Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Virtual Subnetwork Configuration

Figure 5-3 shows asynchronous links used to create a virtual subnetwork between four hosts. Each host can establish one link at a time with any other host in the network.

Figure 5-3 Virtual Subnetwork Configuration


Point-to-multipoint IP interfaces are used to create a virtual subnetwork over asynchronous links. A unique IP address must be assigned to each interface.

The PPP configuration file (ppp.conf) on each machine contains a list of dialup path definitions, which are associated with a single point-to-multipoint IP interface. The link configuration file (link.conf) contains corresponding definitions for each of the remote hosts in the network, which include the phone numbers and the names of the CHAT (or connect) scripts used to initiate connections.

To initiate connections, each host uses CHAT (or connect) scripts that specify a unique login id and login password sent during the link establishment phase.

To accept connections, each host must have a corresponding user account that specifies the unique login id and login password expected during the link establishment phase.

PPP Configuration File (ppp.conf) for epic:

ifconfig ipd0 plumb
ifconfig ipd0 epic-ppp netmask mtu 1500 up

    ip_interface      ipd0
    remote_host       odyssey
    remote_ip_addr    odyssey-ppp
    expect_login_id   ppp1

    ip_interface      ipd0
    remote_host       papyrus
    remote_ip_addr    papyrus-ppp
    expect_login_id   ppp2

    ip_interface      ipd0
    remote_host       scribbler
    remote_ip_addr    scribbler-ppp
    expect_login_id   ppp3

Link Configuration File (link.conf) for epic:

dialup_device         pppdev0
    unix_device       ttya
    line_speed        38400
    modem             BocaModem V.34 DataFax
    call_setup        both

remote_host odyssey
    phone_number      1234561235
    chat_script       odyssey.script
remote_host papyrus
    phone_number      1234561236
    chat_script       papyrus.script
remote_host scribble
    phone_number      1234561237
    chat_script       scribbler.script

PPP Configuration File (ppp.conf) for odyssey:

ifconfig ipd0 plumb
ifconfig ipd0 odyssey-ppp netmask mtu 1500 up

    ip_interface      ipd0
    remote_host       epic
    remote_ip_addr    epic-ppp
    expect_login_id   ppp0

    ip_interface      ipd0
    remote_host       papyrus
    remote_ip_addr    papyrus-ppp
    expect_login_id   ppp2

    ip_interface      ipd0
    remote_host       scribbler
    remote_ip_addr    scribbler-ppp
    expect_login_id   ppp3

Link Configuration File (link.conf) for odyssey:

dialup_device        pppdev0
    unix_device      ttya
    line_speed       38400
    modem            Cardinal V.34/V.FC 28.8 data/fax
    call_setup       both

remote_host epic
    phone_number     1234561234
    chat_script      epic.script
remote_host papyrus
    phone_number     1234561236
    chat_script      papyrus.script
remote_host scribbler
    phone_number     1234561237
    chat_script      scribbler.script

CHAT script (odyssey.script) used by epic to call odyssey:

# Set the line regarding the remote site configuration
# Due to UUCP limitations some systems only accept cs7
# setline	cs7 parodd

send	   RETURN
expect	 "ogin:"  10  onerror send BREAK repeat 3

send	   "ppp0"
expect	 "word: " 40
# Set the ppp password of the remote host here
send	  "epic-pass"

User account on odyssey used to accept calls from epic:


CHAT script (epic.script) used by odyssey to call epic:

# Set the line regarding the remote site configuration
# Due to UUCP limitations some systems only accept cs7
# setline	cs7 parodd

send	   RETURN
expect	 "ogin:"  10  onerror send BREAK repeat 3

send	   "ppp1"
expect	 "word: " 40
# Set the ppp password of the remote host here
send	  "odyssey-pass"

User account on epic used to accept calls from odyssey:
