Oracle E-Business Suite Lifecycle Management

This chapter covers the following topics:

Add and Delete Nodes

Use these procedures to add or delete nodes from a provisioned environment that has load balancing configured.

Note that adding and deleting nodes can both be done while the system is online. The system does restart the administration server during these procedures but the running Oracle E-Business Suite environment should not be affected.


Add a Node

The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager performs the following actions when adding a node to your application tier:

In addition, the Cloud Manager modifies the load balancer backend set to accommodate the new application tier node.

Note that if Manually Configured Load Balancer was chosen for the Web Entry Point, you can add nodes, but LBaaS is not deployed.

  1. For an environment that has been successfully provisioned, click the environment name in the Environments page to navigate to the Environment Details page.

  2. In the Topology tab, for a chosen Zone, click the Add Node button.

  3. In the Add Node window, enter the following:

    • Shape

    • File System Type - This value is derived for you and cannot be changed.

    • Block Volume Storage

    • Fault Domain

    • Logical Hostname

    • Middleware Licensing Model

    • APPS Password

    • WLS Password - For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 only.

  4. Click Submit.

    Manual Steps after Adding a Node

    You must perform the following manual steps after adding a node. Run these steps on all existing nodes.

    Update the TNS Listener Service

    1. Source the run file system.

    2. Run AutoConfig. This step is required to register the new node with the TNS listener and to update the APPL_TOP IDs correctly.

    3. Stop and start the TNS listener service as follows:

      $ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME    
      $ stop    
      $ start

    Stop and Start the OHS Service

    1. Source the run file system.

    2. Run the following commands to stop and start the OHS service:

      $ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME    
      $ sh stop    
      $ sh start

Delete a Node

In deleting a node, the system will:

In deleting an application tier node, the system also modifies the backend set to account for the loss of the node.

  1. For an environment that has been successfully provisioned, click the environment name in the Environments page to navigate to the Environment Details page.

  2. In the Topology tab, navigate to the node you want to delete and click the Delete button.

  3. Enter the APPS Password. For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2, also enter the WLS Password.

  4. If the selected node is the only node in its zone, specify whether to remove LBaaS. The load balancer is removed only if it is not in use by other resources.

    Note that any custom block volume associated with the node is detached from the node when it is deleted.

  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    Manual Steps after Deleting a Node

    You must perform the following manual steps after deleting a node. Run these steps on all remaining nodes.

    Update the TNS Listener Service

    1. Source the run file system.

    2. Run AutoConfig.

    3. Stop and start the TNS listener service as follows:

      $ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME    
      $ stop    
      $ start

    Stop and Start the OHS Service

    1. Source the run file system.

    2. Run the following commands to stop and start the OHS service:

      $ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME    
      $ sh stop    
      $ sh start

Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager includes cloning capabilities that utilize cloud-native cloning features.

Refer to the following sections:

  1. Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment with the Database on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute

  2. Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment with the Database on a Base Database Service DB System

  3. Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment with the Database on Exadata Database Service Dedicated

Overall Prerequisites

The following requirements apply for all Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager cloning operations.

File Storage service (FSS) Prerequisites

Overall Attributes

Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment with the Database on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute

This cloud-native cloning feature, applicable for Oracle E-Business Suite environments in which the database runs on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute, has the following key attributes:

Access the Clone Environment Page

  1. Click the Navigator icon and select Environments.

  2. For a successfully created environment, click the Action icon and select Clone.

  3. Alternatively, in the environment details page for a single environment, click the Clone button.

Enter Environment Details

On this page the details for the source environment are shown:

  1. Enter values for the clone details:

    • Environment Name: Enter a name for your environment. For example: usdev3

    • EBS Compartment: The compartment for the cloned environment. You can select an EBS compartment that is different than that for the source environment.

    • Network Profile: Select a network profile for the cloned environment. The list of available network profiles is dependent on the EBS compartment that you selected above. From this list of network profiles, select a network profile that includes the same Availability Domain as that of the source.

      Note that if you are cloning a File Storage service-enabled environment, you can choose a different network profile than that of the source environment, but it also must have File Storage service enabled.

      Note: The source environment and the cloned environment can also have different mount targets.

    • Source Apps Password: Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the source environment.

    • Source WebLogic Server password: For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment only, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server administration password.

  2. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

    • Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-form tag).

    • Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

    • Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

  3. Click Next.

Enter Database Tier Information for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute (Compute VM)

If your cloned environment is on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute (Compute VM), then follow these steps to enter the database tier information as required.

  1. Enter a Database Name.

  2. Enter the admin password for the database of your cloned environment. This password is used for the SYS user as well and it must not contain the username 'SYS'. If TDE is enabled for the environment, then this password is also used as the TDE wallet password. The password must be 9 to 30 characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two special, and two numeric characters. The special characters must be underscores (_), number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the password in the next field to confirm it.

  3. Enter a new APPS password for your cloned environment. The password must contain only alphanumeric characters.

  4. If Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema Migration has been completed on the source environment, then enter a new EBS_SYSTEM password. This password must contain alphanumeric characters only. For more information on the Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema and the EBS_SYSTEM password, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2755875.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 System Schema Migration.

  5. For a Release 12.2 environment, enter a new WebLogic Server password for your cloned environment.

  6. The following information is provided as read-only:

    • Database Service Type

    • Logical FQDN

  7. You can optionally update the following:

    • VM Shape

    • Number of OCPUs

    • Amount of memory (GB)

  8. Click Next.

Enter Application Tier Information

Zone information from the source environment will appear by default.

You can change the shape for an application tier node

  1. Toggle Start Application Tier Services to indicate whether application tier services should start when the clone is complete.

  2. You must edit the zones. Click Edit for each zone.

  3. Enter the Zone name. Note that you cannot change the type of the zone.

  4. In the Web Entry Point region, choose one of the following web entry types: New Load Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer to select an existing OCI load balancer, Manually Configured Load Balancer to select a manually deployed existing load balancer, or Application Tier Node to choose the primary application tier as the entry point.

  5. If you chose New Load Balancer as the web entry type, a new flexible shape load balancer will be created. Select the maximum bandwidth for your new load balancer. For example: 100 Mbps. The minimum bandwidth will default to 10 Mbps.

  6. Enter values for the following web entry properties.

    • Protocol: Select the protocol for access to the environment, either http or https.

    • Hostname: Enter a host name. The web entry host name must be in lowercase. For example: myhost

    • Domain: Enter a domain name. The web entry domain name must be in lowercase. For example:

    • Port: Select the port. If there is no load balancer, then the port is automatically populated depending on the protocol: 8000 for http and 4443 for https. Otherwise, select the appropriate port for use with your load balancer, such as 80 for http or 443 for https. Note that to allow access to the Oracle E-Business Suite login URL, your network administrator must define an ingress rule in the load balancer security list configuring the load balancer port to be open for public access. See Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments.

  7. Under Storage, the File System Type is the same as that for the source environment.

    If your source environment is using File Storage service, then you are prompted for the File Storage Mount Target. If the File Storage Mount Target for the network profile specified earlier matches any of the Mount Targets in the network compartment created on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, then that Mount Target appears in the list.

    For a Shared File System Type, you can also specify Mount Options. Default parameters are shown. You can edit these options, but specifying a mount option or parameter that is not supported or recommended for a shared storage file system deployment may result in a provisioning failure. Exercise extreme caution when editing these parameters, as options are not validated in this page.

  8. Review the properties for each node in the Application Tier Nodes information.

    • Logical FQDN

    • Shape: You can change the shape of the node. When choosing a flexible shape, for example, VM.Standard.E3.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory (GB).

    • Storage

    • Fault Domain

  9. Click Save Zone.

  10. When you are finished editing your zones, click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options

You can optionally extend the cloning job to meet your own requirements. By default, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for cloning. However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also create extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the cloning job. In this case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to follow when cloning your source environment. If you select an extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters required by the additional tasks in that job definition.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility Framework.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard cloning job definition or an extended job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager pause at specified points during the cloning job. For example, if you want to perform your own validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that point. You can then resume the cloning job when you are ready to proceed. See Monitor Job Status.

Specify Your Job Definition

  1. Optionally select an extended job definition for cloning your environment in the Job Definition field.

  2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values, which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

  1. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job definition and the tasks within each phase.

  2. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select Add Pause.

    Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

  3. Click Next.

Enter SSH Keys

Optionally upload SSH keys for users.

Note: You cannot add keys after the provisioning process is completed.

  1. Click Add Key.

  2. Specify the tiers for the SSH key. Choose All Tiers, Application Tier, or Database Tier.

  3. Specify the pertinent OS User type. Choose All Users, Operating System Administrator, or Application Administrator.

  4. Upload the SSH key file. The file name will default in.

  5. The system will validate the SSH key. Click Next to continue.

Review Your Clone Environment Flow Details

Review the details for the cloned environment on this page.

  1. Review the following:

    • Clone Details:

      • Environment Name

      • Installation Type

      • EBS Version

      • DB Version

      • Network Profile

    • Database Details:

      • Database Service Type

      • Shape

      • Enable TDE

      • Database Name

      • PDB Name

      • Node Count

      • DB Software Edition

      • License Type

    • Application Tier Details:

      • Middleware Licensing Model

      • Start Application Services (Yes/No)

      • Zone information, including

        • Web entry details

        • Storage information. For a shared file system, the File Storage service mount target and mount options are shown

        • Information on nodes

    • Details for Custom Tasks or Paused Tasks, if any

    • SSH Keys information, if any

  2. To create the cloned environment, click Submit.

  3. You can check the status of the job to clone the source environment in the Jobs page.

Perform Post-Cloning Tasks

After the environment is successfully cloned, perform any necessary post-cloning steps and access the cloned environment following the instructions provided in Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks.

Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment with the Database on a Base Database Service DB System

Cloning is available for Oracle E-Business Suite environments that use a Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System (VM DB System) as the cloud service for the database tier, with the following attributes:

Base Database Service DB System Cloning Prerequisites

The following requirements apply to the source environment when cloning with Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager on a Base Database Service DB System:

Access the Clone Environment Page

  1. Click the Navigator icon and select Environments.

  2. For a successfully created environment, click the Action icon and select Clone.

  3. Alternatively, in the environment details page for a single environment, click the Clone button.

Enter Environment Details

On this page the details for the source environment are shown:

  1. Enter values for the clone details:

    • Environment Name: Enter a name for your environment. For example: usdev3

    • EBS Compartment: The compartment for the cloned environment. You can select an EBS compartment that is different than that for the source environment.

    • Network Profile: Select a network profile for the cloned environment. The list of available network profiles is dependent on the EBS compartment that you selected above. From this list of network profiles, select a network profile that includes the same Availability Domain as that of the source.

      Note that if you are cloning a File Storage service-enabled environment, you can choose a different network profile than that of the source environment, but it also must have File Storage service enabled.

      Note: The source environment and the cloned environment can also have different mount targets.

    • Source Apps Password: Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the source environment.

    • Source WebLogic Server password: For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment only, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server administration password.

  2. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

    • Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-form tag).

    • Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

    • Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

  3. Click Next.

Enter Database Tier Information for Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System (VM DB System)

If your cloned environment is on Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System (VM DB System) then follow these steps to enter the database tier information as required.

  1. Enter a Database Name.

  2. Enter a PDB Name.

  3. If you are cloning an environment that uses Base Database Service 1-Node or 2-Node DB System as the cloud service for the database tier, then the following information is provided as read-only.

    • Database Service Type

    • DB Patch Level

    • Shape

      Note: If you are cloning an environment that has a flexible shape, then this shape is also read-only.

    • Node Count

    • DB Software Edition

    • Cluster Name

  4. Select a license type.

    For a Base Database Service DB System, you can select License Included if you want to obtain a new license or Bring Your Own License (BYOL) if you want to use a license you already own.

  5. Enter the admin password for the database of your cloned environment. This password is used for the SYS user as well, and must not contain the username 'SYS'. If TDE is enabled for the environment, then this password is also used as the TDE wallet password. The password must be 9 to 30 characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two special, and two numeric characters. The special characters must be underscores (_), number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the password in the next field to confirm it.

  6. Enter a new APPS password for your cloned environment. The password must contain only alphanumeric characters.

  7. If Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema Migration has been completed on the source environment, then enter a new EBS_SYSTEM password. This password must contain alphanumeric characters only. For more information on the Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema and the EBS_SYSTEM password, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2755875.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 System Schema Migration.

  8. For a Release 12.2 environment, enter a new WebLogic Server password for your cloned environment.

  9. Click Next.

Enter Application Tier Information

Zone information from the source environment will appear by default.

You can change the shape for an application tier node

  1. Toggle Start Application Tier Services to indicate whether application tier services should start when the clone is complete.

  2. You must edit the zones. Click Edit for each zone.

  3. Enter the Zone name. Note that you cannot change the type of the zone.

  4. In the Web Entry Point region, choose one of the following web entry types: New Load Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer to select an existing OCI load balancer, Manually Configured Load Balancer to select a manually deployed existing load balancer, or Application Tier Node to choose the primary application tier as the entry point.

  5. If you chose New Load Balancer as the web entry type, a new flexible shape load balancer will be created. Select the maximum bandwidth for your new load balancer. For example: 100 Mbps. The minimum bandwidth will default to 10 Mbps.

  6. Enter values for the following web entry properties.

    • Protocol: Select the protocol for access to the environment, either http or https.

    • Hostname: Enter a host name. The web entry host name must be in lowercase. For example: myhost

    • Domain: Enter a domain name. The web entry domain name must be in lowercase. For example:

    • Port: Select the port. If there is no load balancer, then the port is automatically populated depending on the protocol: 8000 for http and 4443 for https. Otherwise, select the appropriate port for use with your load balancer, such as 80 for http or 443 for https. Note that to allow access to the Oracle E-Business Suite login URL, your network administrator must define an ingress rule in the load balancer security list configuring the load balancer port to be open for public access. See Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments.

  7. Under Storage, the File System Type is the same as that for the source environment.

    If your source environment is using File Storage service, then you are prompted for the File Storage Mount Target. If the File Storage Mount Target for the network profile specified earlier matches any of the Mount Targets in the network compartment created on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, then that Mount Target appears in the list.

    For a Shared File System Type, you can also specify Mount Options. Default parameters are shown. You can edit these options, but specifying a mount option or parameter that is not supported or recommended for a shared storage file system deployment may result in a provisioning failure. Exercise extreme caution when editing these parameters, as options are not validated in this page.

  8. Review the properties for each node in the Application Tier Nodes information.

    • Logical FQDN

    • Shape: You can change the shape of the node. When choosing a flexible shape, for example, VM.Standard.E3.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory (GB).

    • Storage

    • Fault Domain

  9. Click Save Zone.

  10. When you are finished editing your zones, click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options

You can optionally extend the cloning job to meet your own requirements. By default, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for cloning. However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also create extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the cloning job. In this case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to follow when cloning your source environment. If you select an extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters required by the additional tasks in that job definition.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility Framework.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard cloning job definition or an extended job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager pause at specified points during the cloning job. For example, if you want to perform your own validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that point. You can then resume the cloning job when you are ready to proceed. See Monitor Job Status.

Specify Your Job Definition

  1. Optionally select an extended job definition for cloning your environment in the Job Definition field.

  2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values, which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

  1. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job definition and the tasks within each phase.

  2. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select Add Pause.

    Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

  3. Click Next.

Enter SSH Keys

Optionally upload SSH keys for users.

Note: You cannot add keys after the provisioning process is completed.

  1. Click Add Key.

  2. Specify the tiers for the SSH key. Choose All Tiers, Application Tier, or Database Tier.

  3. Specify the pertinent OS User type. Choose All Users, Operating System Administrator, or Application Administrator.

  4. Upload the SSH key file. The file name will default in.

  5. The system will validate the SSH key. Click Next to continue.

Review Your Clone Environment Flow Details

Review the details for the cloned environment on this page.

  1. Review the following:

    • Clone Details:

      • Environment Name

      • Installation Type

      • EBS Version

      • DB Version

      • Network Profile

    • Database Details:

      • Database Service Type

      • Shape

      • Database Name

      • PDB Name

      • Node Count

      • DB Software Edition

      • License Type

    • Application Tier Details:

      • Middleware Licensing Model

      • Start Application Services (Yes/No)

      • Zone information, including

        • Web entry details

        • Storage information. For a shared file system, the File Storage service mount target and mount options are shown

        • Information on nodes

    • Details for Custom Tasks or Paused Tasks, if any

    • SSH Keys information, if any

  2. To create the cloned environment, click Submit.

  3. You can check the status of the job to clone the source environment in the Jobs page.

Perform Post-Cloning Tasks

After the environment is successfully cloned, perform any necessary post-cloning steps and access the cloned environment following the instructions provided in Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks.

Clone an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment with the Database on Exadata Database Service Dedicated

This feature provides a method to clone an Oracle E-Business Suite environment that includes an Oracle database running on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure. The database cloning operation utilizes Exadata snapshots.

This procedure is supported on Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environments with Oracle Database 19c only.

Note: Snapshots and clone databases are brought down when the Exadata VM Cluster nodes are restarted. Therefore, when the Exadata VM Cluster is restarted, wait five minutes and then start the snapshot and clone databases manually after the restart.

Cloning using Exadata Snapshots is a two-step process:

First, you must create a snapshot of the source environment. This process performs the following actions:

  1. Creates a snapshot of the source environment's database. A snapshot is a point-in-time, read-only backup of an Exadata database system. Any changes to the source environment after the snapshot is taken are not propagated to the snapshot. To obtain a snapshot with updated data, you must create a new snapshot.

  2. Creates a snapshot of the source environment's primary application tier node. Regardless of the number of application tier nodes on the source environment, only the primary application tier node is cloned. Note: After the snapshot creation is complete, this cloned Compute VM is stopped because its only purpose is in creating clones and not for any transactions.

Then, you will create a clone from the snapshot to create a new environment. This process performs the following actions:

  1. Clones the snapshot database to create a new, cloned database. The cloned database is a sparse or thin clone, meaning only the data that is different from the parent (snapshot) is stored on the disk.

  2. Clones the application tier node from snapshot. You have the option to specify more nodes and/or zones as required.

The following are characteristics of cloning using Exadata Snapshots:

Note: The Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Cloning Using Exadata Snapshots feature cannot currently be used if you are also using OCI Data Guard automation.


Create a Snapshot

Follow this procedure to create a snapshot.

  1. Select the source environment. From the Environments page, select an environment created with Exadata as its DB Service Type.

  2. From the Environment Details page, click the Create Snapshot button.

  3. Enter a name for the snapshot. This name can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters long, and must begin with an alphabetical character.

  4. Enter the Database Name for the snapshot. This name can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters long, and must begin with an alphabetical character.

  5. Enter values for the snapshot details:

    • Enter a Snapshot Password, and confirm it. This password must be nine to thirty characters long and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two numeric, and two special characters. Special characters may be an underscore (_) or a hash (#) only. Note: This password will be used for the APPS, WebLogic Server and Database Admin user passwords on the snapshot.

    • Enter the APPS password for the source environment. This entry is validated after you select the Create Snapshot button.

    • Select the Snapshot Application Tier Node VM Shape for the primary node from the list provided. Only the primary application tier node will be cloned in the snapshot creation.

      If you have selected a flexible shape (for example, VM.Standard.E4.Flex), also select the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory in GB.

    • The File System Type of the source environment is displayed and cannot be changed for the snapshot.

      If the File System Type is Shared, select the File System Service Mount Target from the list provided.

      If the File System Type is Shared, you can select Show Advanced Options to enter in additional information.

    • If applicable, you can change the mount options in the Advanced Options window. Use caution in updating mount options.

      Important: Specifying an incorrect mount option or unsupported parameter for shared file storage may result in provisioning failure. These options and parameters should only be edited by advanced users to meet specific needs.

    • Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

      • Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-form tag).

      • Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

      • Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

  6. Click Create Snapshot.

  7. Once you have created a snapshot, you can create a clone of it. Follow one of the procedures described below to access your snapshot for cloning.

Access a Snapshot from the Global Menu

  1. Navigate to the global menu and select Snapshots.

  2. The Snapshots page displays a list of snapshots with the following information:

    • Name

    • Last Job

    • Source Environment

    • Created [Date]

    • Actions

  3. Select a snapshot to view details of the snapshot.

  4. Alternatively, you can delete a snapshot using the Actions menu. See: Delete a Snapshot.

Review Snapshot Details

  1. The Snapshot Details page displays the following:

    • Source Environment

    • EBS Compartment and Network Profile

    • Last Job

    • Creation date and time

  2. In the Resources tab, under Application Tier, the following is shown:

    • Snapshot Node information

    • Block Storage information

    • File System Service Storage information, if the environment uses the File Storage service (FSS)

  3. The Database Tier region of the Resources tab lists details on the database tier and a list of nodes.

  4. The Clones tab includes a list of all clones created from the snapshot. Note that you cannot delete a snapshot if it has any associated clones created from it. You must delete its clones before you can delete the snapshot itself.

    You can delete a snapshot using the Delete button. See: Delete a Snapshot.

  5. From the Snapshot Details page, select Create Clone to begin the cloning process.

Access a Snapshot from the Environment Details Page

Another way to access a snapshot is from the Details page for the source environment.

  1. Navigate to the Environments page and select the source environment.

  2. From its Environment Details page, select the Snapshots tab.

  3. Select the desired snapshot from the list.

  4. From the Snapshot Details page, click the Create Clone button to begin the cloning process.

Enter Clone Details

The details for the given snapshot are shown on the Clone Snapshot <snapshot name> page.

  1. Enter values for the clone details:

    • Environment Name: Enter a name for your environment. For example: usdev3

    • EBS Compartment: This field is read-only. The EBS compartment for the cloned environment is the same as that of the source environment.

    • Network Profile: Select a network profile for the cloned environment. The list of available network profiles is dependent on the EBS compartment listed above. From this list of network profiles, select a network profile that includes the same Availability Domain as that of the source.

      Note that if you are cloning a File Storage service-enabled environment, you can choose a different network profile than that of the snapshot, but it also must have File Storage service enabled.

      Note: The source environment snapshot and the cloned environment can also have different mount targets.

    • Snapshot Password: Enter the password for the snapshot. This password is validated after you select Next to go to the next page.

  2. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

    • Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-form tag).

    • Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

    • Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

  3. Click Next.

Enter Database Tier Information

Enter details for your cloned environment.

The following database details are read-only:

  1. Enter a Database Name. This name must contain uppercase alphabetic characters and numeric characters only. It must not begin with a numeral. Special characters and spaces are not allowed.

  2. Enter a PDB Name. This name must contain uppercase alphabetic characters and numeric characters only. It must not begin with a numeral. Special characters and spaces are not allowed.

  3. The Database Service Type (Exadata Infrastructure), is display-only.

  4. Enter the admin password for the database of your cloned environment. This password is used for the SYSTEM and EBS_SYSTEM users as well. The password must be 9 to 30 characters and contain at least two uppercase, two lowercase, two special, and two numeric characters. The special characters must be underscores (_), number signs (#), or hyphens (-). Re-enter the password in the next field to confirm it.

  5. Enter a new APPS password for your cloned environment. The password must contain only alphanumeric characters.

  6. If Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema Migration has been completed on the source environment, then enter a new EBS_SYSTEM password. This password must contain alphanumeric characters only. For more information on the Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema and the EBS_SYSTEM password, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2755875.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 System Schema Migration.

  7. For a Release 12.2 environment, enter a new WebLogic Server password for your cloned environment.

  8. Click Next.

Enter Application Tier Information

  1. Define your zones. Zone information from the source environment will appear by default.

    For more information on zones, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1375670.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a DMZ.

    Note that you can have multiple zones across subnets. You can configure your environment such that your functional redirection per zone is in accordance with functional affinity.

    Also, you can have a load balancer shared between multiple zones of the same type. This configuration allows for two separate URLs to resolve to the same IP address and the shared load balancer will target one backend set or another.

    Note too that you have flexibility in your configuration. One zone, Zone A, can have one load balancer assigned to it, while another two zones, Zone B and Zone C, can have a second load balancer assigned to them.

    You must define your internal (primary) zone first, before optionally defining additional zones.

    Enter values for the following properties:

    • Name

    • Type

      Note: For the first zone that you define, which is your primary zone, the Type is Internal and is not selectable.

  2. You can also add internal or external zones.

  3. In the Web Entry Point region, choose one of the following web entry types: New Load Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer to select an existing OCI load balancer, Manually Configured Load Balancer to select a manually deployed existing load balancer, or Application Tier Node to choose the primary application tier as the entry point.

  4. If you chose New Load Balancer as the web entry type, a new flexible shape load balancer will be created. Select the maximum bandwidth for your new load balancer. For example: 100 Mbps. The minimum bandwidth will default to 10 Mbps.

  5. Enter values for the following web entry properties.

    • Protocol: Select the protocol for access to the environment, either http or https.

    • Hostname: Enter a host name. The web entry host name must be in lowercase. For example: myhost

    • Domain: Enter a domain name. The web entry domain name must be in lowercase. For example:

    • Port: Select the port. If there is no load balancer, then the port is automatically populated depending on the protocol: 8000 for http and 4443 for https. Otherwise, select the appropriate port for use with your load balancer, such as 80 for http or 443 for https. Note that to allow access to the Oracle E-Business Suite login URL, your network administrator must define an ingress rule in the load balancer security list configuring the load balancer port to be open for public access. See Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments.

  6. Under Storage, the File System Type is the same as that for the source environment.

    If the File System Type is Shared then the field File System Service Mount Target appears along with a Show Advanced Options link.

  7. Review the properties for each node in the Application Tier Nodes information. The following properties may be shown:

    • Logical Hostname

    • Logical FQDN

    • Shape

    • Block Volume Storage (GB)

    • Fault Domain

  8. For a listed node, click Edit under the Actions column to edit the node.

  9. Click Add Node to add a new node.

    In the Add Node dialog window, the following properties appear. Enter the value for each property, except in the case where it has been generated for you.

    Note that you can define a specific shape for each application tier node.

    • Logical Hostname

    • Logical FQDN

    • Shape: Select a shape that is available in the OCI region. Ensure that you have checked your quota in advance. When choosing a flexible shape, for example, VM.Standard.E4.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory (GB).

    • Block Volume Storage

      Note: If you chose a shared File System Type earlier, the Block Volume Storage value is 0.

    • Fault Domain: Select the fault domain. Refer to Fault Domains for more information.

    Click Add Node again to save your choices.

  10. Click Save Zone to save your zone definition.

  11. The middleware licensing model of the source environment is inherited and cannot be changed.

  12. You can choose to start the application tier services at then end of the clone creation by toggling the Start Application Tier Services option.

  13. Define additional zones using the Add Zone button.

    For the additional internal zones, if New Load Balancer (LBaaS) is selected as the Web Entry Type for the first zone, then an extra option Reuse Internal Zone1 Load Balancer is displayed in the Web Entry Type list along with the options New Load Balancer (LBaaS), Use OCI Load Balancer, and Manually Configured Load Balancer.

  14. When you are finished adding application tier nodes, scroll to the top of the window and click Save Zone to save your zone definition.

  15. When you are finished editing your zones, click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options

You can optionally extend the cloning job to meet your own requirements. By default, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for cloning. However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also create extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the cloning job. In this case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to follow when cloning your source environment. If you select an extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters required by the additional tasks in that job definition.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility Framework.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard cloning job definition or an extended job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager pause at specified points during the cloning job. For example, if you want to perform your own validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that point. You can then resume the cloning job when you are ready to proceed. See Monitor Job Status.

Specify Your Job Definition

  1. Optionally select an extended job definition for cloning your environment in the Job Definition field.

  2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values, which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

  1. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job definition and the tasks within each phase.

  2. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select Add Pause.

    Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

  3. Click Next.

Enter SSH Keys

Optionally upload SSH keys for users.

Note: You cannot add keys after the provisioning process is completed.

  1. Click Add Key.

  2. The tier value must be Application Tier.

  3. Specify the pertinent OS User type. Choose All Users, Operating System Administrator, or Application Administrator.

  4. Upload the SSH key file. The file name will default in.

  5. The system will validate the SSH key. Click Next to continue.

Review Your Clone Environment Flow Details

Review the details for the cloned environment on this page.

  1. Review the following:

    • Clone Details:

      • Environment Name

      • Installation Type

      • EBS Version

      • DB Version

      • Network Profile

    • Database Details:

      • Database Service Type

      • Infrastructure Name

      • Cluster Name

      • Database Name

      • PDB Name

    • Application Tier Details:

      • Middleware Licensing Model

      • Start Application Services (Yes/No)

      • Zone information, including

        • Web entry details

        • Storage information. For a shared file system, the File Storage service mount target and mount options are shown

        • Information on nodes

    • Details for Custom Tasks or Paused Tasks, if any

    • SSH Keys information, if any

  2. To create the cloned environment, click Submit.

  3. You can check the status of the job to clone the source environment in the Jobs page.

Perform Post-Cloning Tasks

After the environment is successfully cloned, perform any necessary post-cloning steps and access the cloned environment following the instructions provided in Perform Post-Provisioning and Post-Cloning Tasks.

Delete a Snapshot

Note: For more information on zones, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2942998.1, DBAASAPI - Sparse cloning ACFS not reclaiming space.

If you wish to delete a snapshot, you can do so from the Snapshots or Snapshot Details page.

  1. If you are using the Snapshots page, select Delete from the Actions menu for the snapshot you wish to delete.

    Alternatively, if you are on the Snapshot Details page for the pertinent snapshot, select Delete.

  2. At the prompt, type in the snapshot name to confirm that you want to delete it.

  3. Select Yes to proceed with deleting the snapshot.

Back Up an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

You can use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to create a backup of an existing Oracle E-Business Suite environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This feature is available for environments created using One-Click Provisioning and Advanced Provisioning. You can either create an individual backup or schedule backups to be created automatically. Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager creates backups on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service.

You must have the following prerequisites to create a backup.


Manage Backups

You can use Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to manage both backups created from environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and backups created from on-premises Oracle E-Business Suite environments. You can review backup details and take actions including provisioning another environment based on a backup, refreshing an environment from a backup, or deleting a backup when you no longer need it.

For more information about how to create backups that you can manage through Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, see the following sections:

For more information about managing your backups using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, see the following sections:

Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

Perform the following steps when creating a backup:

  1. Place the database in archive log mode (One-Click environments only).

  2. Create a backup.

  3. Review Oracle WebLogic Server validation warnings (conditionally required).

  4. Take the database out of archive log mode (One-Click environments only).

Place the Database in Archive Log Mode (One-Click Environments only)

Before taking a backup of an environment created with One-Click Provisioning, you must log on to the virtual machine as the oracle user and place the database in archive log mode. To do so, run the following commands:

$ source orcl.env
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup mount;
SQL> alter database archivelog;
SQL> alter database open;
SQL> exit;

Create a Backup

  1. Click the Navigator icon, and then select Environments. In the Environments page, click the Actions icon next to the environment you want, and then select Create Backup.

    Alternatively, click an environment name link in the Environments page to navigate to the environment details page for a single environment, and click Create Backup.

  2. In the Create Backup window, accept the system-generated backup name or enter a new name to uniquely identify your backup. The name must be a maximum of 31 characters long and must include only alphanumeric characters and underscores. It cannot include any special characters other than underscores. Additionally, the first character of the name must be an alphabetic letter. The name cannot begin with a numeral or an underscore.

    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager adds the backup name as a prefix when creating the containers to store objects in a compartment within an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage namespace, known as buckets. The generic bucket for the application tier and database tier Oracle home backup is named <Backup_Name>Generic. The database bucket for the database RMAN backup is named <Backup_Name>DB.

  3. Select the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage compartment where you want to create the backup.

  4. Select Application Tier and Database (RMAN) as the backup type.

  5. In the Encryption Password field, specify a password to encrypt the application tier file system and database tier file system. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is not enabled in the source database, then this password is also used to encrypt the database RMAN backup.

    Re-enter the encryption password in the next field to confirm it.

  6. Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the source environment.

  7. For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment only, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server administration password for the source environment.

  8. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled in the source database, enter the password for the TDE wallet.

  9. If Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema Migration has been completed on the source environment, then enter the EBS_SYSTEM password. For more information, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2755875.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 System Schema Migration.

  10. You can optionally define lifecycle policy rules to specify how to manage the backup in Object Storage after it is created. Using lifecycle policy rules can help you reduce your storage costs and the amount of time you spend manually managing data. See Using Object Lifecycle Management, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

    In order to create lifecycle policy rules, you must have a policy defined to allow the Object Storage service in your region to manage objects on your behalf, at either your tenancy or compartment level. See Assign Policies.

    • The objects in a backup are initially created in the Standard tier within Object Storage. If you want to move objects in the backup to the Infrequent Access tier, select one of the following lifecycle policy rules:

      • Enable Auto-Tiering - This rule automatically moves objects from the Standard tier to the Infrequent Access tier when the objects have not been accessed for 31 days.

      • Move to Infrequent Access - This rule automatically moves objects from the Standard tier to the Infrequent Access tier after the number of days you specify, regardless of whether the objects have been accessed. The lowest value you can specify for this rule is 1 day and the highest value is 1,000,000 days. The default value is 30 days.

      Note: You can select only one of the tiering rules for objects in your backup, either Enable Auto-Tiering or Move to Infrequent Access. You cannot define both of these rules for the same backup.

    • If you want to automatically delete objects in the backup after a certain number of days, select the Delete rule. Deleting objects that you no longer need can save space and reduce your storage costs. However, note that objects deleted by a lifecycle policy cannot be restored.

      The lowest value you can specify for the Delete rule is 1 day and the highest value is 1,000,000 days. The default value is 30 days.

      Note: You can optionally choose to define a Delete rule in combination with either the Enable Auto-Tiering or the Move to Infrequent Access. For example, you could specify that the objects should be moved to the Infrequent Access tier after 30 days and deleted after 60 days.

      If you define both a tiering rule and a Delete rule, note that the tiering rule will not take effect if the objects have already been deleted. For example, if you define an Enable Auto-Tiering rule and also a Delete rule with a value of 30 days, the objects will be deleted after 30 days, so they will no longer be available to be moved to the Infrequent Access tier. Similarly, if you define a Move to Infrequent Access rule with a value of 45 days and also a Delete rule with a value of 30 days, the objects will be deleted after 30 days, so they will no longer be available to be moved to the Infrequent Access tier.

  11. You can optionally specify advanced Recovery Manager (RMAN) parameters. To do so, click Show Advanced Options. If you do not need to change the RMAN parameters, skip to step 17.

  12. As part of RMAN backup, in the copy phase database blocks will be validated implicitly, and any corruption or missing object will be reported at that time. If you want to enforce the database validation before the RMAN backup, then click the RMAN_VALIDATE_DATABASE toggle switch to turn this option on.

  13. Select the binary compression algorithm to use for RMAN backup, either Basic, Low, Medium, or High. The default value is Basic. Note that the Low, Medium, and High compression algorithms fall under Advanced Compression. You must have or acquire a license for the Advanced Compression option to use these compression algorithms. The Advanced Compression option is included in all Exadata Database Service Dedicated subscriptions, and in Base Database Service subscriptions with Enterprise Edition High Performance and Extreme Performance options.

  14. Specify the number of RMAN staging channels to allocate for creating the backup. The default value is 75% of the number of OCPUs. For example, for a VM with the shape Standard 2.4 , the default value for the RMAN Channel Count parameter is 6. The minimum value is one channel. The maximum value is 255 channels.

  15. Specify the section size for multisection backups. The default value is 4G. Valid values are 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G, 64G, 128G, or 256G.

  16. The following parameters are set automatically to default values by RMAN unless you enter specific values for them here. You should only set values for these parameters if you fully understand their effects, as inappropriate settings can reduce backup performance.

    • Specify the maximum number of data files to place in each backup set. The default value is 64. To determine the number of data files in each backup set, RMAN uses either the value you specify in this parameter or the number of files read by each channel, whichever is lower. If you allocate only one channel, then you can use this parameter to make RMAN create multiple backup sets.

    • Specify the maximum number of input files that a backup or copy can have open at a given time. The default value used by RMAN is 8.

    • Specify the rate of bytes per second that RMAN can read on this channel. Use this parameter to set an upper limit for bytes to read so that RMAN does not consume excessive disk bandwidth and degrade online performance. Specify the rate as an integer, and select the unit of measurement in which you are expressing the rate, either K, M, or G.

    • It is not recommended to use the RMAN_DATAFILE_ID_ALLOWED_MAXCORRUPT parameter for normal processing. However, if necessary, you can set this parameter to specify the maximum number of corruptions permitted in a data file during the backup job. Specify the parameter value as a list showing each data file ID and the maximum number of corruptions for that data file, in the following format: <DATA_FILE_ID_1>:<MAX_CORRUPTIONS_1>, <DATA_FILE_ID_2>:<MAX_CORRUPTIONS_2>, ...

  17. Click Create Backup.

    Note: Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager automatically records the operating system time zone for the source database node as part of the backup metadata. This time zone value is used to help determine the default time zone for environments provisioned from this backup if the Server Timezone profile option is not set within the source environment. For more information, see Advanced Provisioning.

  18. You can check the status of the job to create the backup in the Jobs page. Locate the create-ossbackup job that you want to troubleshoot, and click the job name link to go to the Job Details page. See Monitor Job Status.

    The Job Details page provides links to the log files for each task performed to create the backup, including pre-validation tasks and main execution tasks. If a backup creation job does not succeed, you can review the related log files for the specific task that failed to troubleshoot the issue.

  19. After a backup is successfully created, you can review the backup details in the Backups page or in the Backups tab of the environment details page for the source environment. From these pages, to begin provisioning another environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure based on the backup, click the action icon and select Provision Environment. See Advanced Provisioning.

  20. From the environment details page for an environment, you can refresh the environment from a backup. See Refresh an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment.

  21. If you no longer need a backup, to begin deleting it manually, navigate to that backup in the Backups page or the Backups tab of the environment details page for the source environment, then click the action icon, and select Delete. If you have defined a Delete lifecycle policy rule for a backup, it will be deleted automatically after the specified number of days. You can also use a command-line API to delete a failed backup. See Delete a Backup.

Review Oracle WebLogic Server Validation Warnings (Conditionally Required)

Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager performs certain validations on the Oracle WebLogic Server domain and stops the backup creation job with a warning if the default threshold values are exceeded. If the job logs show one of these warning messages, then you should review the source environment to decide whether you can make changes to resolve the issue and proceed with the backup.

For more information about retrying a backup creation job, see Monitor Job Status.

Take the Database out of Archive Log Mode (One-Click Environments only)

For an environment that was created using One-Click Provisioning, if you do not plan to clean up the archive logs on a regular basis, then we recommend that you turn off archive log mode after the backup completes. To do so, log on to the virtual machine as the oracle user and run these commands:

$ source orcl.env
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup mount;
SQL> alter database noarchivelog;
SQL> alter database open;
SQL> exit;

Schedule Backups

You can schedule backups to be created for an environment automatically by creating a scheduling policy and then assigning it to the environment in the environment details page. See Set Up Scheduling Policies and Review Environment Details.

If you no longer want to create backups on the specified schedule, you can remove the policy assignment for the environment.

Note: A scheduled backup can be run only when no other job is being performed for that environment.

You cannot retry a missed job directly. However, you can schedule another backup or manually create another backup for the environment if necessary.

If you assign a scheduling policy to create backups automatically, you may find it useful to define lifecycle policy rules as part of the assignment in order to manage objects in those backups and reduce storage costs. With lifecycle policy rules, you can automatically move objects in the backups to the Infrequent Access tier when you are not actively using them, or automatically delete the objects when you no longer need them.

  1. Click the Navigator icon, and then select Environments. Click the environment name link for the environment you want to back up.

  2. In the environment details page, locate the Backup Policy property. If no policy is currently assigned, click the Assign link.

  3. In the Assign Backup Policy window, select the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage compartment where you want to create the backups.

  4. Select the policy that specifies the schedule on which you want to create backups.

  5. Enter a backup name prefix to uniquely identify your backups. The name prefix must be a maximum of 18 characters long and must include only alphanumeric characters and underscores. It cannot include any special characters other than underscores. Additionally, the first character of the name must be an alphabetic letter. The name cannot begin with a numeral or an underscore.

    Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager adds the backup name prefix when creating the containers to store objects in a compartment within an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage namespace, known as buckets. The generic bucket for the application tier and database tier Oracle home backup is named <Backup_Name>Generic. The database bucket for the database RMAN backup is named <Backup_Name>DB.

  6. Select Application Tier and Database (RMAN) as the backup type.

  7. In the Encryption Password field, specify a password to encrypt the application tier file system and database tier file system. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is not enabled in the source database, then this password is also used to encrypt the database RMAN backup.

    Re-enter the encryption password in the next field to confirm it.

  8. Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the source environment.

  9. For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment only, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server administration password for the source environment.

  10. If Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled in the source database, enter the password for the TDE wallet.

  11. If Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema Migration has been completed on the source environment, then enter the EBS_SYSTEM password. For more information, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2755875.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 System Schema Migration.

  12. You can optionally define lifecycle policy rules to specify how to manage the backups in Object Storage after they are created. Using lifecycle policy rules can help you reduce your storage costs and the amount of time you spend manually managing data. See Using Object Lifecycle Management, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

    In order to create lifecycle policy rules, you must have a policy defined to allow the Object Storage service in your region to manage objects on your behalf, at either your tenancy or compartment level. See Assign Policies.

    • Objects in a backup are initially created in the Standard tier within Object Storage. If you want to move objects in the backups to the Infrequent Access tier, select one of the following lifecycle policy rules:

      • Enable Auto-Tiering - This rule automatically moves objects from the Standard tier to the Infrequent Access tier when the objects have not been accessed for 31 days.

