C H A P T E R  11

Configuring Sun MTP for Remote Clients

This chapter describes how to configure your region to work with different types of clients. It includes the following topics:

For information about using other clients, refer to the following documents:

Configuring a Region for TN3270 Clients

procedure icon  To Set Up the TN3270 Server

1. Ensure that the UNIKIX and KIXSYS environment variables are set.

2. Modify and save the unikixrc.cfg file as described in To Configure unikixCommMgr.

If you have more than one region supporting TN3270 or TN3270E connections, each region must have its own unikixrc.cfg file containing a unique port number.

3. Start the region.

The main server starts the Communications Manager, which starts unikixtnemux, the TN3270 server process.

4. From the TN3270 client, connect to the region, specifying the host and the port number.

The port number must match the port number in the unikixrc.cfg file.

With TN3270E, clients can specify an LU name for terminals and printers, associating printer and terminal sessions with predefined terminal IDs:

Setting Up Communications Manager for TN3270 Connections

Communications Manager (unikixCommMgr) is automatically started by unikixmain. On startup, unikixmain reads a configuration file called $KIXSYS/unikixrc.cfg. The unikixrc.cfg file contains information about the TN3270 Server that unikixCommMgr must start. Each region that supports TN3270 clients must have its own unikixrc.cfg file.

procedure icon  To Configure unikixCommMgr

1. Copy the unikixrc file from the $UNIKIX/lib directory to the $KIXSYS directory of the region you are configuring.

2. Edit the TNServer* entries. TABLE 11-1 describes each entry.

When modifying the unikixrc.cfg file, the following syntax rules apply:

The following example shows the TNServer* entries:

!Keywords                    Values        Possible Values
TNServer*Active:             True          ! True/False
TNServer*Processes:          1             ! 1 - 255
TNServer*EndPoints:          200           ! 16 - 1000/2000
TNServer*ListenPort:         5001          ! 1025 - 65535
TNServer*UserLogin:          True          ! True/False
TNServer*ASIS:               True          ! True/False
TNServer*Debug:              False         ! True/False
TNServer*DebugFileName:      "TNdebug.log" ! Any Legal Filename
TNServer*MessageLog:         False         ! True/False
TNServer*MessageLogFileName: "TNmsg.log"   ! Any Legal Filename
TNServer*DefaultTransaction: CPLT          ! Any Legal Transaction
TNServer*ForceKeyboardReset: False         ! True/False

3. Save the file as unikixrc.cfg.

You can define any of the following items in the unikixrc.cfg file for the TN3270 server. If you do not specify a value, the default value is used.

TABLE 11-1 unikixrc.cfg File--TN3270 Server Entries




If True, activate the unikixtnemux server. If False, all subsequent TNServer keywords are ignored.


Number of unikixtnemux server processes, from 1 (default) to 255, to invoke for this region. You can multiplex many TN3270 clients through a single unikixtnemux process. The exact number of clients is limited by the operating system based on the number of file descriptors a single process is allowed to have open at any one time. The system default for this value is usually 64 or 255. Refer to your system's System Administrator's Guide to find the default value.

If your region has fewer concurrent users than the default value, leave the TNServer*Processes value at the default of 1. If, however, the concurrent users exceed this default, you must either increase the number of TNServer*Processes or increase the Open Files per Process limit within the UNIX kernel.


Maximum number of concurrent users managed by a single unikixtnemux process; from 20 to 1000. This value multiplied by the TNServer*Processes should equal the maximum number of concurrent TN3270 or TN3270E users you expect at any one time.

Allow for 10 to 20 additional connections to prevent excessive "listener swapping" between unikixtnemux processes. The default is 60.


The TCP/IP port number to which your TN3270/TN3270E client is to connect; from 1025 through 65535. This value must be unique. Default is 2001.


Validate the TN3270 user using the UNIX user name and password before allowing access to the region. The values are True (default) or False.


