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Solaris WBEM Developer's Guide
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Solaris Web-Based Enterprise Management

2.  Using the CIM Object Manager

3.  Using the Sample Programs

4.  Writing a Client Program

5.  Writing WBEM Queries

About the WBEM Query Language

Writing Queries

WQL Key Words

SELECT Statement

FROM Clause

WHERE Clause

Standard WQL Operators for WHERE Clauses

Parsing Queries


FROM Clause

WHERE Clause

Writing a Provider That Handles Queries

6.  Writing a Provider Program

7.  Creating JavaBeans Components Using the MOF Compiler

8.  Administering Security

9.  Troubleshooting

A.  Solaris Platform Schema


About the WBEM Query Language

The WBEM Query Language (WQL) is a subset of the standard American National Standards Institute Structured Query Language (ANSI SQL). WQL has semantic changes to support WBEM on the Solaris platform.

The following table shows the mapping of SQL concepts to WQL.

Table 5-1 Mapping of SQL Concepts to WQL

SQL Concept
WQL Representation
CIM class
CIM instance
CIM property

Note - Like SQL, WQL statements use single (` ') quotation marks.

In the implementation of Solaris WBEM Services, WQL is a retrieval-only language. You can use WQL to query data that is stored using the CIM data model. In the CIM model, information about objects is stored in CIM classes and CIM instances. CIM instances can contain properties, which have a name, data type, and value.