      • Move to Infrequent Access - This rule automatically moves objects from the Standard tier to the Infrequent Access tier after the number of days you specify, regardless of whether the objects have been accessed. The lowest value you can specify for this rule is 1 day and the highest value is 1,000,000 days. The default value is 30 days.

      Note: You can select only one of the tiering rules for objects in your backups, either Enable Auto-Tiering or Move to Infrequent Access. You cannot define both of these rules for the same backups.

    • If you want to automatically delete objects in the backups after a certain number of days, select the Delete rule. Deleting objects that you no longer need can save space and reduce your storage costs. However, note that objects deleted by a lifecycle policy cannot be restored.

      The lowest value you can specify for the Delete rule is 1 day and the highest value is 1,000,000 days. The default value is 30 days.

      Note: You can optionally choose to define a Delete rule in combination with either the Enable Auto-Tiering or the Move to Infrequent Access. For example, you could specify that the objects should be moved to the Infrequent Access tier after 30 days and deleted after 60 days.

      If you define both a tiering rule and a Delete rule, note that the tiering rule will not take effect if the objects have already been deleted. For example, if you define an Enable Auto-Tiering rule and also a Delete rule with a value of 30 days, the objects in each backup will be deleted after 30 days, so they will no longer be available to be moved to the Infrequent Access tier. Similarly, if you define a Move to Infrequent Access rule with a value of 45 days and also a Delete rule with a value of 30 days, the objects will be deleted after 30 days, so they will no longer be available to be moved to the Infrequent Access tier.

  13. You can optionally specify advanced Recovery Manager (RMAN) parameters. To do so, click Show Advanced Options. If you do not need to change the RMAN parameters, skip to step 17.

  14. As part of RMAN backup, in the copy phase database blocks will be validated implicitly, and any corruption or missing object will be reported at that time. If you want to enforce the database validation before the RMAN backup, then click the RMAN_VALIDATE_DATABASE toggle switch to turn this option on.

  15. Select the binary compression algorithm to use for RMAN backup, either Basic, Low, Medium, or High. The default value is Basic. Note that the Low, Medium, and High compression algorithms fall under Advanced Compression. You must have or acquire a license for the Advanced Compression option to use these compression algorithms. The Advanced Compression option is included in all Exadata Database Service Dedicated subscriptions, and in Base Database Service subscriptions with Enterprise Edition High Performance and Extreme Performance options.

  16. Specify the number of RMAN staging channels to allocate for creating the backup. The default value is 75% of the number of OCPUs. For example, for a VM with the shape Standard 2.4 , the default value for the RMAN Channel Count parameter is 6. The minimum value is one channel. The maximum value is 255 channels.

  17. Specify the section size for multisection backups. The default value is 4G. Valid values are 2G, 4G, 8G, 16G, 32G, 64G, 128G, or 256G.

  18. The following parameters are set automatically to default values by RMAN unless you enter specific values for them here. You should only set values for these parameters if you fully understand their effects, as inappropriate settings can reduce backup performance.

    • Specify the maximum number of data files to place in each backup set. The default value is 64. To determine the number of data files in each backup set, RMAN uses either the value you specify in this parameter or the number of files read by each channel, whichever is lower. If you allocate only one channel, then you can use this parameter to make RMAN create multiple backup sets.

    • Specify the maximum number of input files that a backup or copy can have open at a given time. The default value used by RMAN is 8.

    • Specify the rate of bytes per second that RMAN can read on this channel. Use this parameter to set an upper limit for bytes to read so that RMAN does not consume excessive disk bandwidth and degrade online performance. Specify the rate as an integer, and select the unit of measurement in which you are expressing the rate, either K, M, or G.

    • It is not recommended to use the RMAN_DATAFILE_ID_ALLOWED_MAXCORRUPT parameter for normal processing. However, if necessary, you can set this parameter to specify the maximum number of corruptions permitted in a data file during the backup job. Specify the parameter value as a list showing each data file ID and the maximum number of corruptions for that data file, in the following format: <DATA_FILE_ID_1>:<MAX_CORRUPTIONS_1>, <DATA_FILE_ID_2>:<MAX_CORRUPTIONS_2>, ...

  19. Click Assign.

  20. For an environment that currently has a backup policy, if you no longer want to create backups on the schedule specified by that policy, click Unassign to remove the policy assignment.

Review Backups

  1. To review the backups stored on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage service for your deployment, click the Navigator icon, and then select Backups.

    Note: You can also review a list of the backups for a particular environment in the environment details page for that environment. See Review Environment Details.

  2. The Backups page displays the available backups within the compartment that is selected in the EBS Compartment field in the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager header. The list can include both backups of on-premises environments and backups of environments on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You can optionally enter a full or partial value in the search field to display only backups whose properties contain that value. You can search by the following properties shown in this page:

    • Backup name

    • EBS Version: Oracle E-Business Suite version

    • DB Version: Database version

    • ADB Compatible: Whether the backup is created to be compatible with Autonomous Database for use in a migration to Autonomous Database

    • Database Name: Database name

    • TDE Enabled: Whether TDE is enabled for the environment

    • Backup Type: Whether the backup contains the full environment, including both the application tier and the database, or only the application tier

    • Restored DB Size: The size of the database after it is restored

    • Created On: Creation date and time

    • Method: The method used to create the backup, either Recovery Manager (RMAN) or Oracle Data Pump Export and Import

  3. To provision an environment from a backup, click the Actions icon next to that backup, and then select Provision Environment. See Advanced Provisioning.

  4. To delete a backup, click the Actions icon next to that network profile, and then select Delete. See Delete a Backup.

  5. To review additional details for a backup, click the backup name link.

  6. In the backup details page, review the following properties:

    • Backup name

    • EBS Version: Oracle E-Business Suite version

    • Database Name: Database name

    • Restored DB Size: The size of the database after it is restored

    • DB Version: Database version

    • TDE Enabled: Whether TDE is enabled for the environment

    • Created On: Creation date and time

    • ADB Compatible: Whether the backup is created to be compatible with Autonomous Database for use in a migration to Autonomous Database

    • Backup Type: Whether the backup contains the full environment, including both the application tier and the database, or only the application tier

    • Method: The method used to create the backup, either Recovery Manager (RMAN) or Oracle Data Pump Export and Import

  7. In the Resources region, review the following properties for the backups of the application tier and of the database tier:

    • Bucket Name: Bucket name where the backup is stored in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage

    • Auto Tiering Enabled: Whether auto-tiering is enabled to move objects in the backup to the Infrequent Access tier automatically when they have not been accessed for 31 days

    • A list of lifecycle policy rules defined for the backup, including the rule name, whether the rule is active, the target, the action (either deleting objects in the backup or moving the objects to the Infrequent Access tier), and the number of days after which the rule's action is performed

    Note: Lifecycle policy rules must match for all objects in the same bucket, including an application tier and database tier stored in the same bucket.

    You must ensure that the content of the buckets is present and that the lifecycle policy rules for the application tier and database tier match before conducting any lifecycle operation.

  8. Click a bucket name link to review the bucket and lifecycle policy rule details in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. If you are not already logged in to the console, then you must log in before you can view the console. See Using Object Lifecycle Management, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

    Caution: Although you can review details for your backups and the objects within them using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console, do not use the console to make any changes to the lifecycle policy rules for backups created through Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. Use only Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to manage lifecycle policy rules for these backups.

Delete a Backup

The Delete Backup operation is available for backups created using the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module or using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. See: Create a Backup of an On-Premises Oracle E-Business Suite Environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Environment.

Note: In addition to deleting backups manually, you can also optionally define lifecycle policy rules to delete backups automatically when you no longer need them. You can specify a Delete rule either while creating an individual backup or while assigning a scheduling policy to create backups automatically for an environment. See: Create a Backup of a Cloud-Based Oracle E-Business Suite Environment or Schedule Backups.

Delete a Successful Backup

This section covers instructions on how to delete a successful backup in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Note: This action is irreversible. Use caution with this feature.

  1. Click the Navigator icon and select Backups. Alternatively navigate to the Environment Details page for the Cloud environment and select the Backups tab.

  2. Select a backup from the list of available backups on the page. You can search for the backup if you know its name or part of its name.

  3. Click Action icon for the backup and select Delete.

  4. In the confirmation window, select Yes.

  5. You can check the status of the job to delete the backup in the Jobs page. See: Monitor Job Status.

Delete a Failed Backup

This section covers instructions on how to delete a failed backup. Use these instructions if your backup process fails and you need to reuse the same bucket name in creating a new backup. The "Backup Identifier Tag" is used to create the bucket name.