If True, do not convert input data to uppercase. The values are True or False (default).


Save Sun MTP debugging information to a file. The values are True or False (default).

Set this value to False unless a technical support representative asks you to enable this feature.


This file is used to save Sun MTP debugging information if the TNServer*Debug value is set to True. You can use any file name; the default is $KIXSYS/TNdebug.log. When the file is created, the process ID (pid) of the unikixtnemux process is appended to the file name. For example, TNdebug.log.234.


Save TN3270 screen messages to a file. The values are True or False (default).


File where TN3270 messages are saved if the TNServer*MessageLog value is set to True. You can use any file name; the default is $KIXSYS/TNmsg.log. When the file is created, the process ID (pid) of the unikixtnemux process is appended to the file name. For example, TNmsg.log.234.


Initial transaction that is executed when a user is first logged onto the Sun MTP region. The default is CPLT.


Force the resetting of the keyboard. The values are True or False (default). True forces the resetting of the user's keyboard at the end of a transaction, whether or not the user specified a keyboard reset in the CICS command.

If the TNServer*UserLogin keyword is set to False and you want to display the Sun MTP copyright screen when clients connect, you must comment out the TNServer*DefaultTransaction keyword; for example:

!TNServer*DefaultTransaction: .........

Configuring a Region for SNA 3270 Clients

Sun MTP supports 3270 SNA devices using the following components:

One unikixtrin process supports all 3270 clients.

The 3270 client initiator can run on the same host as Sun MTP, which is the preferred method, or it can run on the host that is running the TPS SNA server. A 3270 client initiator supports only one SNA server; only one 3270 client initiator should be connected per Sun MTP region.

Configuring the TPS PU4/5 Server

This section shows two configuration scenarios and describes the configuration files required to run the TPS PU4/5 server with a Sun MTP region.

FIGURE 11-1 shows a configuration where Sun MTP and the SNA server coexist on the same host.

  FIGURE 11-1 Single-Host PU5 Configuration

The following figure shows a two-host configuration where the Sun MTP region is on Host A and the TPS SNA server is on Host B.

  FIGURE 11-2 Two-Host PU5 Configuration

The configuration files shown in the following figures must be located in the SNA server's /var/tpssna/conf directory. You must have an sna.cnf file. Your site's configuration will dictate the need for any other configuration files.

PU2 Configuration

If your TPS server is connected to a PU2 device, customize the sna.cnf.pu2 file shown in the following example, rename it to sna.cnf, and save it to the /var/tpssna/conf directory. Make sure your SSCPPORT entry is 8100.

CODE EXAMPLE 11-1 sna.cnf.pu2 Configuration File
# Sample sna.cnf for PU2
#  NOTE:  SSCPPORT must be set to 8100

Depending on your site's requirements, include either an autologin configuration file or a listener configuration file in the /var/tpssna/conf directory.

The configuration file shown in the following example is required if terminals will be logged in to the region automatically.

CODE EXAMPLE 11-2 Autologin Configuration File
#  sample PU2 configuration file:
#  used to call (i.e. autologon) terminals between MTP and
#  the PU2
LU=1-5, NOTIFY=YES, LOG=NO, PSERVIC=028000000000185000007E00, PACING=00010100, RUSIZES=87C7

The configuration file in CODE EXAMPLE 11-3 is required if your PU2 device listens for connections from 3270 terminals.

CODE EXAMPLE 11-3 Listener Configuration File
# Sample PU2 configuration:
#  Used to 'listen' for PU2 connections
#    where RUSIZES 87 -> 1024 and C7 -> 1536
# LU=1-10
LU=1-5, NOTIFY=YES, LOG=NO, PSERVIC=028000000000185000007E00, PACING=00010100, RUSIZES=87C7

PU4/5 Configuration

The SNA configuration file in the following code example supports PU4/5 connection to the mainframe. If your TPS Server is connected to a mainframe, customize this file for your site, rename it to sna.cnf, and save it to the /var/tpssna/conf directory. Make sure your SSCPPORT entry is 8100 as shown in CODE EXAMPLE 11-4.

