C H A P T E R  1


This chapter provides an introduction to the Sun MTP software. It includes the following topics:

Sun MTP Server Processes

The Sun MTP main server process starts all components or processes, except for the clients. These components, or processes, are known as children of the main server process.

When a region is running, the following server processes, with variations depending on the configuration, may be executing:

A single start, recovery, ISC, print, socket, TCP/IP, DCL, extrapartition queue, Communications Manager, transaction initiator server, MQSeries listener, and main server process executes for each region, providing the function is licensed and configured. In response to user requests, additional processes might be started.

For more information about unikixmain, the main server process, refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

Sun MTP Client Processes

Sun MTP client processes handle users. Except for the local client, clients connect to one of the communication servers. These communication servers are the TCP/IP, DCL, transaction initiator, socket listener, MQSeries listener, and the TN3270 server. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring the Sun MTP software to work with specific clients.

All Sun MTP communication servers handle multiple (up to several thousand) users. The local client connects directly to the Sun MTP Transaction Server and handles one user. Each user must choose a client.

Local Terminal Client

The local terminal client process, unikixl, is executed when you type the unikix command and its options to connect to a region.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide for a complete description of the unikix command and its options, and to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for instructions on starting a local client.

Sun MTP J3270 Terminal Emulator Client

The Sun MTP J3270 software is a 3270 terminal emulator that provides support for 3278 models 2, 3, 4, and 5 in both extended and non-extended modes. It runs on Microsoft Windows systems, Solaris, and any other platform that has a Javatrademark runtime environment (JRE). You can use the client to connect to a region or to any TN3270 Server. Sun MTP regions support terminal emulator client through unikixtnemux, the TN3270 Server.

Refer to the Sun MTP J3270 User's Guide for instructions on installing and using the software.

TN3270 and TN3270E Emulator Clients

The Sun MTP TN3270 Server, unikixtnemux, supports commercial 3270 emulators using the TCP/IP TN3270 and TN3270E protocols. The TN3270 protocol is an extension of the traditional TCP/IP Telnet protocol that enables non-ASCII, block mode devices (such as IBM 3270 terminals and applications such as Sun MTP) to communicate by means of TCP/IP. Any 3270 emulator acting as a TN3270 or TN3270E Client that properly implements the protocols (regardless of platform) should successfully function with unikixtnemux.

In addition, TN3270E provides support for:

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for instructions on configuring a region to work with TN3270 or TN3270E Clients.

IBM 3270 SNA Device Clients

Sun MTP software supports 3270 SNA devices using the optional TPS Server product. Support for SNA devices involves these components:

The SNA server is described in the TPS SNA server documentation. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for information about configuring a region to work with 3270 SNA clients.

TCP/IP Socket Clients

Client applications can communicate with a region using TCP/IP sockets. The Sun MTP listening server process, unikixsock, listens on a predefined TCP port for incoming requests. The listening process forwards the requests to the transaction server where the request is serviced. The transaction server then initiates direct communication between itself and the user application on the remote system.

For additional information, refer to:

Secure Sockets Layer Clients

The secure sockets layer (SSL) enables applications to use sockets for authenticated, tamper-proof, and encrypted communications. It was designed for exchanging secure information over an insecure network such as the Internet. It enables an SSL-enabled server to authenticate itself to an SSL-enabled client, the client to authenticate itself to the server, and both sides to establish an encrypted connection.

For additional information, refer to:

MQSeries Clients

Sun MTP software provides support for MQSeries Messaging and Queueing clients. MQSeries is a set of routines called from a Sun MTP transaction program to request services. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide, the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide, and the MQSeries documentation for more information.

External Call Interface (ECI) and External Presentation Interface (EPI) Clients

Sun MTP software provides an application programming interface (API) to code ECI and EPI clients. This product is called Sun MTP Client. Sun MTP software also supports IBM's CICS Client and Universal Client products.

The Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide describes how to configure a region to accept ECI/EPI clients. Refer also to your ECI/EPI client documentation.

Sun MTP Standards

This section describes the following Sun MTP standards:

The standards of your user applications may be different.

Screen Formats

Data entry screens are similar to the one in the following figure:

  FIGURE 1-1 Sun MTP Screen Formats--Example

Screen shot of a typical data entry screen showing the four screen areas: header area, detail area, response area, and function key description area.

All data entry screens have four areas.

Screen Area


Header area (line 1)

Identifies the current screen and contains the current date and time.

Detail area
(lines 2 through 20)

Contains menus, data entry screens, and file selection areas.

Response area (line 21)

Normally has underscores (_) across the entire line. When certain operations are performed, such as writing data to disk, this line displays a highlighted message indicating any error conditions. It also may indicate status of the operation.

Function Key Description area
(lines 22 through 24)

Lists the available function keys for the screen and the operation performed when a function key is pressed.

Function Keys

The following function keys perform the specified operations on Sun MTP screens:

Function Key



Returns to the previous screen. If you changed data on a screen and press this key before saving the changes to disk, this warning is displayed:

Table has been modified. Press PF3 if modification is only temporary.

Either press PF3 to confirm that you do not want to save the changes or any other key to perform another operation


Modifies the data for the entries currently displayed. You can modify the contents of a screen by typing over the unprotected values and pressing this key. Data is modified only if all fields pass their associated validation tests.


Clears the screen so you can type a new transaction.


Resets the system after an operator error, such as typing text in a numeric field.

Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide for keyboard mapping information.

Data Validation

You can type both uppercase and lowercase characters into any data field. Under most conditions, lowercase characters are converted to uppercase. Some data fields accept lowercase characters as valid data. Normally, fields that relate to CICS commands are converted to uppercase; other fields are left as typed. For example, dataset names are converted to uppercase and file names remain as they are typed.

During data entry validation, any fields containing invalid data are highlighted. The cursor is in the first field containing the erroneous data and the following message is displayed in the response area:

Data in field invalid/required

File Identifiers

File identifiers have two parts:

When typing a file identifier, you must conform to the specifications described in the following table:

File Identifier



Absolute directory names used in Sun MTP cannot exceed 50 characters. You can use an environment variable preceded by a dollar sign ( $ ) to replace any portion of a path name. For example, the following lines are valid and designate the same directory:

  • mtp/mtp8/finance/sys

The $ symbol expands the KIXSYS environment variable to its complete value.

Environment variable

Name of a directory or file, or a value; 1 to 14 characters.

By convention, environment variables are in uppercase.

File name

Sun MTP file names are 1 to 14 characters, including any extension.

Development System

The Development System is a collection of tools brought together under a single menu interface. Use these tools, which are briefly described in Menu Options, to perform region administration and application development tasks.

Starting the Development System

You must be locally connected to a region to display the Development System menu. You can open an individual tool using a direct access transaction. See Chapter 2.

procedure icon  To Start the Development System

single-step bulletFrom a local client, type the CMNU transaction in the upper left corner of a blank transaction screen and press the Enter key (not the Return key).

The Development System main menu shown in FIGURE 1-2 is displayed.

If a region is not running and error messages are displayed, start the region as described in the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Configuration Guide.

Note - CMNU is not supported for 3270 terminals or TN3270 clients.

Menu Options

The Development System main menu shows the functions you can perform.

  FIGURE 1-2 Development System Main Menu

Screen shot showing the Development System main menu. A prompt at the bottom of the screen indicates to press a function key for the selection you want.

The options on the menu perform the following functions:

Edit source files

PF1 starts the File Editor. Use the File Editor to edit application files. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.

UNIX File Utilities

PF2 enables the UNIX file functions: Browse, Copy, Concatenate, Delete, Print, Rename and Search. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.

Shutdown Sun MTP

PF3 prompts you to shut down the Sun MTP Client as well as the Sun MTP Server. Pressing PF3 again initiates the shutdown.


