C H A P T E R  2

Setting Region Environment Variables

This chapter describes the tasks involved in defining an application region. A region is a set of processes, tables, files, and environment variables that defines a unique application.

The chapter contains the following topics:

Region Configuration Tasks

The first step in configuring your Sun MTP application environment is to define a region. Before you start, however, design a directory structure and move your application's data and program files into the appropriate directories. FIGURE 2-1 shows an example of a directory structure.

Defining a region involves several tasks:

After setting the environment variables, read Chapter 3, which explains how to start and stop a region and make a local client connection.

Creating a Directory Structure

Using your operating environment's facilities, create a directory structure similar to the one in the following figure, which shows some of the environment variables that correspond to specific directories. The environment variables you set must point to the directories in your structure.

  FIGURE 2-1 Finance Application Directory Structure--Example

Environment Variables

This section describes most of the environment variables you will need to set up a region. You might need other environment variables depending on your application.

Standard Environment Variables

The following table describes the environment variables that the region uses to locate program files and applications. Most of these variables are set in the region setup file. Variables set elsewhere are also noted in the table.

TABLE 2-1 Standard Sun MTP Environment Variables (1 of 6)

Environment Variable

Where Set




setup file


If using COBOL, set to the directory containing your COBOL copy library and the $UNIKIX/copy library. This is a colon-separated list of directories.


setup file


If using COBOL, set to the full path name where COBOL is installed. $COBDIR/bin must be in your Path.


setup file


Set to the directory containing programs started with the CALL command.


setup file


Maximum number of concurrent inbound requests for SNA connections from ECI/EPI clients and remote Sun MTP or CICS regions. The value must be greater than zero. If there are more requests than available sessions, the extra requests are queued until a session becomes available, which might affect performance.

Required if configuring the unikixdcl process. See Configuring a Region for SNA.


setup file


Maximum number of concurrent outbound requests for SNA connections to remote Sun MTP or CICS regions. The value must be greater than zero. Additional requests are queued, which might affect performance, and are timed out if a session does not become available within 30 seconds.

Required if configuring the unikixdcl process. See Configuring a Region for SNA.


setup file


Set to any value to ensure that asynchronously started transactions that span the period when the Daylight Savings Time change occurs, honor Daylight Savings Time.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for more information about using this environment variable with the EXEC CICS START INTERVAL API.


setup file


If set, Sun MTP passes through the user name and password obtained from an ECI client request to a remote region without any local validation.


setup file


An alternate directory for an executable version of unikixtran. If $KIXBIN is set, that directory is searched first to load transaction servers when the region is started or restarted after an abort or CINI transaction.

If $KIXBIN is absent or NULL, or a transaction server is not present in the $KIXBIN directory, all current search algorithms apply. The description of unikixmain -l in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide describes the search rules.


setup file


A colon-separated list of directories that contain batch shell scripts. A directory name can be followed by start and end times surrounded by brackets (for example, [HHMM-HHMM]). These times indicate the hours to search the preceding directory for shell scripts to run.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for more information about $KIXBTCH.


setup file


Enables conversion tracing. To enable tracing, set this environment variable to YES. Output is written to the $KIXSYS/unikixmain.dbg file.

Use this environment variable only under the direction of technical support.


setup file


Set this variable to YES to disable the use of Javatrademark programs in the region. The Java virtual machine (JVMtrademark) will not be loaded into the transaction processors.


setup file


Set to a directory where all internal trace dump files will be written. If not set, the files will be written to the $KIXSYS/debugkix directory.


setup file


If set, Sun MTP calls the dynamic routing exit before allocating a session during outbound Function Shipping, Distributed Program Link (DPL), Asynchronous Processing or Transaction Routing requests.


setup file


Required if you are connecting 3270 SNA clients. Set to the name of the UNIX host that is running the Sun MTP server. Must be set before starting Sun MTP.


setup file


If set to YES, Sun MTP remembers the userid the user signed in with during an inbound Transaction Route request. This userid will be returned in the EXEC CICS ASSIGN USERID command.

The default value, NO, maintains the behavior of previous versions of Sun MTP, which returned blanks.


setup file


This variable, which modifies the behavior of the JVM, is typically only set for debugging. You can set KIX_JVM_OPTIONS to include any startup flags that would normally be given to a standalone JVM as command-line parameters to the java executable.


setup file


A colon-separated list of directories that is searched in left to right order when Sun MTP attempts to load a shared object or shared library for C or PL/I.

