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Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide
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Document Information


1.  Introduction

2.  Types, Operators, and Expressions

3.  Variables

4.  D Program Structure

5.  Pointers and Arrays

Pointers and Addresses

Pointer Safety

Array Declarations and Storage

Pointer and Array Relationship

Pointer Arithmetic

Generic Pointers

Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Pointers to DTrace Objects

Pointers and Address Spaces

6.  Strings

7.  Structs and Unions

8.  Type and Constant Definitions

9.  Aggregations

10.  Actions and Subroutines

11.  Buffers and Buffering

12.  Output Formatting

13.  Speculative Tracing

14.  dtrace(1M) Utility

15.  Scripting

16.  Options and Tunables

17.  dtrace Provider

18.  lockstat Provider

19.  profile Provider

20.  fbt Provider

21.  syscall Provider

22.  sdt Provider

23.  sysinfo Provider

24.  vminfo Provider

25.  proc Provider

26.  sched Provider

27.  io Provider

28.  mib Provider

29.  fpuinfo Provider

30.  pid Provider

31.  plockstat Provider

32.  fasttrap Provider

33.  User Process Tracing

34.  Statically Defined Tracing for User Applications

35.  Security

36.  Anonymous Tracing

37.  Postmortem Tracing

38.  Performance Considerations

39.  Stability

40.  Translators

41.  Versioning



Multi-Dimensional Arrays

Multi-dimensional scalar arrays are used infrequently in D, but are provided for compatibility with ANSI-C and for observing and accessing operating system data structures created using this capability in C. A multi-dimensional array is declared as a consecutive series of scalar array sizes enclosed in square brackets [ ] following the base type. For example, to declare a fixed-size two-dimensional rectangular array of integers of dimensions 12 rows by 34 columns, you would write the declaration:

int a[12][34];

A multi-dimensional scalar array is accessed using similar notation. For example, to access the value stored at row 0 column 1 you would write the D expression:


Storage locations for multi-dimensional scalar array values are computed by multiplying the row number by the total number of columns declared, and then adding the column number.

You should be careful not to confuse the multi-dimensional array syntax with the D syntax for associative array accesses (that is, a[0][1] is not the same as a[0, 1]). If you use an incompatible tuple with an associative array or attempt an associative array access of a scalar array, the D compiler will report an appropriate error message and refuse to compile your program.