Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Asynchronous Client/Server Configuration

Figure 5-4 shows a small number of clients connected to a server using asynchronous links. Clients initiate calls to the server, which requests authentication using the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).

Figure 5-4 Asynchronous Client/Server Configuration


The server uses a single point-to-multipoint IP interface to create a virtual subnetwork of clients. Each client establishes a single point-to-point IP connection to the server.

To initiate calls to the server, each client uses a CHAT (or connect) script that specifies the login id and password it sends during the link establishment phase.

To accept calls from a client, the server must have a corresponding user account that specifies the login id and password it expects to receive. In this simple example, the server has only one modem and only one IP interface; therefore it can only accept one incoming call at a time.

PPP Configuration File (ppp.conf) for papyrus:

ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb
ifconfig ipdptp0 papyrus server netmask mtu 1500 up

    ip_interface          ipdptp0
    remote_host           server
    send_authentication   chap
    send_chap_name        chap-papyrus
    chap_own_secret       Secret*1

Link Configuration File (link.conf) for papyrus:

dialup_device             pppdev0
    unix_device           ttya
    line_speed            38400
    modem                 BocaModem V.34 DataFax
    call_setup            dial

remote_host server
    phone_number          1234561000
    chat_script           server.script

CHAT script (server.script) used by papyrus to call server:

# Set the line regarding the remote site configuration
# Due to UUCP limitations some systems only accept cs7
# setline	cs7 parodd

send	   RETURN
expect	 "ogin:"  10  onerror send BREAK repeat 3

send	   "ppp_log1"
expect	 "word: " 40
# Set the ppp password of the remote host here
send	  "papyrus-pass"

PPP Configuration File (ppp.conf) for scribbler:

ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb
ifconfig ipdptp0 scribbler server netmask mtu 1500

    ip_interface            ipdptp0
    remote_host             server
    send_authentication     chap
    send_chap_name          chap-scribbler
    chap_own_secret         Secret*2

Link Configuration File (link.conf) for scribbler:

dialup_device          pppdev0
    unix_device        ttya
    line_speed         38400
    modem              Practical 14400 V32bis
    call_setup         dial

remote_host server
    phone_number       1234561000
    chat_script        server.script

CHAT script (server.script) used by scribbler to call server:

# Set the line regarding the remote site configuration
# Due to UUCP limitations some systems only accept cs7
# setline	cs7 parodd

send	   RETURN
expect	 "ogin:"  10  onerror send BREAK repeat 3

send	   "ppp_log2"
expect	 "word: " 40
# Set the ppp password of the remote host here
send	  "scribbler-pass"

PPP Configuration File (ppp.conf) for server:

ifconfig ipd0 plumb
ifconfig ipd0 papyrus netmask mtu 1500 up

    ip_interface             ipd0
    remote_ip_addr           papyrus-ppp
    expect_login_id          ppp_log1
    expect_authentication    chap
    expect_chap_name         chap-papyrus
    chap_peer_secret         Secret*1

    ip_interface             ipd0
    remote_ip_addr           scribbler-ppp
    expect_login_id          ppp_log2
    expect_authentication    chap
    expect_chap_name         chap-scribbler
    chap_peer_secret         Secret*2

Link Configuration File (link.conf) for server:

dialup_device                pppdev0
    unix_device              ttya
    line_speed               38400
    modem                    Cardinal V.34/V.FC 28.8 data/fax
    call_setup               answer

dialup_device                ppdev1
    unix_device              ttyb
    line_speed               38400
    modem                    Cardinal V.34/V.FC 28.8 data/fax
    call_setup               answer

User account on server used to accept calls from papyrus:


User account on server used to accept calls from scribbler:
