Award Purpose Codes Setup

This chapter contains award purpose codes setup.

This chapter covers the following topics:


An award purpose code is a user-defined description of an activity that an award is funding. Every award has a corresponding purpose code.


Award purpose codes identify the purpose of award funds. They are defined in the Award Purpose Code Lookups window. This window is used to do the following:

The award purpose codes entered in the Award Purpose Code Lookups window appear as the list of values for the Purpose field in the Award Management, Award Template Management, and Award Quick Entry windows when setting up award templates or creating awards.

Examples of award purpose codes include descriptions such as Research, Clinical Trial, Instruction, and Sponsored Training.

Lookups Windows

The Award Purpose Code Lookups window is a lookups window. A lookup is a predefined value not defined in a setup window. Lookups windows allow users to review and maintain sets of values, or lookups, that are used in Grants Accounting.

Some fields in the lookups windows require users to select a value from a predefined list of values. Some values on the list are items defined in a setup window. Other predefined sets of values are lookups that are viewed, and in some cases, modified or updated in the appropriate lookups window.

A lookup category is identified by its lookup type. Allowable values for lookup types are called lookup names. For the Award Purpose Code lookup type, examples of lookup names are Clinical Trial, Capital, Research, and Instruction.

The Access Level region in the lookups windows indicate at what level each lookup type is maintained. The Access Levels are as follows:

If the lookup type Access Level is User, then users can add, modify, or delete lookup names. An Access Level of Extensible indicates that lookup names can be added to that lookup type, but not deleted or modified. An Access Level of System indicates that lookup names cannot be added, deleted or modified.

Once a lookup name value is saved, it cannot be changed. Obsolete lookups can be removed by disabling the code, entering an end date, or changing the meaning and description to match a replacement code.

For information on lookups windows, see Oracle Projects Lookups, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.

For general information on lookups, see Oracle Applications Developer's Guide.


For information on setting up award templates, see Award Template Entry Procedures.

For information on entering awards, see Award Entry Procedures.

Setting Up Award Purpose Codes Procedure

the picture is described in the document text

To set up award purpose codes, perform the following steps.

  1. In Grants Accounting, navigate to the Award Purpose Code Lookups window as follows:

    Setup - Awards - Purpose Codes

  2. Enter or modify data in the Award Purpose Code Lookups window as described in the Award Purpose Code Lookups Window Description table.

  3. Save or save and continue as follows:

    File - Save or Save and Proceed

  4. Close the window.

Award Purpose Code Lookups Window Description

Award Purpose Code Lookups Window Description
Field Name Type Features Description
Type display only   lookup code type
User Name display only   award purpose code
Application display only   application in use
Description optional   purpose code description
Access Level display only radio button access levels: User allows entry, modification, and deletion; Extensible allows entry but no modification or deletion; System does not allow entry, modification, or deletion
Code required   description of activity an award is funding
Meaning required   purpose code name
Description required   purpose code description
Tag optional   additional description value
From required list of values: pop-up calendar beginning purpose code effective date
To optional list of values: pop-up calendar ending purpose code effective date
Enabled optional check box enables purpose code for list of values
Descriptive Flexfield optional   user customization field