  1. For the failed backup, note the path to the session ID. This ID is displayed on the console while the backup is being created when you run the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module. If you create a backup using Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager, you can find the session ID in the job logs for the failed job. See the section Monitor Job Status for more information. The session ID should be in the format <STAGE_DIRECTORY>/session/<SESSION_ID>. An example is /u01/db1/session/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

  2. Connect to the primary node of the application tier and the database tier, and identify if any remote clone processes related to the failed backup are running. For example, run the following command:

    $ ps -ef|grep remoteclone|grep xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

    and terminate those processes in both the application tier and the database tier. Note that there could be other backup processes running on the source application tier or database tier. Ensure that you terminate only the processes related to the failed backup.

  3. Ensure that the OCI configuration file and PEM key file are present on the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager orchestration VM. For information on the OCI configuration file, see Create a Profile in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI Configuration File.

  4. Go to the RemoteClone directory in the current backup session, and run the command for deleting the Database and Generic buckets.

    1. Run the following command on the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager orchestration VM:

      $ cd /u01/install/APPS/apps-unlimited-ebs/RemoteClone
    2. Run the following command with the required details to delete the bucket.

      Note: You must provide the proxy details if the connection to ObjectStorage is going through a proxy server.

      $ 3pt/jre/bin/java -cp lib/cln_utils.jar:3pt/ext-jars/* 
      -bucketName <bucketName> [-proxyPort <proxyPort>] [-proxyProtocol
      <proxyProtocol>] -bmcsTenantName <bmcsTenantName> -compartmentID <compartmentID>
      [-proxyUsername <proxyUsername>] -bmcsConfigFilePath <bmcsConfigFilePath>
      [-proxyHost<proxyHost>] [-h]

      Description of parameters:

      • <bucketName> is the Bucket name.

      • <proxyPort> is the Proxy Port.

      • <proxyProtocol> is the Proxy Protocol.

      • <bmcsTenantName> is the BMCS Tenant name.

      • <compartmentID> is the BMCS Compartment ID.

      • <proxyUsername> is the Proxy Username.

      • <bmcsConfigFilePath> is the complete path to the BMCS configuration file.

      • <proxyHost> is the Proxy Host.

      • -h can be used for help with the command.

      Example commands:

      • For deleting a Generic bucket with Backup Identifier Tag 'PRODBACKUP':

        $ 3pt/jre/bin/java -cp lib/cln_utils.jar:3pt/ext-jars/* 
        -bucketName PRODBACKUPGeneric -compartmentID 
        -bmcsTenantName BMCSTENANT -bmcsConfigFilePath /u01/install/APPS/userpem/user
      • For deleting a Database bucket with Backup Identifier Tag 'PRODBACKUP':

        $ 3pt/jre/bin/java -cp lib/cln_utils.jar:3pt/ext-jars/* 
        -bucketName PRODBACKUPDB -compartmentID 
        -bmcsTenantName BMCSTENANT -bmcsConfigFilePath /u01/install/APPS/userpem/user

    Note: If you want to rerun the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Backup Module using the same bucket name, then you must first provide a new stage directory path for both the application and database tier.

Related Topics

Backing Up a Database to Object Storage Using RMAN

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 19c

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 12c Release 1 (12.1)

Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)

Refresh an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

You can use the Refresh feature in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to replace, or refresh, both the database contents and the applications code in the target environment from a backup, while preserving the target environment’s infrastructure and topology. For example, you can refresh an environment using one of its own backups if you want to return the environment to an earlier saved state, or you can refresh an environment using a backup from a different compatible environment, such as refreshing a test environment from a production environment.

The Refresh feature is available for environments with a source and target of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Oracle Database Release 19c.


The following restrictions apply for refreshing environments:

The refresh operation copies the following objects from the backup to the target environment:

The refresh operation preserves the following objects in the target environment:

Additional Information: See Architecture, Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts and File System Structure, Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts.

Refresh an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment from a Backup

Access the Refresh Environment Page

  1. Click the Navigator icon and select Environments.

  2. For a successfully created environment, click the environment name link.

  3. In the environment details page, click the Refresh button.

  4. Alternatively, if you want to refresh the environment from one of its own backups, select the Backups tab in the environment details page. Then click the Action icon and select Refresh.

Enter Refresh Environment Details

On this page the details for the target environment are shown:

  1. Enter the credentials for the target environment to be refreshed:

    • Database ADMIN Password: Enter the admin password for the database.

    • WebLogic Server Password: For an Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 environment only, enter the Oracle WebLogic Server administration password.

    • Apps Password: Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the environment.

    • SYSADMIN Password: Enter the password for the SYSADMIN user for the environment.

    • EBS_SYSTEM Password: If Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema Migration has been completed on the source environment, then enter the EBS_SYSTEM password. For more information, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2755875.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 System Schema Migration.

  2. Enter the details for the backup that you want to use to refresh the target environment. If you started the refresh operation by selecting one of that environment's own backups within the Backups tab in the environment details page, then the details for that backup are automatically displayed in these fields.

    • Backup Compartment: Select the compartment where the backup is stored.

    • Backup Type: The page displays the type of the available backups.

    • Backup: Select the backup that you want to use to refresh the target environment.

  3. Enter the credentials for the backup:

    • Backup Encryption Password: Enter the encryption password that was specified for the backup when the backup was created.

    • Backup Apps Password: Enter the password for the Oracle E-Business Suite APPS schema for the source environment.

    • Source Wallet Password: (Conditionally Required) If you selected a backup created from a TDE-enabled source environment, enter the source wallet password.

  4. You can optionally specify advanced Recovery Manager (RMAN) details. To do so, click Show Advanced Options. If you do not need to change the RMAN details, skip to step 6.

  5. Specify the number of RMAN staging channels to allocate for refreshing the environment. The default value is 75% of the number of OCPUs. For example, for a VM with the shape Standard 2.4 , the default value for the RMAN Channel Count parameter is 6. The minimum value is one channel. The maximum value is 255 channels.

  6. Click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options

You can optionally extend the refresh job to meet your own requirements. By default, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for refreshing an environment. However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also create extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the refresh job. In this case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to follow when refreshing your target environment. If you select an extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters required by the additional tasks in that job definition.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility Framework.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard refresh job definition or an extended job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager pause at specified points during the cloning job. For example, if you want to perform your own validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that point. You can then resume the refresh job when you are ready to proceed. See Monitor Job Status.

Specify Your Job Definition

  1. Optionally select an extended job definition for refreshing your environment in the Job Definition field.

  2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values, which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

  1. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job definition and the tasks within each phase.

  2. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select Add Pause.

    Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

  3. Click Next.

Review Your Refresh Environment Flow Details

Review the details for the refresh flow on this page.

  1. Review the following:

    • Backup Details:

      • Backup Compartment

      • Backup Type

      • Backup

    • Details for Custom Tasks or Paused Tasks, if any

  2. To refresh the target environment, click Submit.

  3. You can check the status of the job to refresh the target environment in the Jobs page.

Promote a Standby Environment (Commercial Cloud Regions Only)

You can promote only standby environments that have been successfully configured.

Select the Standby Environment

  1. Navigate to the Environments page in Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

  2. Select Promote from the Action menu for the standby environment you wish to promote.

  3. Alternatively, select the standby environment and click on Promote from its Environment Details page.

Enter Standby Environment Details

The Environment Name, EBS Compartment, and Network Profile Name are shown and cannot be changed.

  1. Enter the APPS Password.

  2. Enter the WebLogic Server Password.

  3. Optionally enter tagging information in the Tags region.

    • Tag Namespace: Select a predefined tag namespace or select None (add a free-form tag).

    • Tag Key: Enter the name you use to refer to the tag.

    • Value: Enter the value for the tag key.

  4. Click Next.

Enter Database Information

Review and enter database details and related options.

  1. The Database Name and PDB Name are shown but can be updated. The Database Service Type field is read-only.

    Enter the following:

    • Logical Hostname: Provide the logical hostname that will be used as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite configuration. Note that this is not the physical hostname.

    • Logical Domain: Provide the logical domain that will be used as part of the Oracle E-Business Suite configuration. Note that this is not the physical domain.

    • VM Shape: This field is read-only. The shape shown is the shape selected during standby creation.

    • Enable TDE: This field is read-only and enabled by default.

    • Admin Password: The admin password for the database is used for the SYS user as well. If TDE is enabled for the environment, then this password is also used as the TDE wallet password.

    • New APPS Password: Enter a password for the APPS user.

    • New EBS_SYSTEM Password: If Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema Migration has been completed on the source environment, then enter a new EBS_SYSTEM password. This password must contain alphanumeric characters only. For more information on the Oracle E-Business Suite System Schema and the EBS_SYSTEM password, see My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2755875.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 System Schema Migration.