CODE EXAMPLE 11-4 sna.cnf.pu45 Configuration File
#  Sample sna.cnf for PU4/5 connection
#  NOTE:  SSCPPORT must be 8100
# SSCPIO should be unique in network
# XID number for XID exchange
# local system Control Point name
# SSCP server port number

Depending on your site's requirements, include either an SDLC configuration file or an Ethernet configuration file in the /var/tpssna/conf directory.

CODE EXAMPLE 11-5 shows a PU4/5 configuration file for an environment where the TPS Server has an Ethernet connection to a mainframe.

CODE EXAMPLE 11-5 Ethernet Configuration File
# Sample PU4/5 configuration for ethernet connection
# to mainframe/NCP
PUTYPE=PRI4CD        # PU 4/5 using Cross Domain
DLCTYPE=8023         # IEEE 802.3
DEVICE=ent0          # Ethernet device
IFRAME=1476          # I-frame minus 20 for FID4 headers 1476
LUPORT=8102          # LU API server port number
LOG=LONG             # change to NO when done testing
CALLTYPE=CALL        # call remote system
RMTADDR=080074700001 # remote MAC address
SUBAREA=4            # local subarea address
DESTSA=6, VR=0, ER=0 # remote subarea
BUFCNT=600           # sun restriction on shared memory size
LU=1-255             # local dependent LU table

If you want to use autologin for terminals or printers, you must add the following lines to the configuration files shown in CODE EXAMPLE 11-5:


For example:


The fully qualified name in the RMTSSCP statement must be the fully qualified name of the SSCP that controls the LU that is to be connected to. The SUBAREA specifies the subarea address of that SSCP.

The RMTRESC entry specifies an LU name that is controlled by the preceding RMTSSCP statement. It can be a wildcard name. There can be more than one RMTRESC statement.

Note - RMTRESC will usually be set to RMTRESC=*, which indicates that all autolog requests will be sent to the SSCP specified by the RMTSSCP statement.

Configuring a Region to Work With the TPS PU4/5 SNA Server

This section describes how to configure your region to support remote 3270 devices. The term 3270 devices refers to the family of 327x devices supported by Sun MTP.

procedure icon  To Configure the Region

1. Install the TPS SNA server software.

Refer to the documentation that accompanies the package.

Samples of the configuration files that must be located in the /var/tpssna/conf directory are shown in Configuring the TPS PU4/5 Server.

2. Set the KIXHOST environment variable in the Sun MTP host and Client Initiator systems.

In the client initiator system, it specifies the host executing the Sun MTP region. At the host running the Sun MTP region, it specifies itself and notifies the region to expect 3270 clients.

3. Determine the port number on which unikixi will connect. Make sure that it does not conflict with other applications. It is recommended that you assign a port number greater than 5000.

If all terminals are autoinstalled, skip to Step 16.

4. Using a local client or TN3270 client, display the Standard Tables menu by typing CTBL on a blank transaction screen, then pressing PF4.

5. Open the TCT by pressing PF8, then press PF9 to display the 3270 Devices screen.

To predefine a device, such as a printer, that will be logged on automatically, you must insert an entry in the region's TCT. These entries are known as predefined TCTs.

6. On the 3270 Devices screen, press PF4 to display the Insert screen shown in FIGURE 11-3.

  FIGURE 11-3 TCT--3270 Devices Insert Screen

Screen shot showing the TCT 3270 Devices insert screen. Function keys listed at the bottom of the screen are: PF3, Previous Menu and ENTR, Insert.

7. The following fields are required for autologin:

a. In the Term ID field, type the 4-character terminal identifier as known to the application.

This value must be unique.

b. Type Y in the Auto Log field or leave blank to automatically log in this terminal (or printer) when the 3270 client initiator is enabled.

c. In the LU Name field, type the 8-character name of the terminal as known to the SNA network.

LU names are configured when the SNA server is installed with the PU4/5 package. Refer to the PU4/5 documentation for more information about assigning LU names.

Terminals that must have a specific Term ID, such as printers, must be identified in this field.

8. The remaining fields are optional:

a. In the OpUser ID field, type the 8-character value that matches the Sign-On Table (SNT) entry.

b. If you supply a transaction identifier in the Default TranID field, it overrides any transaction identifier entered on the terminal.

c. If the SysID field is blank or matches the SysID configured in the SIT, Sun MTP uses the local system. If you type a different value, the terminal is considered remote. The remote system must also be defined as a system entry in the TCT.

d. The In Svc field is ignored for 3270 connections.

e. In the Suf field, type the suffix added to all 7-character mapsets used for BMS mapping requests.

You can use this field for alternate screen sizes or national language support.

f. In the RmtNam field, type the terminal identifier as it is known on the remote system.

Use this field if two terminals with the same terminal ID on different remote systems are both routing transactions to Sun MTP. Define one of the terminals as having a remote name as defined on the remote system and a unique terminal ID.

9. Press Enter to insert the entry and return to the 3270 Devices screen.

10. If you are autologging a terminal or printer from a remote system, you must also specify the terminal's port number:

a. Select the terminal identifier on the main screen.

b. Press PF9 on the 3270 Devices screen to display the Host & Port screen.

  FIGURE 11-4 TCT--3270 Devices Host & Port Screen

Screen shot showing the TCT 3270 Devices host and port screen.[ D ]

11. Type the appropriate information in the following fields:

Note - The Term ID field contains the Term ID value on the main screen.

a. In the Host field, type the name of the host from which the 3270 client initiator is running.

If this field is blank, Sun MTP substitutes the name of the host on which the region is executing.

b. In the Port Number field, type a port number or name, up to 16 characters.

This port number must be specified with the -o option to unikixi. It is the port number on which the 3270 client initiator will listen for messages from unikixtstrt to attempt auto-logins.

12. Press Enter to insert the values and return to the 3270 Devices screen.

13. Press PF3 to return to the TCT menu.

14. Press PF2 to save your changes to disk.

15. Exit the Table Manager and shut down the region.

16. Start the region with the -s option to unikixmain (kixstart), which starts unikixtrin, the transaction initiator server, and specifies the port to listen on for 3270 devices.

17. Start the 3270 client initiator process, unikixi, with the -s option and any other options you require. The -s option must specify the same port number as you specified in the -s option to unikixmain.

You must also specify the -o option to unikixi, if you supplied a port number in the TCT in Step 11.

After you start the region with the appropriate options, 3270 clients function as follows:

1. The 3270 client initiator runs in the background waiting for Sun MTP to request a connection to a 3270 device or for a 3270 device to request a connection to Sun MTP. 3270 terminals can be logged on automatically when the 3270 client initiator is started or manually by the users.

2. Users initiate the manual login sequence at a 3270 terminal. When Sun MTP and the SNA server are properly configured and executing, terminals attached to the 3274 controllers that are connected to the server display a login screen. This login screen usually contains the names of the available applications.

3. To log in, the user enters the name of the desired application. If either the client initiator for the application or the region are not executing, the terminal displays an error message when the user attempts to log in.

4. After the user requests to log in, the 3270 client, unikixb, starts and displays the Sun MTP copyright screen.

5. Any transmission from the terminal at this point causes the initial default transaction, CPLT, to be submitted to the region. The user input is discarded; CPLT clears the screen and positions the cursor to the home position.

6. The user can now enter transactions.

7. When the terminal logs out, the VTAM or TPS login screen is displayed.

The unikixi -u and -s options and the KIXHOST environment variable provide the link between the SNA server application name and the host and Sun MTP application being run.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for a description of the unikixi options.

