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File Watcher

This chapter covers the following topics:

The File Watcher module monitors a list of files for additions, deletions, and modifications. If changes are detected, it builds events and displays them in a table. It provides default capabilities for some of the popular files, such as passwd, vfstab, and so on.

You can add, remove, or edit entries in this default list. To add a new file, you must define the record format of the file being monitored. In the case of a record addition event, a record deletion event, or a record modification event, you have to also specify the file-specific severities of the alarms to be generated.

Note - The purpose of the File Watcher module is to monitor files that are not modified frequently, and therefore, it is useful to get notified when a change occurs. Therefore, module should only be used to monitor system files that are not expected to change frequently, for example, the passwd file.

The File Watcher Module


To Access the File Watcher or the File Watch Module

  1. Load the File Watch module.
  For instructions on how to load a module, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 User's Guide.
  2. Double-click Local Applications in the Navigator window.
  3. Double-click on File Watch in the Navigator window.
  4. Double-click on the File Watcher option.
  The Viewer displays the File Watch icon in the Viewer window.
  5. Double click on the File Watch icon in the Viewer window.

Sun Management Center displays the following File Watch tables:

On the right side of each table title, File Watch lists the associated alarm counts.

The Watched File Table is used to monitor the existence of files. The Change Table is used to monitor the changes in existing files.

File changes can only be noticed once the file has been detected as existing. This means that if a file does not exist or is non-existing, the module detects that it is existing with a size bigger than 0. For example, when a file has two records already, the module will not be able to notice those two records. However, the module will notice all future modifications.

FIGURE 3-1 displays the File Watcher tables.

FIGURE  3-1 File Watch Module

This table is initialized with seven system files through filewch.dat:

Watched File Table

The Watched File Table lists all the files being monitored by the module. It displays some of the more commonly used attributes at the top level and other hidden attributes in a lower level. For more information on hidden attributes, refer to To Access Hidden Attributes.

Displayed Attributes

The Watched File Table displays information about each file and provides the data on the following.

TABLE  3-1   Watched File Table


Name of the file  

Full Path  

Path to file and the real name  

File Size  

Size of the file in bytes.  

File Owner  

The owner of the file  

File Group  

The group the file belongs to  

File Permissions  

Permissions on the file  


Time when the file was last updated  

Validation Script  

It is the path to the validation script to be used to validate the file (for a row) when its timestamp changes. Save the script in
/var/opt/SUNWsymon/SysMgmtPack/filewch/scripts and enter the path as one that is relative to this directory. The value for script may or may not be provided.  

Exit Code  

Displays the exit code of the last execution of the validation script.  


To Access Hidden Attributes

  1. Select a row.
  2. Right-click and select Edit Row.
  Sun Management Center displays the Row Editor with all the attributes displayed in the Watched File Table, and those that are hidden.

Hidden Attributes

The following attributes are hidden and can be accessed by right clicking on any row and selecting Edit Row. You will see the Row Editor.

TABLE  3-2   Row Editor  


Delimiter between columns.  

Comment char  

Type of the char that delimits a comment line.  

Number of fields  

Number of fields in each file entry.  

Num key field  

Number of fields composing the key. The key is assumed to be at the beginning of the record. A key is an identifier for the record. For example, in the passwd file, the key for each record is the first field: user name. It is unique for each record.  

Field names  

Names of the different columns in the file entries.  

Hide values flag  

One of the following values:

  • FALSE = Display the value that changed
  • TRUE = Do not display

    Addition Severity  

    Possible values: Info, Warning, Error, None.  

    Deletion Severity  

    Possible values: Info, Warning, Error, None.  

    Change Severity  

    Possible values: Info, Warning, Error, None.  

    Record Format  

    Format of the record. Refer to Validation Script for more information.  

    Validation Script

    During a refresh, if the module detects that the timestamp of a file has changed, the validation script associated with the file, if provided, will be executed. The exit code of the last execution will be displayed in Exit Code. When a new value is given to the script field, the module checks if the path given is a valid file. If it is not, the Exit Code field will display NO_SUCH_SCRIPT. (The field could also display "killed" in the event that the validation script running was killed. In this case, specify regular expressions on which to generate alarms for Exit Code.)

    You can place your own scripts in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/SysMgmtPack/filewch/scripts or use the fileparse binary installed with the module.


    The default list of files has a value set for Validation Script and Record Format. For example, for /etc/hosts:

    fileparse is a C binary located in:


    It accepts four arguments: delimiter, comment, record format, filename. Its usage is:

    ./fileparse -d index -c index -f record_format -n input_filename

    The binary parses an input file against the file format specified as parameters, and reports an error if the file contents do not conform to the input file format. Blank lines and comment lines are skipped. The default comment is "NULL", which means there is no comment. The binary returns the following values:

    0: Success;
    1: cannot open file.
    2: record_format is not correct. 
    3: input_file's format is not correct.
    -1: program error, such as not enough memory.
    -2: argument error.

