway engine writes its log files. The directory must be one of the valid directories specified in the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter in the init<SID>.ora file in your Oracle Applications instance. This must be an absolute path and cannot contain a symbolic link or other operating system specific parameters.

Help Localization Code

Indicates the localization code for localized help files. For more information, see the Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide.

ICX: Client IANA Encoding

Character set encoding (such as UTF-8) that the application server uses to generate HTML for the browser. This encoding determines the way to send data to the browser and render the data.

ICX: Discoverer OLTP End User Layer Schema Prefix

Indicates the Discoverer OLTP end user layer schema prefix.

ICX: Discoverer Parameters

ICX: Discoverer Release

ICX: Discoverer use Viewer

Use Discoverer Viewer instead of Web Discoverer.

ICX: Discoverer Viewer Launcher

This profile contains the URL to launch Discoverer Viewer.

ICX: Forms Launcher

ICX: HTML directory

ICX: Language

Determines the default session language.

ICX: Limit connect

Determines the maximum number of page visits for each session.

ICX: Limit time

Determines the maximum number of hours a requester can log in for each session.

ICX: Match case LOV

ICX: Match case View

ICX: Media directory

Indicates the media directory.


Collating sequence for the ORDER BY CLAUSE

ICX: Numeric characters

Enter the preferred decimal and group separators you want to display for numbers. For example, if you specify .. as the value for this profile option, you indicate that the decimal separator is a period and the group separator is a comma. In this example, if you enter these values at the site level, all requesters in Oracle iProcurement for the specified site see the number three thousand as 3,000.00. If the value is entered as ,. for the profile option, three thousand would appear as 3.000,00

When set to blank, the decimal and group separators are obtained from the nls_numeric_parameters setting in the database.

PO: Enable Services Procurement

This is a separately licensed Oracle Applications product. You must have licensed and implemented this product to use this profile and any of the features that the profile enables.

When set to Yes, the Contractor Request links and tabs display the contractor entry information. When set to No, clicking these links and tabs displays the message: You cannot access this page because Oracle Services Procurement is not enabled. Contact your system administrator for help.

PO: Validate Need-by Time For Requisition Submit

Option to bypass validation of time component of need-by date during requisition submit process. Value of Yes means valiate both time and date components.

POR : Amount Based Services Line Type

Determines the line type for amount-based non-catalog requests. An amount-based request is expressed in monetary terms - for example, 500 USD worth of service.

The value selected should be distinct from the values selected for POR: Goods Line Type and POR: Rate Based Services Line Type.

You can select only line types with a Purchase Basis of Services and a Value Basis of Amount for this profile option. If Oracle Services Procurement is licensed and implemented, then you can select a Value Basis of Fixed Price or Amount.

POR : CA Certificate File Name

This profile option that punchout and transparent punchout content zones use when those catalogs reside on a secure site. ( It specifies the file name that includes the certificates your company's server accepts. This file should be readable and should be accessible from the middle tier. If you have multiple JVMs, then this directory should be accessible from all the JVMs. By default, use the file $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt, where $APACHE_TOP is the root directory where the Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS) is installed. The ca-bundle.crt file includes certificates from various signing authorities. For more information, see the Oracle Procurement Buyer's Guide to Punchout and Transparent Punchout.

POR: Contractor Expense Line Type

Indicates the line type that should be used for expense lines on contractor requests.

POR: Default Currency Conversion Rate Type

Use this profile option to specify the default exchange rate type. This rate applies when:

If you are converting prices of punchout or transparent punchout items, you must set this profile option to either Corporate or Spot (not User). Otherwise, the requester receives an error message during checkout that no exchange rate exists and cannot check out the item.

POR : Goods Line Type

Indicates the line type to use for all uploaded items and quantity-based non-catalog requests.

The value selected should be distinct from the values selected for POR: Amount Based Services Line Type and POR: Rate Based Services Line Type.

Select only line types with a Purchase Basis of Goods and a Value Basis of Quantity for this profile option.

POR: Hosted Images Directory

Specifies the directory where image files are stored. To associate an item with a picture, the image file must be copied to this directory to appear in Oracle iProcurement. This path usually corresponds to the /OA_MEDIA/ directory.

POR : Proxy Server Name

Used for punchout and transparent punchout catalogs. It specifies the proxy server (Web Server) name if your Oracle iProcurement implementation has a proxy setup. The proxy server is typically the same as the proxy server that is set up in users' browsers in your company--for example, For more information, see the Oracle Procurement Buyer's Guide to Punchout and Transparent Punchout.

Any time you change this profile option, you must restart the Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS) for the change to take effect.

POR : Proxy Server Port

Used for punchout and transparent punchout catalogs. It specifies the port on which the proxy server listens if your Oracle iProcurement implementation has a proxy setup. The port is typically the same as the port that is set up in users' browsers in your company--for example, 80. For more information, see the Oracle Procurement Buyer's Guide to Punchout and Transparent Punchout.