Configuring a Region for ECI/EPI Clients

The following table shows the ECI/EPI clients that Sun MTP supports.

TABLE 11-2 Supported ECI/EPI Clients

ECI/EPI Client

Supported Protocols

Sun MTP Client





IBM CICS Universal Client



Refer to the documentation for the ECI/EPI client you are using for information about configuration and on writing ECI/EPI client applications.

procedure icon  To Configure a Region to Accept ECI/EPI Clients

1. Perform any required configuration tasks on the client system.

2. Stop the region if it is running.

3. Set the KIXMAXIST environment variable in the region setup file, which specifies the number of ECI/EPI clients that can autoinstall in the region.

See the next section.

4. Configure your ISC connection.

5. Restart the region so that your communication server also starts.

Your system is now ready to accept ECI/EPI clients.

Autoinstalling ECI/EPI Clients

A Sun MTP ECI/EPI client or CICS client can autoinstall into Sun MTP; no entry in the TCT-System Entries table is required to define the remote partner connection.

Use the KIXMAXIST environment variable to specify the maximum number of system entries allowed to autoinstall into the region. See TABLE 2-1 for additional information about $KIXMAXIST.

Starting the TCP/IP Socket Listener

Before a region can accept communications from socket clients, you must start the socket listener process, unikixsock.

procedure icon  To Start the unikixsock Process

1. Specify a port number or well-known name using the -p option of the unikixmain command.

For example:

$ unikixmain . . .  -p 5090


$ unikixmain . . .  -p cicstp

You must use a unique port number or name.

Note - Assigning a port numbers of 5000 or greater usually avoids a conflict.

The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide describes the user application programs that set up the socket and send and receive transactions. Also refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for information about customizing the socket user exit program.

Configuring a Region for SSL Clients

Client applications can communicate with Sun MTP regions using SSL. The listening server process, unikixssl, listens on a pre-defined port for incoming requests. The unikixssl process routes requests through the unikixsock listener process, which must be running in your region.

procedure icon  To Configure a Region to Accept SSL Requests

1. Determine the listening port for the TCP/IP socket listener process, unikixsock.

You will need to use the -p port-number option to unikixmain when starting the region to start the unikixsock listener process.

2. Determine the listening port for the SSL listener process, unikixssl.

3. Install the Network Security Services (NSS) and the Netscapetrademark Portable Runtime (NSPR) software.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide for information about downloading the software.

4. Set up the certificate databases.

5. Create or update the unikixrc.cfg file with the SSL entries.

6. Ensure that the location of the NSS and NSPR libraries are specified in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in your region's setup file.

7. Add the $UNIKIX/lib directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that unikixssl can access the SSL user exit library (libkxsslxit.so).

Setting Up the Certificate Databases

When you set up Sun MTP, you must specify the certificate database directory where the SSL server certificate and the list of trusted certificate authorities are stored. For information about setting up the database directory, refer to the NSS SSL Reference document, specifically the "Setting Up the Certificate and Key Databases" section in Chapter 2, Getting Started with SSL. Also refer to the sample setup script $UNIKIX/src/socket/sslsetup, which shows how to set up the certificate database used in the SSL example.

Setting Up the Communications Manager for the unikixssl Server

Communications Manager (unikixCommMgr) is automatically started by unikixmain. It reads a configuration file on startup called $KIXSYS/unikixrc.cfg. The unikixrc.cfg file contains information about the SSL server, unikixssl, which is started by unikixCommMgr. Each region that supports an SSL server must have its own unikixrc.cfg file.

procedure icon  To Configure unikixCommMgr to Start unikixssl

1. Copy the unikixrc file from the $UNIKIX/lib directory to the $KIXSYS directory of the region you are configuring.

2. Edit the SslServer* entries and save the file as unikixrc.cfg.

TABLE 11-3 describes each entry.

