Sun Enterprise 250 Server Owner's Guide

How to Install a Power Supply

Before You Begin

If you are installing a redundant power supply, it is not necessary to power off the system.

For more information, see:

What to Do

  1. If you are upgrading your system with an additional power supply, remove the filler panel covering the power supply bay:

    1. Remove the two screws securing the filler panel to the chassis.

    2. Partially pry the left side of the filler panel out of the bay, using a flat-blade screwdriver.

    3. Lift the filler panel up and away from the bay, and set it aside.

  2. Slide the new power supply into the power supply bay until the power supply connectors start to engage the connectors on the power distribution board.

    Figure 8-6  


  3. Push on the power supply handle to firmly engage the connectors with the power distribution board.

    Press firmly to engage the power supply connectors. If you are "hot-plugging" a redundant supply, take care to avoid jarring or shocking the system.

    Note -

    When installing a "hot-pluggable" power supply, do not engage and disengage the supply in rapid succession. Always remove a supply completely before reinserting the same supply or a replacement supply. Rapid seating and unseating of power supplies will result in false error conditions.

  4. Tighten the two captive screws that secure the power supply to the chassis.

  5. Connect the AC power cord to both the power supply and an AC power outlet.

    Secure the cord to the rear panel with the strain-relief tie-wrap.

What Next

Verify correct operation of the power supply by checking the fan and LED indicators on the rear of the supply. The fan should start spinning and both LEDs should light within three seconds of completing a hot-plug installation (or after restoring power to the system).

For more information, see:

Note -

The power supply retains its last power on/off state once it is removed from the system. If you remove a power supply from a system that is powered off and attempt a hot-plug installation into a system that is powered on, the power supply will remain off. To activate the power supply, turn the front panel keyswitch from the Power-On position to the Diagnostics position, and then back to the Power-On position. Alternatively, you may press the Power-On key on a Sun Type-5 keyboard attached to the system. For descriptions of the various keyswitch settings, see "About the Status and Control Panel".