Any time you change this profile option, you must restart the Oracle Internet Application Server (iAS) for the change to take effect.

POR : Rate Based Services Line Type

Specifies the line type for rate-based non-catalog requests. A rate-based request is expressed as a monetary charge for each time period.

The value selected should be distinct from the values selected for POR: Goods Line Type and POR: Amount Based Services Line Type.

Select only line types with a Purchase Basis of Goods and a Value Basis of Quantity for this profile option.

POR : Use Sequence for Requisition Numbering

Use this profile option to indicate whether requisitions created in Oracle iProcurement should follow the same numbering schema as Oracle Purchasing, or if requisition numbers should be generated using the database sequence, which may provide an increase in performance.

When set to Yes, requisition numbers are shared across operating units.

Internal Requisition Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Internal Requisition.

Internal Requisition Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Legal Requisition Type     Update Update Update  
POR:Allow Manual Selection of Source No Update Update   Update Update
POR: Select Internal Requisition for Confirm Receipt Yes   Update   Update  
POR: Sync up Need by date on IR with OM No   Update      
POR: Urgent flag maps to shipping Priority No   Update      

Receiving Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Receiving.

Receiving Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
POR: Enable Automatic Debit Memo Creation for Returns No Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Require Blind Receiving No   Update   Update  
POR: Select Internal Requisition for Confirm Receipt Yes   Update   Update  
POR: Select Inventory Replenishment Lines For Confirm Receipts     Update      
POR: Support review for Express Receive Yes   Update   Update Update

POR: Enable Automatic Debit Memo Creation for Returns

Yes enables automatic creation of debit memos for all return to supplier transactions.

POR: Require Blind Receiving

Yes turns on Blind Receiving support in Oracle iProcurement. Blind receiving support requires corresponding setup in Oracle Purchasing. .

POR: Select Internal Requisition for Confirm Receipt

If set to Yes, internal requisitions will be included in the confirm receipt notifications sent to the requester. If set to No, internal requisitions will not be included with the confirm receipt notifications sent to the requester.

POR: Select Inventory Replenishment Lines For Confirm Receipts

For Confirm Receipts set this profile option to Yes if you want the Confirm Receipts workflow process to select purchase order shipments with destination type Inventory in addition to purchase order shipments with destination type Expense.

POR: Support review for Express Receive

If set to Yes, the Review and Submit page will be shown during express receiving. Otherwise, the requester will be directed to the Confirmation page directly.

Requisition Accounting Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Requisition Accounting.

Requisition Accounting Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PA: Allow Override of PA Distribution in AP/PO     Update Update Update  
POR: Allow pcard use with encumbrance   Update     Update  
POR: Apply Expense Account Rules to Favorite Charge Accounts No Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Enable Check Funds No Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Generate and Display Account at Checkout No Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Override Supplier P-Card No   Update   Update  
POR : Preferences - Award   Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Preferences - Expenditure Item Date Offset   Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Preferences - Expenditure Org   Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Preferences - Expenditure Type   Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Preferences - Project   Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Preferences - Selected Items Default to Inventory   Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Preferences - SubInventory   Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Preferences - Task   Update Update Update Update Update

PA: Allow Override of PA Distribution in AP/PO

If set to Yes, a requester can make project related changes to the charge account information in the Edit Charge Account page and Allocate Costs to Multiple accounts page.

POR: Allow pcard use with encumbrance

This profile controls whether items on a requisition can be charged to P-Cards (both employee and supplier) when encumbrance is turned on. When set to Yes, all eligible items can be charged to a P-Card even when encumbrance is turned on. For all purchase orders charged to a P-Card, the purchase order encumbrance should be manually relieved using Oracle General Ledger.

POR: Apply Expense Account Rules to Favorite Charge Accounts

Set this profile option to Yes when you want the Expense Account Rules to apply to the requester’s Favorite Charge Accounts.

POR: Enable Check Funds

This profile is used to control if check funds is initiated as part of the requisition submission process. Valid values are; Display error on failure, Display warning on failure, and No checkfunds.

POR: Generate and Display Account at Checkout

If set to Yes, iProcurement generates and displays the charge account at checkout

POR : Override Supplier P-Card

Yes inidcates that the supplier P-Card takes precedence over employee P-Card when both P-Card types are eligible to be assigned to a requisition line.

POR : Preferences - Award

Enable requesters to set their preferred award ID.

POR: Preferences - Expenditure Item Date Offset

Enable requesters to set their Expenditure Item Date calculation as sysdate plus this profile value.

POR: Preferences - Expenditure Org

Enables requesters to set their expenditure organization for project-related requisitions.