    Fileparse Arguments

    fileparse accepts four parameters. The module will provide the correct values as arguments when fileparse is invoked.

    %fileparse -d index -c index -f record_format -n input_filename


    -d index   Specifies the delimiter index;  
    -c index   Specifies the comment index;  
    -f record_format   Specifies grammar expression, where grammar expression support 4 kinds of operation on datatypes.  

    The datatypes supported are:



    STRING   The string can not be empty.  
    ZERO_STRING   The string can be empty or not empty.  
    CONST   The field value must match.  

    A constant string can be declared by enclosing it in double quotes. For example:

    "+" | "-" | STRING STRING 

    Syntax of record format:

    The operators available are:

    operator = | , [], *


    |   Means "or". For example: - line-format = "+" | "-" | STRING STRING  
    []   Means optional. For example: - line-format = STRING [STRING|IPADDRESS]  
    *   Means zero or multiple repetition of one datatype. For example: - line-format= IPADDRESS STRING STRING*  

    For example, the record format to validate /etc/passwd is:


    The precedence of the operators is:

    [] , | , * 

    Watched File Table Alarms

    FIGURE  3-2 Handling of Erroneous File Names

    File Change Table

    The File Change Table monitors files and displays their record additions, deletions, or modifications.

    Displayed Attributes

    The File Change Table displays information about each file and provides the data on the following.

    TABLE  3-3   File Change Table  

    File Name  

    Name of the file.  

    Line Number  

    The number of the line.  

    Index Key  

    Value found in the key field for the changed record.  

    Change Type  

    Whether one of the following occurred: addition, deletion, or change.  

    Field Changed  

    One of the following:

  • In case of an addition or a deletion, the cell displays "All."
  • In case of a change, the cell displays the column name, as specified when the "Watched File" entry was created.

    Old Value  

    One of the following:

  • Since this pertains to an old value, in case of a new addition, the cell displays "NA."
  • If the hidden value flag for this file is set to TRUE, the cell displays "hidden."
  • The actual old value.

    New Value  

    One of the following:

  • Since this pertains to a new value, in case of a deletion, the cell displays "NA."
  • If the hidden value flag for this file is set to TRUE, the cell displays "hidden."
  • The actual new value.

    Time Changed  

    The time when the changes occurred.  

    File Change Table Alarms

    Available Commands

    Commands are available at the following levels:

    At the Watched File Table Level


    To Add a New File to the List of Files to Be Monitored

      1. Right-click over the header or any selected row in the table to access the pull-down menu commands.

    FIGURE  3-3 Watched File Table Commands

      2. Select Add Row.
      3. Add a row to add a file.
      4. Enter the following values to describe the format of the file to be monitored.

    TABLE  3-4   Watched File Table Entries  
    Value to Enter


    Enter a meaningful name.  

    File Name  

    Enter the complete path to the file.  


    Enter the type of the delimiter.  

    File Comment Char  

    Enter the type of the character that delimits the comment line.

    The only possible values are: tab, colon, semicolon, comma, hash, and pipe. You can select the value from the pull-down menu in the Row Add or Row Edit windows.  

    Number of Fields  

    Enter the number of fields in each file entry.  

    Num Key Field  

    Enter the number of fields composing the key. The key is assumed to be at the beginning of the record.  

    Field names  

    Enter the meaningful names of the different columns in the file.  

    Hide values flag  

    Possible values are:

  • FALSE = Display the value
  • TRUE = Do not display the value. (This is used to prevent users with insufficient privileges from viewing information they should not have access to.)

    Addition Severity  

    Info, Warning, Error, None.  

    Deletion Severity  

    Info, Warning, Error, None.  

    Change Severity  

    Info, Warning, Error, None.  

    Validation Script  

    It is the path to the validation script to be used to validate the file (for the row) when its timestamp changes.  

    Record Format  

    Format of the record (if fileparse is specified as the only required validation script).  

    Exit Code  

    The code to exit.  


    To Modify or Edit a Row

      1. Select the row where the file name is present.
      2. Right-click and select Edit Row.
      3. Modify the path name and the definition of the record format of the file.
      4. Click OK.


    To Delete a Row

      1. Select the row where the file name is present.
      2. Right-click and select Delete Row.
      3. Remove a file from the list of files to be monitored.

    Note - If you remove a file from the list of files to be watched, the events that have already been detected for that file will not be automatically removed from the events log and will continue to be displayed in the File Changes Table. To clear the File Change Table, issue the Dump events to log command.

    At the File Change Table Level


    To Dump Events to a Log

      1. Right click anywhere in the row.

    FIGURE  3-4 File Change Table Properties

      2. Select Dump events to log.
      3. Delete the corresponding events by moving events.log to events_<timestamp>.log in the log directory.

    The Probe Viewer then provides the location of the log file to which events.log was moved.

    FIGURE  3-5 Output of the Probe Command


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