If $KIXLIB is not set, the loader looks in $KIXSYS. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide for information about using C or PL/I.


setup file


Set to the directory where the license file resides. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Installation Guide for installation instructions.


setup file


A colon-separated list of directories that is searched in left to right order when Sun MTP attempts to load a map. Maps are loaded from $KIXMAPS to $KIXSYS/_kix_reserved_maps or to the directory specified by the _KIX_RESERVED_MAPS environment variable.


setup file


The maximum number of ECI/EPI clients and remote Sun MTP or CICS regions that can autoinstall into a Sun MTP region. A request from a remote region is rejected if there are no available entries to install the region. See also Configuring a Region for ECI/EPI Clients.


setup file


A colon-separated list of directories that is searched in left to right order when Sun MTP attempts to load a COBOL program.


setup file


Set to any value (for example, KIXRDBMS_BYPASS=1) to start Sun MTP without connecting to a configured RDBMS. See Starting a Region With an RDBMS.


Batch job step


Specify batch read-locking for a list of VSAM files. This specification overrides each file's "batch read-locking" definition in the VSAM catalog for the duration of the batch job step or until another environment variable setting is encountered.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.


Batch job step


Specify a list of VSAM files that will not be locked for batch updating. This specification overrides each file's "batch read-locking" definition in the VSAM Catalog for the duration of the batch job step or until another environment variable setting is encountered.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.


setup file or shell prompt


Set to the port number Sun MTP will use for Micro Focus COBOL Remote Animation.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.


setup file or shell prompt


Set to a timeout period, in seconds, that Sun MTP will wait for a cross-animation server before returning an error. Default value is 5 seconds.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.


setup file


Set to a directory from which Sun MTP loads mapsets. When loading a mapset from disk, Sun MTP searches $_KIX_RESERVED_MAPS first and uses that version, if present. If the target mapset is not present, Sun MTP searches $KIXMAPS and uses that version, which is copied to $_KIX_RESERVED_MAPS.

If you do not set this variable, Sun MTP creates the default directory $KIXSYS/_kix_reserved_maps.

Do not set this variable to $KIXMAPS.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information.


setup file


Set to a directory where the kixsnap utility will write its output files. If you do not set this variable, Sun MTP writes the files to the directory $KIXSYS/debugkix.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for more information about kixsnap.


setup file


To disable the dynamic password changing feature, you must set the environment variable KIXSNT_NOMEMUPDATE to any value (for example., KIXSNT_NOMEMUPDATE=1) before starting the region. When dynamic password changing is disabled, you must restart the region before any changes to the SNT take effect. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information.


setup file


Set to the directory that contains the system tables. This environment variable uniquely defines a region. Many regions can run concurrently on the same host, but each region must have a unique value for $KIXSYS. Users who need to update Sun MTP tables must have write permission to this directory.


setup file


Shared library directory(s). Must be set to include $UNIKIX/lib.

For Server Express, include $COBDIR/lib.

If you are using the Sun Mainframe Administration Tool (Sun MAT), you must include the location of the JVM.


setup file or

shell prompt


If you are using Sun MAT, set to a numeric value of at least 1 to enable debug tracing of the unikixadmin server.


setup file


Tells the shell where to search for executables. Colon-separated list of path names that are searched in left to right order. Set automatically by the shell; you must add the directories $UNIKIX/local/bin and $UNIKIX/bin, in that order.

For COBOL, also add the bin directory ($COBDIR/bin) to the PATH variable.

If using an RDBMS, add the executables directory of the RDBMS to the PATH variable. For example, $ORACLE_HOME/bin.


setup file


Maximum number of concurrent inbound requests for TCP/IP connections from ECI/EPI clients and remote Sun MTP or CICS regions. If there are more requests than available sessions, Sun MTP queues the extra requests, which might affect performance.

Required if configuring the TCP Server process. See Configuring a Region for TCP/IP.

Each $TCPRTERM configured requires 32 KB of shared memory.


setup file


Maximum number of concurrent outbound requests for TCP/IP connections to remote Sun MTP or CICS regions. If there are more requests than available sessions, Sun MTP queues the extra requests, which might affect performance.

Required if configuring the TCP Server process. See Configuring a Region for TCP/IP.

Each $TCPSTERM configured requires 32 KB of shared memory.


User's .profile


Set to the user's terminal type. A tput init (or similar terminal initialization command) is required after setting the value of TERM to initialize the terminal as defined by the cursor definitions. It also determines how the function keys are mapped to standard 3270 keys, such as program function keys (PF keys), Enter, Clear, and others. See Chapter 8 and Appendix A.


setup file


Set to the directory you use for temporary files; for example, /tmp.


setup file


Set to the full path name of the Sun MTP installation directory.

Sun MTP Secure Environment Variables

You can implement transaction security either by using transaction security keys defined in the Sun MTP tables or by using Sun MTP Secure. Sun MTP Secure is an interface to an external security manager that provides both transaction and resource security checking. The Sun MTP software provides an external security system, Sun Mainframe Security Facility (Sun MSF), as well as security user exit code that you can use to develop a site-specific external security application. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for information about security.

TABLE 2-2 describes the optional environment variables that enable and disable the use of Sun MTP Secure and an external security manager, and defines the level of security checking for each resource class. Set these variables in your region setup file.