When modifying the unikixrc.cfg file, the following syntax rules apply:

Note - All the cipher suites default to False (disabled). You must enable at least one cipher suite (set to True) or all client requests are rejected.

TABLE 11-3 unikixrc.cfg File--SSL Server Entries (1 of 4)




If True, activate the unikixssl Server.

If False (default), the unikixssl Server is not started and all subsequent SslServer keywords are ignored.


Save unikixssl trace information to a file. The values are True or False (default). Set this value to False unless you are working with a technical support representative and you are asked to enable this feature.


The host to listen for client connections on. You can specify a host name, an IP address, any (all IP addresses - INADDR_ANY) or loopback (local host - INADDR_LOOPBACK). If you specify an IP address, it must be enclosed in quotes.

If you do not include this entry, the default is any. This is appropriate in most cases.


The SSL port to listen for client connections on.


The unikixsock host. This is the host you specified on the unikixmain command with the -h option. You can specify a host name, an IP address, any (all IP addresses - INADDR_ANY) or loopback (local host - INADDR_LOOPBACK). If you specify an IP address, it must be enclosed in quotes.

If you do not include this entry, the default is any. This is appropriate in most cases.


The unikixsock listen port. This must match the port number specified with the -p option on the unikixmain command line.


The path name of the certificate database containing the unikixssl server certificate.


The nickname of the unikixssl server certificate.


The unikixssl server certificate database password.


If True, the unikixssl server requests certificates from clients. Default.

If False, clients are not asked to provide certificates.


Has meaning if SslServer*Clientcertrequested entry is set to True.

If True, clients must provide a valid certificate to establish a connection.

If False, clients can optionally provide a certificate. If the client provides a valid certificate or no certificate, a connection will be established.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.


Cipher suite.

If True, the cipher suite is enabled.

If False, the cipher suite is disabled.

procedure icon  To Start the Region and the SSL Server

1. Make sure you have the appropriate values in the unikixrc.cfg file.

2. Source your region environment.

Make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable contains the location of the NSS and NSPR libraries and $UNIKIX/lib.

3. Start the region.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for information about the -h option.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about using SSL.

Configuring a Region for MQSeries Clients

MQSeries Messaging and Queueing is an optional product. For a description of how to use MQSeries, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide and the MQSeries documentation.

Communications Manager (unikixCommMgr) is automatically started by unikixmain, which reads a configuration file on startup called $KIXSYS/unikixrc.cfg. The unikixrc.cfg file contains information about the MQSeries server, unikixqm, which unikixCommMgr starts. Each region that supports MQSeries must have its own unikixrc.cfg file.

procedure icon  To Configure unikixCommMgr to Start the unikixqm Server

1. Copy the unikixrc file from the $UNIKIX/lib directory to the $KIXSYS directory of the region you are configuring.

2. Edit the MQServer* entries and save the file as unikixrc.cfg.

TABLE 11-4 describes each entry.

When modifying the unikixrc.cfg file, the following syntax rules apply:

The following example shows the MQServer* entries:

!Keywords                  Values                 Possible Values
MQServer*Active:           True                   ! True/False
MQServer*QueueManagerName: "TESTQM"               ! Any legal name
MQServer*QueueName:        "UNIKIX.TRIGGER.QUEUE" ! Any legal name
MQServer*Debug:            False                  ! True/False

3. Save the file as unikixrc.cfg.

You can define any of the following items in the unikixrc.cfg file for MQSeries connections. If you do not specify a value, the default value is used.

TABLE 11-4 unikixrc.cfg File--MQSeries Server Entries




If True, activate the unikixqm server.

If False, all subsequent MQServer keywords are ignored.


Name of the queue manager; up to 48 characters.


Name of the queue; up to 48 characters.


Save Sun MTP debugging information to a file. The values are True or False (default). Not implemented.