Guide d'installation du logiciel Sun Cluster 3.1

Exemple d'installation du logiciel Sun Cluster sur le second noeud

L'exemple ci-après illustre l'exécution de la commande scinstall ainsi que les messages d'état des tâches de scinstall au fur et à mesure de leur installation sur le noeud phys-schost-2, second noeud installé sur la grappe.

>>> Confirmation <<<
    Your responses indicate the following options to scinstall:
      scinstall -ik \
           -C sc-cluster \
           -N phys-schost-1 \
           -A trtype=dlpi,name=hme1 -A trtype=dlpi,name=hme3 \
           -B type=switch,name=switch1 -B type=switch,name=switch2 \
           -m endpoint=:hme1,endpoint=switch1 \
           -m endpoint=:hme3,endpoint=switch2
    Are these the options you want to use (yes/no) [yes]?
    Do you want to continue with the install (yes/no) [yes]?
Checking device to use for global devices file system ... done
Adding node "phys-schost-2" to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding adapter "hme1" to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding adapter "hme3" to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding cable to the cluster configuration ... done
Adding cable to the cluster configuration ... done
Copying the config from "phys-schost-1" ... done
Setting the node ID for "phys-schost-2" ... done (id=2)
Checking for global devices global file system ... done
Updating vfstab ... done
Verifying that NTP is configured ... done
Installing a default NTP configuration ... done
Please complete the NTP configuration after scinstall has finished.
Verifying that "cluster" is set for "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "hosts" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Verifying that "cluster" is set for "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Adding the "cluster" switch to "netmasks" in nsswitch.conf ... done
Verifying that power management is NOT configured ... done
Unconfiguring power management ... done
/etc/power.conf has been renamed to /etc/power.conf.61501001054
Power management is incompatible with the HA goals of the cluster.
Please do not attempt to re-configure power management.
Ensure network routing is disabled ... done
Network routing has been disabled on this node by creating /etc/notrouter.
Having a cluster node act as a router is not supported by Sun Cluster.
Please do not re-enable network routing.
Log file - /var/cluster/logs/install/scinstall.log.9853
Rebooting ...