Sun Enterprise 3500 System Reference Manual

CPU/Memory+ Board

Figure G-1 shows the locations of the centerplane and CPU module connectors.

Figure G-1 CPU/Memory+ Board Connector Locations


Centerplane Connector

Note -

Information for the CPU/Memory+ board centerplane connector also applies to the I/O+ board centerplane connector.

The CPU/Memory+ board centerplane connector is mounted on the rear of the board. The connector is divided into modular sections (see Figure G-2). The connector has one three-bladed power section. The rest of the connector contains six 120-pin rows, labeled A through F. Each section (1 through 5) has 24 pins of each 120-pin row.

Figure G-2 Centerplane Connector Detail


CPU Module Connectors

There are two connectors for each CPU module, one with 144 pins and the other with 288 pins. See Figure G-3.

Figure G-3 CPU Modules 0 and 1
