C H A P T E R  12

Configuring Sun MTP to Work With Sun MBM

This chapter describes how to configure your region to work with Sun MBM. It contains the following topics:

Note - If you upgrade Sun MTP and plan to use it with an existing version of Sun MBM, refer to the Sun Mainframe Batch Manager Software Installation Guide for information about updating your subsystems to point to the new version of Sun MTP.

When Sun MBM batch jobs access VSAM files, the Sun MTP region controls job execution. FIGURE 12-1 shows how Sun MBM accesses VSAM datasets. If Sun MBM jobs access both VSAM files and a relational database, such as Oracletrademark, the region controls both VSAM and RDBMS access.

  FIGURE 12-1 Accessing VSAM Datasets With Sun MBM

Diagram showing how Sun MBM jobs can access VSAM datasets by means of Sun MTP transaction processors.

Enabling Sun MBM in the VCT

procedure icon  To Enable Sun MBM in the VCT

1. Open the Table Manager and press PF4 to display the Standard Tables menu.

2. Press PF10 to open the VCT, as shown in FIGURE 12-2.

  FIGURE 12-2 VSAM Configuration Table (VCT)

Screen shot showing the VCT.[ D ]

3. If you have not customized the VCT for your environment, follow the steps in Customizing the VCT.

4. To use Sun MBM, you must supply values in the following fields:

a. In the Maximum batch jobs field, you must type a value that is equal to or greater than the maximum number of threads allocated to all Sun MBM job classes.

Refer to the Sun MBM Sun Mainframe Batch Manager Software Configuration Guide for information about job classes and threads.

b. In the Batch search interval field, type a value, in seconds, for how often the region checks to see if a batch job is waiting to run.

c. Type Y in the Connect to batch node field.

d. In the Node Dir field, type the path name of the Sun MBM installation directory.

5. Press PF2 to save the VCT.

6. Press PF3 to exit the VCT.

7. Exit the Table Manager.

8. Restart the region to make your changes effective.

Defining a VSAM File as Nonreusable

When using Sun MBM with Sun MTP, the IDCAMS REPRO and DELETE functions invoke the Sun MTP unikixbld utility, which uses the cluster definition in the VSAM catalog to determine whether a VSAM file is reusable. For more information about the unikixbld utility, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

By default, VSAM files are defined as reusable in the catalog; this is inconsistent with the mainframe, whose default is nonreusable. To ensure that your batch jobs behave as expected, you must examine the cluster definitions in the VSAM catalog to ensure that the files are properly defined.

Note - To use the mainframe default, NOREUSE, in the Sun MBM environment, you must configure your subsystem to do so. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Batch Manager Software Configuration Guide for information about mainframe compatibility options.

To define VSAM files as nonreusable, you can either use File Manager if you have only a few files to define, or the kiximpcat and kixexpcat utilities, which make it easier to redefine large numbers of files.

procedure icon  To Define a VSAM File as Nonreusable Using File Manager

1. Start the region and make a connection.

2. On a blank transaction screen, type CFMS to open the File Manager.

3. If you are adding a new cluster, press PF6.

Or select the cluster to modify and press PF2.

4. When the cluster screen is displayed, type N in the Reuse Allowed field.

  FIGURE 12-3 File Manager--Defining a File as Nonreusable

Screen shot showing the VSAM catalog screen where you can define a file as nonreusable.[ D ]

5. Press Enter.

6. Press PF3 to return to the File Manager screen.

Note - The Reuse Allowed field is not displayed on the File Manager main screen.

7. Press PF3 to exit the File Manager.

procedure icon  To Define Files as Nonreusable Using the Utilities

1. Shut down the region.

2. Change to the $KIXSYS directory and export the VSAM catalog:

$ cd $KIXSYS
$ kixexpcat -c CATALOG -l CATALOG.lst

3. Using a text editor, change the "reuse allowed" indicator to N for each file you want to define as nonreusable.

The "reuse allowed" indicator is the last alphabetic entry for each primary cluster definition:

P,KIXDATA0   ,JFILE001 ,F,KSDS,00080,00008,00000,Y,N,0000001,0000001,00

4. Save the CATALOG.lst file.

5. In the $KIXSYS directory, import the modified CATALOG.lst file:

$ kiximpcat -l CATALOG.lst -c CATALOG

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Administrator's Guide for more information about managing the VSAM catalog.