    • New WebLogic Server Password: Enter a password for the Oracle WebLogic Server administration user on the environment.

  2. Enter the Active Database credentials:

    • Admin Password

    • Wallet Password

  3. Click Next.

Enter Application Tier Information

  1. Define your zones in the Zone region.

    For more information on zones, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1375670.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Configuration in a DMZ.

    Note that you can have multiple zones across subnets. You can configure your environment such that you functional redirection per zone is in accordance with functional affinity.

    Also, you can have a load balancer shared between multiple zones of the same type. This configuration allows for two separate URLs to resolve to the same IP address and the shared load balancer will target one backend set or another.

    Note too that you have flexibility in your configuration. One zone, Zone A, can have one load balancer assigned to it, while another two zones, Zone B and Zone C, can have a second load balancer assigned to them.

    Define your internal zone first.

    Enter values for the following properties:

    • Name

    • Type

  2. In the Web Entry Point region, enter values for the following properties:

    • Web Entry Type: Choose one of the following: New Load Balancer (LBaaS), Manually Configured Load Balancer to select a manually deployed existing load balancer, or Application Tier Node to choose the primary application tier as the entry point.

    • Load Balancer Shape: If you chose New Load Balancer as the web entry type, a new flexible shape load balancer will be created. Select the maximum bandwidth for your new load balancer. For example: 100 Mbps. The minimum bandwidth will default to 10 Mbps.

    • Protocol: Select the protocol for access to the environment, either http or https.

    • Hostname: Enter the host name for your web entry point. The web entry host name must be in lowercase. For example: myhost

    • Domain: Enter the domain for your web entry point. The web entry domain name must be in lowercase. For example:

    • Port: Select the port for your web entry point. If there is no load balancer, then the port is automatically populated depending on the protocol: 8000 for http and 4443 for https. Otherwise, select the appropriate port for use with your load balancer, such as 80 for http or 443 for https. Note that to allow access to the Oracle E-Business Suite login URL, your network administrator must define an ingress rule in the load balancer security list. See Create Network Resources For Deploying Oracle E-Business Suite Environments.

  3. When promoting an environment that uses File Storage service, the File System details are shown by default:

    • File System Type (Shared)

    • File System Name

    • File System OCID

    • File Storage Mount Target

    • Storage Type

    Important: You must ensure you specify enough storage for your nodes. Refer to Oracle E-Business Suite Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install for guidelines on space usage.

    If you choose Non-Shared, you must specify a value for the Block Volume Storage field for every node in the Application Tier Nodes field.

  4. In the Logical Host region, enter values for the following properties:

    • Logical Host Option: Choose Automatic or Manual.

    • Logical Hostname Prefix: If you chose Automatic, enter your desired hostname prefix.

      You do not need to enter this if you chose Manual for your logical host option, but you will be prompted for the Logical Hostname for your nodes in the Application Tier Nodes region.

    • Logical Domain: Enter the logical domain.

  5. In the Application Tier Nodes region, enter properties for each node.

    Note that you can define a specific shape for each application tier node.

    • Logical Hostname

    • Logical FQDN

    • Shape: You can change the shape of the node. When choosing a flexible shape, for example, VM.Standard.E3.Flex, use the sliders to choose the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory (GB).

    • Block Volume Storage

    • Fault Domain: Select the fault domain. Refer to Fault Domains for more information.

  6. Click Save Zone to save your zone definition.

  7. Define additional zones using the Add Zone button.

  8. When you have completed adding your zones, click Next.

Specify Your Extensibility Options

You can optionally extend the standby promotion job to meet your own requirements. By default, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager follows a standard job definition for promotion. However, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager administrators can also create extended job definitions that include additional tasks as part of the promotion job. In this case you can select the appropriate extended job definition for Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to follow when promoting your environment. If you select an extended job definition, you may need to enter values for input parameters required by the additional tasks in that job definition.

Additional Information: For more information on using the Extensibility Framework to extend job definitions, see Set Up the Extensibility Framework.

Additionally, whether you are using the standard promotion job definition or an extended job definition, you can choose to have Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager pause at specified points during the promotion job. For example, if you want to perform your own validations after a particular phase before allowing Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager to proceed to the next phase, you can add a pause at that point. You can then resume the promotion job when you are ready to proceed. See Monitor Job Status.

Specify Your Job Definition

  1. Optionally select an extended job definition for promoting your environment in the Job Definition field.

  2. In the Task Parameters tab, specify any parameter values required for the additional tasks in the job definition. Some parameters may include default values, which you can override as needed.

Specify Your Job Definition Details

  1. Click the Job Definition Details tab. This tab displays a list of the phases in the job definition and the tasks within each phase.

  2. To specify that Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager should pause its processing before a particular phase, click the Actions icon next to that phase, and then select Add Pause.

    Note: Pauses occur before the phase at which they are defined.

  3. Click Next.

Enter SSH Keys

Optionally upload SSH keys for users.

Note: You cannot add keys after the promotion process is completed.

  1. Click Add Key.

  2. Specify the tiers for the SSH key. Choose All Tiers, Application Tier, or Database Tier.

  3. Specify the pertinent OS User type. Choose All Users, Operating System Administrator, or Application Administrator.

  4. Upload the SSH key file. The file name will default in.

  5. The system will validate the SSH key. Click Next to continue.

Review Your Promotion Details

  1. Review the installation details; database details; application tier details, including zones; job definition details, and SSH key information.

  2. To promote your environment, click Submit.

  3. You can check the status of the job to promote the environment in the Jobs page.

    A standby environment that has just been promoted successfully has the value "promote-standby (Successful)" in the Environment Details page, with a link to the Job Details page. See Review Job Status for more information.

Post-Promotion Steps

  1. After the standby environment has been promoted, run the following cleanup script on the source database server to clean up the local configuration.

    $ RemoteClone/bin/ --context-file <absolute path to DB context file> --standby-name <standby name> --oci-private-key-file <absolute path to key file> --ebs-username <ebs username
  2. Depending on the Oracle E-Business code level of your environment, Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager may initially place the environment in lockdown mode to prompt you to review and respond to the secure configuration recommendations. In this case, a system administrator must resolve or acknowledge the recommended security configurations in the Secure Configuration Console to unlock the system for normal usage. See Review Secure Configuration Recommendations for Oracle E-Business Suite.

Delete an Oracle E-Business Suite Environment

You can delete environments that you no longer need in order to make those resources available for other uses. The Delete option is available for environments with the statuses Successful, Aborted, and Failed. It is not available for an environment for which the Last Job status is "In Progress" on the Environments page. In addition, the Delete option is not available while a backup of the environment is being taken.


Delete a Standard Environment

Follow these instructions to delete a standard environment.

Important: Environment deletion is irreversible. Use caution with this feature.

Backups created from an environment that is subsequently deleted remain, and can still be utilized.

If you have existing cloned environments of a source environment with a shared file system, then deleting the source environment does not delete the source, or parent, file system, because the parent file system is still in use by the cloned environments. Therefore, it is recommended that you delete all cloned environments before deleting the source environment on which they are based, in order to remove the shared file system.

If you have cloned an Oracle E-Business Suite environment that includes an Oracle database running on Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure, then you must delete all cloned environments before deleting their associated snapshot.

For environments that were not provisioned successfully, this procedure cleans up the resources of incomplete installations.

  1. From the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager Environments page, click the Action icon for an environment with its Last Job status shown as Successful, Aborted, or Failed, then select Delete. Alternatively, from the Environment Details page for a specific environment, select the Delete button.

  2. In the confirmation window, enter the environment name to confirm your choice. Then click Yes.

  3. You can check the status of the job to delete the environment in the Jobs page. See: Monitor Job Status.

    Deletion of an environment will delete the associated load balancer only if the service has only one backend set which was created by the Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager.

Delete a Standby Environment

You can delete a standby environment from within Oracle Applications Manager, but not within Oracle E-Business Suite Cloud Manager. You cannot delete a standby environment that has an "In Progress" status.

  1. Navigate to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page within Oracle Applications Manager.

  2. Click on the name of the standby environment you wish to delete.

  3. Click Remove Standby in the Standby Environment Configuration on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure page.

  4. After the standby environment has been deleted, run the following cleanup script on the source database server to clean up the local configuration.

    $ RemoteClone/bin/ --context-file <absolute path to DB context file> --standby-name <standby name> --oci-private-key-file <absolute path to key file> --ebs-username <ebs username> --session-dir <session dir to create temporary files and log files>