Browsing and Searching the eTRM Through the Home Page


The eTRM allows you to perform the following tasks in the eTRM Search Home page:

Browsing Objects in the Search Home Page

After logging to the eTRM, you can quickly browse the eTRM object metadata on the left pane of the Search home page by clicking the following links in the Browse eTRM tree node to locate your desired database object:

Click a desired object from the search results table to access the selected object details.

Searching Objects in the Search Home Page

The eTRM allows you to enter free text search in the Search home page. The search text can include one or more words separated by space character. The search engine performs search against the table and column descriptions in the FND Model, specifically against the following for the text you entered in the Search field:

For example, if you enter "contract compliance" and then click Search, the eTRM will look for tables, views, and columns that contain that phrase for an exact match or a partial match of any word in that phrase if needed.

Search Tab in the Welcome to Electronic Technical Reference Manual - eTRM Page

the picture is described in the document text

The search engine retrieves objects that match your criteria and lists them in the Search Results table. Each object in the table has the following information:

If the search returns no records, then a message "No records found in eTRM for your search <Search text>" is displayed.