By default, Sun MTP Secure is disabled (KIXSEC=NO), and the administrator-defined transaction security key mechanism is used; no resource security mechanism is available. If Sun MTP Secure is enabled (KIXSEC=YES), then external security checking is done for all transactions and resources, and any administrator-defined transaction security key is ignored. You can selectively disable external security checking for a resource type by specifying its corresponding KIXxxxSEC environment variable as NO (for example, KIXFCTSEC=NO).

TABLE 2-2 Sun MTP Secure Environment Variables

Environment Variable



Set to a user name that is defined in the Sign-On Table (SNT).

Used for any connection established without a UNIX login and without signing on to Sun MTP with CESN or CSSN, or after signing off with CESF or CSSF in all cases.

The user name and password are authenticated with the external security manager. If the user name is not authenticated, Sun MTP is terminated. By default, this environment variable is set to kixuser, but kixuser is not predefined in the SNT. You must define the default user name and password in the SNT and on the external security management database before enabling Sun MTP Secure.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on its UNIX application name, defined as its $KIXSYS value.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on CEMT and EXEC CICS SET/INQUIRE commands.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on transient data queues.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on VSAM files.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on journals.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on attached transactions.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on application programs.


Enable or disable Sun MTP Secure. If set to NO (default), remaining *SEC* variables are ignored. Any defined transaction security level (TSL) keys are used instead.


Controls the level of messages from the ESM that are logged to the region's unikixmain.log file.

  • ALL will log all ESM response messages (success and failure).
  • DENIALS will log only those ESM response messages where access was denied; default.
  • NONE disables logging of any ESM response messages.


Enables the external security administrator to define asset permissions specific to each Sun MTP application. If set to YES, all asset names use the application name from the System Initialization Table (SIT) as a prefix to all asset names. The default is NO.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on asynchronously started transactions.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on terminals.


If set to YES (default) and KIXSEC=YES, Sun MTP performs security checking on temporary storage queues.

Sun MSF Environment Variables

The following table describes the environment variables that relate to the Sun MSF software. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for instructions on using these variables.

TABLE 2-3 Sun MSF Environment Variables

Environment Variable

Where Set



Security Administrator's setup file

The Security Administrator must set this environment variable in order to use the management tools and utilities. It is not required to use Sun MTP or external security management.


region setup file

Set to the server's host name or IP address. Necessary because Sun MSF uses a socket connection to the security server.


region setup file

Set to the server's socket port number. Necessary because Sun MSF uses a socket connection to the security server.

Defining a Region's Environment

You define a region's environment by setting the necessary environment variables in a file. This file can be an individual user's login file or a setup file that many users can execute.

A setup file for the COBOL version of the Primer sample application, $UNIKIX/test/primer/cobol/kixprimer, is shipped with the Sun MTP software.

Defining and Executing a Setup File

The following example shows a sample Bourne or Korn shell setup file that sets the environment variables for a region. Note the following about the file:

To execute a setup file named kixsetup, which sets the environment variables for a region, use the syntax appropriate to your system's shell:

There must be a space between the . and kixsetup.

Setting Environment Variables in a Login File

procedure icon  To Set the Environment Variables for the User Automatically at Login

1. Perform one of the following:

Add the settings to the user's .profile file. Also, for Bourne shell users, you can add environment variables that are common to all users to the system shell script, /etc/profile.

Add the settings to the user's .login file.

2. For X users, run all X terminals with the -ls option so that .profile or .login is processed by the X terminal's internal shell.

Users can also set variables at the shell prompt.

Setting Environment Variables in the Bourne or Korn Shell .profile File

The .profile file is the login file for Bourne and Korn shell users. In the user's home directory, edit or create a .profile file that sets the environment variables for a region. The following example illustrates a login file for a Bourne or Korn shell user.

KIXHOST=`uname -n`
tput init

The values for these variables are provided as examples. The script must contain the export command to export the variables.

Setting Environment Variables in the C Shell .login File

The .login file is the login file for C shell users. The syntax is different from the Bourne/Korn shell .profile file. The C shell does not require that you export environment variables. The following example illustrates a .login file for a C shell user. The values for these variables are provided as examples only.

setenv UNIKIX /pkgs/mtp/MTP8.0.0
setenv KIXSYS /prod/appl/sys
setenv KIXPROGS /prod/appl/progs/exe
setenv KIXMAPS /prod/appl/maps/exe
setenv KIXBTCH /prod/appl/batch/runq
setenv COBDIR /opt/cobol/2.1
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${UNIKIX}/lib:${COBDIR}/lib
setenv KIXHOST `uname -n`
setenv PATH ${UNIKIX}/local/bin:${UNIKIX}/bin:${COBDIR}/bin:$PATH
setenv TERM vt100
setenv TMPDIR /tmp
tput init