POR : Preferences - Expenditure Type

Enables requesters to set their expenditure type for project-related requisitions.

This profile determines the iProcurement result tables.

POR : Preferences - Project

Enables requesters to set their project number for project related requisitions.

POR : Preferences - Selected Items Default to Inventory

Enables requesters to indicate whether ordered items are to replenish inventory.

POR : Preferences - SubInventory

If items are to replenish inventory, requesters can select a default subinventory for those items. This is only valid if the POR: Preferences - Inventory Replenishment profile is set to Yes.

POR : Preferences - Task

Requesters can set their task number for project related requisitions.

Requisition Approval Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Requisition Approval.

Requisition Approval Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action     Update      
PO: Notification Lines Display Limit 20   Update Update Update  
PO:Workflow Processing Mode   Update Update Update Update  
POR: Display Graphical Approval List Yes Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Reapproval after Contractor Assignment Always   Update      
POR : System Approvers are Mandatory Yes   Update      

PO: Allow Requisition Approval Forward Action

When this profile is set to Yes; Approve, Reject, Forward, Approve and Forward actions are allowed in a requisition approval notification. Otherwise, only Approve and Reject actions are allowed.

PO: Notification Lines Display Limit

Maximum number of requisition lines to be displayed in a requisition approval notification.

PO:Workflow Processing Mode

Determines the performance of the Purchasing approval workflow processes. Online completes an entire approval workflow process before letting you proceed to the next activity. Background allows you to proceed to the next activity while the approval process completes in the background. Whichever option you choose, you can always view the current status of a requisition or purchase order through the Requisitions Summary or Purchase Orders Summary windows.

When this profile option is set to Background, you must start the Workflow Background Process, using the System Administration responsibility. It is recommended that you set this process to run frequently, if you are using it for Background mode approvals.

POR: Display Graphical Approval List

If profile is set to Yes, the approval list graph is displayed

POR: Reapproval after Contractor Assignment

Some contractor requests require contractor assignment after the requisition is created; others do not. (See the Oracle iProcurement online Help for details.) This profile option determines whether reapproval of the requisition is required after contractor assignment. Select Always to always require approval. Conditionally Required means that reapproval is required only if a change has been made that triggers reapproval - for example, at least one line amount has changed, or the requester modified the unit price, quantity, unit of measure, account, distribution, or project information on the requisition during the checkout that follows contractor assignment.

If the new line amount is below the requester's approval limit, then only the requester's reapproval (no additional approval) is required.

POR : System Approvers are Mandatory

Yes indicates that the default approvers on the approver list are mandatory.

Requisition Checkout Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Requisition Checkout.

Requisition Checkout Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
POR: Days Needed By 2 Update Update Update Update Update
PO: Default Need-By Time     Update      
POR : Preferences - Deliver to Location   Update Update Update Update Update
POR : Preferences - Requester   Update Update Update Update Update
POR: One Time Location   Update Update   Update Update
POR: Override Location Flag Yes   Update Update Update  
POR: Override Requestor No   Update Update Update  
TAX: Allow Override of Tax Recovery Rate     Update Update Update  

POR: Days Needed By

Indicates the default number of days until the requester needs the order. This value is used to calculate the need by date.

PO: Default Need-By Time

Yes indicates that the time is defaulted to need-by dates in purchase order.

POR : Preferences - Deliver to Locationt

Enables requesters to set their preferred deliver to location.

POR : Preferences - Requester

Enables requesters to set a default requester.

POR: One Time Location

Enter the location to be used as the one-time address. iProcurement uses the location code entered here as the one time location. The actual one-time address details are entered during checkout.

POR: Override Location Flag

If this profile is set to Yes, the default location to deliver orders can be overridden.

POR: Override Requestor

If this profile is set to Yes, a requester can override the default requester.

TAX: Allow Override of Tax Recovery Rate

This profile controls the ability to modify the tax recovery rate that can be defaulted during the requisitioning process.

Search Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Search.

Search Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Legal Requisition Type     Update Update Update  
POR:Allow Manual Selection of Source No Update Update   Update Update
POR: Change Catalog Language No Update Update Update Update Update

PO: Legal Requisition Type

Indicates whether requesters can enter internal requisitions sourced from stock by means of an internal sales order, purchase requisitions sourced from a supplier by means of a purchase order, or both types. Valid values are Both, Internal, and Purchase. Impacts both Oracle Purchasing and Oracle iProcurement.

POR:Allow Manual Selection of Source

If set to Yes and internally orderable items are displayed, then the Stocked Internally column will display the Select Source link for all internally orderable items. If set to No, then no distinction will be made between strictly purchasable items and items that are internally orderable.

POR: Change Catalog Language

If catalog items exist in multiple languages, requesters can search for items in a language other than their default session language. For example, if an item exists only in the German version of the catalog, requesters will not find it unless they change their search language to German, using the Change Catalog Language link on the Shop home and search results pages. Set this profile option to Yes to enable requesters to change their search language.

