ChorusOS 5.0 Debugging Guide

Using Insight for Application Debugging

This section describes how to use the Insight GUI in all application debugging scenarios, including the analysis of a process dump. The use of the GDB command line interface is described in the following sections.

Starting Insight for Application Debugging

Before starting Insight, make sure that:

The name of the Insight executable differs according to the target platform and takes the form target-type-chorusos-gdb. Thus, depending on the platform, type one of the following to start Insight:

By default, the Insight GUI is started when you start GDB. The main window of the Insight GUI is shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Insight Source Window


Connecting to the Target and Loading the Application

The following procedures describe how to connect to the target using the Insight GUI and how to load the application to be debugged.

To Connect to the Target Using Insight
  1. Open the Target Selection Window.

    Select File -> Target Settings to display the Target Selection window:

    Figure 2-3 Target Selection Window


  2. Select ChorusOS Applicative Debug from the Target list.

  3. Specify the target or host name.

    In the Target name field, type the remote target name or IP address (to perform a standard application debug) or the host name or IP address of the machine on which RDBD is running (to analyze a process dump).

  4. Specify the port.

    In the Port number field, type RDBC (equivalent to 2072), RDBD (equivalent to 0) or a different port number to use for the connection.

  5. Click OK to save the target settings.

  6. Select Run -> Connect to target.

    The connection has been completed successfully when the message Successfully connected is displayed.

Note -

If you select Run -> Connect to target before you have set your target or loaded an executable, the Target Selection window is displayed automatically.

All GDB commands are accessible from the Insight Console window. In addition, certain commands are accessible from the various ChorusOS windows.

To Load the Application Using Insight
  1. Select File -> Open.

    The Load New Executable window is displayed:

    Figure 2-4 Load New Executable Window


  2. Select the application to debug and click Open.

    After you have selected the application, the source of the application is displayed in the Source window:

    Figure 2-5 Application Source Window


Note -

All GDB commands have an equivalent in Insight. All the commands are accessible from the Insight Console. In addition, certain commands are accessible from the ChorusOS windows.

For additional information on using the Insight GUI, refer to the README.GDBTK file, located in install_dir/chorus-family/opt/gdb/doc/.

Executing an Application for Debugging

The way in which you execute an application depends on whether you are performing standard application debugging or analyzing a process dump.

Executing for Standard Application Debugging

If you are performing standard application debugging, the application can be executed in three ways:

Troubleshooting Application Execution

If nothing happens when you attempt to execute your application in Insight, perform the following checks:

Attaching to a Process Dump

Before performing a process dump analysis, select the process dump you want to analyze. Use the ChorusOS Processes window to attach to the process dump. See "Displaying ChorusOS Processes" for more information.

Alternatively, you can use the command-line interface in the Console window.