PF4 accesses the compiling functions for COBOL and PL/I and the BMS (basic mapping resource) assembler. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.

Execute in Sun MTP

PF5 terminates the menu system. You can then use the terminal to enter transaction identifiers.

Table Manager

Pressing PF6 opens the Table Manager, which you use to manage the tables that control applications. Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Reference Guide.

File Manager

PF7 opens the File Manager, which lists the VSAM files that are part of a complete application. You can use File Manager to create and manage the VSAM catalog. See Chapter 3.

Record Editor

PF8 opens the Record Editor by displaying the Data File Editor menu screen. Use the Record Editor to modify records. See Chapter 5.

Screen Generation Utility

PF9 starts the Screen Generation Utility (SGU). Refer to the Sun Mainframe Transaction Processing Software Developer's Guide.

Execute in UNIX

PF10 displays the UNIX command prompt, which enables the entry of any UNIX command except unikix. If you type unikix, an error message is displayed, indicating that the Sun MTP local client is already active at the terminal.

Supported File Types

TABLE 1-1 lists the supported file types. Applying different extensions enables you to use one file name for different types of files. This is useful in application development, allowing the source code, translated source code, object code, Basic Mapping Support (BMS) source code, and BMS object code to have the same file names with different extensions. Some language processors require input files to have a particular extension.

Sun MTP file names cannot exceed 14 characters including the extension, which is, by convention, a maximum of three characters plus a period.

When defining file names for Sun MTP, you must use uppercase for program names (except for Java programs and shared objects), dataset names, and mapsets; do not use special characters. VSAM file names can be either uppercase or lowercase.

TABLE 1-1 Sun MTP - Supported File Types

File Type


Animator debugging code


BMS mapset executable


BMS mapset source


C code intermixed with EXEC CICS commands


C native code


C header files


COBOL intermediate code


COBOL native code


IBM OS/VS COBOL input to the Common Language Translator


IBM COBOL/2 input to the Common Language Translator


Java source code


Java compiled program


Java archive

.jar, .zip

Liant Open PL/I code

.pli, .pp1

Liant Open PL/I code intermixed with EXEC CICS commands


Liant Open PL/I. Assumed to be database programs


Output of the Command Language Translator (kixclt)
Input to the COBOL compiler


Printer output


Screen Generation Utility (SGU) formatted file


Transient Data Extrapartition job stream destination


Sun MTP table, native format


Sun MTP table, ASCII format


VSAM catalog, ASCII format


VSAM KSDS index file


VSAM KSDS data file


VSAM KSDS data file segment, where n=1,...7


Resource Definition Limits

The following table lists resources you can define in a region and their upper limits.

TABLE 1-2 Sun MTP Resource Definition Limits





3270 terminal clients (unikixb processes)


Concurrent users/unikixtnemux Server process


unikixdcl Server processes


unikixtnemux Server processes



Alternate indexes/dataset






FAST_UNIKIXVSAM open datasets


File size: VSAM


  • KSDS

Operating system maximum/segment

  • ESDS

4 GB

  • RRDS

Maximum size supported by operating system

Key length

255 bytes

RRDS key value

2 GB

Record size:

  • Variable-length records
  • Fixed-length records


32767 bytes

32767 bytes



Recovery file size

400 KB to the maximum size supported by operating system

Spanned file segments, including main segment; KSDS only


Application Resources

Data conversion templates


Environment variable length

1024 bytes



Maps in a mapset


Fields in a map




Memory size (local and shared)

2 GB/allocation







Transaction classes - user-defined


Transaction processors


Transient data queues


Complementary Components and Products

The following software components and products complement Sun MTP:

Third-Party Products

Sun MTP supports a wide variety of third-party products. Before installing any version of third party products, contact your Sun Microsystems representative for platform-specific information. Qualification of third-party products does not imply validation of all features of all products, nor does it provide a guarantee of performance. You must test and verify the features of your application with the appropriate version of the third-party product.