Using Sun WorkShop

Define New Target and Edit Target Dialog Boxes

You specify build parameters using the Define New Target and Edit Target dialog boxes, which are basically identical. You use the Define New Target dialog box to specify a new WorkShop target and the Edit Target dialog box to modify an existing WorkShop target. Figure 4-2 shows the Define New Target dialog box.

Figure 4-2 Define New Target Dialog Box


Directory text box 

Lets you type a build directory path. You can also select a directory by clicking on the browse button. 

Makefile text box 

Lets you specify a makefile (the default file name is makefile or Makefile. You can also select a makefile by clicking on the browse button.

Target text box 

Lets you specify a make target. You can also select a target by clicking on the browse button. 

Browse (..) buttons 

Let you display dialog boxes in which you can choose a build directory, makefile, or make target 

Command text box 

Lets you type a make command; the default command is dmake (described in "Running a Distributed Build").

Options button 

Opens the Make Options dialog box (see "Specifying Make Options"). The Make Options dialog box allows you to modify the parameters of a build using the options provided.

Macros button 

Opens the Make Macros dialog box (see "Using Makefile Macros"), which allows you to add, change, or delete macros to be passed into the build.

Environment Variables button 

Opens the Environment Variables dialog box (see "Using Environment Variables"), which allows you to add, change, or delete environment variables to be passed into the build.

OK button 

Applies the build parameters and closes the dialog box. 

Apply button 

Applies the build parameters. 

Build button 

Applies the build parameters and builds the target. 

Cancel button 

Closes the dialog box without applying changes. 

Help button 

Displays online help for the dialog box.