Set this profile option to No to hide the Change Catalog Language link, to restrict requesters to purchasing items only in the default session language. You should set this profile option to No if you do not want requesters to purchase items that are available in languages other than their session language.

Services Procurement Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact iProcurement Services Procurement.

Services Procurement Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
PO: Enable Services Procurement No   Update      
POR: Contractor Expense Line Type   Update Update Update Update  
POR: Reapproval after Contractor Assignment Always   Update      

User Interface Category

The table below lists the profile options that impact the iProcurement User Interface.

User Interface Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
ICX: Date format mask   Update Update     Update
ICX: Language   Update Update     Update
ICX: Numeric characters   Update Update      
POR: Catalog Result Set Size 7 Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Default Shopping Sort   Update Update      
POR: Default Shopping Sort Order Ascending Update Update      
POR: Display Graphical Approval List Yes Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Display Legacy Accounting Flex UI No Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Display Shopping Category Count Yes   Update Update Update  
POR: Enable Advanced Search   Update Update   Update Update
POR: My Favorite Store -1 Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Result Set Size 10 Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Search Results Skin Paragraph Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Show Thumbnail Images Yes Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Thumbnail Height   Update Update Update Update Update
POR: Thumbnail Width   Update Update Update Update Update

POR: Catalog Result Set Size

This profile determines the default number of rows shown in iProcurement catalog search result tables..

POR: Default Shopping Sort

Determines the item attribute that is used to sort search results by default. Replaces POR: Sort by Relevance. Relevance may still be used here.

POR: Default Shopping Sort Order

Determines the default sort order to be ascending or descending. Used together with POR: Default Shopping Sort.

POR: Display Legacy Accounting Flex UI

Determines whether to use the charge account key flexfield user interface from previous releases on the Edit Lines page during checkout. This user interface displays the charge account as separate segments, in separate fields. The settings are:

POR: Display Shopping Category Count

If this profile is set to Yes, Oracle iProcurement displays the count of items within each shopping category on the Shop home page. When the item count is enabled, iProcurement removes browsing categories that do not have items from the requester's view.

POR: Enable Advanced Search

Set this profile option if you are not using a local content zone, but are implementing only punchout or transparent punchout content zones. Punchout and transparent punchout content zones do not use the advanced searching feature; only local content uses these. Therefore, if you are implementing only punchout or transparent punchout content zones, you can set this profile option to No to hide all Advanced Search links. If this profile option is set to No, requesters can still use standard searching, which includes searching of punchout and transparent punchout content zones; only the advanced searching feature is disabled.

POR: My Favorite Store

Specifies the store that always displays at the top of the Shop page. If no favorite store is specified, or if you specify -1 for this profile option, Oracle iProcurement displays the system-assigned store as the favorite store. The system-assigned store is the store that the requester has access to that has the lowest sequence number.

POR: Result Set Size

Indicates how many records per page requesters see when viewing search results on the Receiving and Requisition Status pages.

POR: Search Results Skin

Inidcates the skin in which search results are displayed. Values are Paragraph or Grid. See the iProcurement online Help for details.

POR: Show Thumbnail Images

Set this profile option to control whether thumbnail images loaded to the local catalog appears on the Search Results Summary and Search Results pages. For example, to wait until all thumbnail images are loaded before displaying them or, if you encounter issues, set this profile option to No to hide all thumbnail images.

To display all thumbnail images, set this profile option to Yes.

This profile option sets the default, but requesters can also choose whether to display thumbnail images using their iProcurement Preferences. For example, if this profile option is set to No, a requester can choose Yes to display them for oneself.

Note: The purpose of this profile option is to temporarily show or hide thumbnail images. This profile option does not control whether thumbnail images appears on the Compare Item page. Use schema editing to control that page.

POR: Thumbnail Height

Set this profile option if you are uploading items to the local catalog and you want to specify thumbnail images for the items. Thumbnail images appear on the Search Results Summary, Search Results, and Compare Items pages. Use this profile option to specify the height, in number of pixels, for all thumbnail images. Use this profile option when the size of the source file needs to be adjusted for thumbnail images. (It is recommended that you set either this or the POR: Thumbnail Width profile option rather than both profile options, to avoid fixed sizing.

POR: Thumbnail Width

Set this profile option if you are uploading items to the local catalog and you want to specify thumbnail images for the items. Thumbnail images appear on the Search Results Summary, Search Results, and Compare Items pages. Use this profile option to specify the width, in number of pixels, for all thumbnail images. Use this profile option when the size of the source file needs to be adjusted for thumbnail images. (It is recommended that you set either this or the POR: Thumbnail Height profile option rather than both profile options, to avoid fixed sizing