

about this guide, 1

account management


Catalog Manager, 1

Vending Manager, 1

administration console, 1

administrator account, default, 1

administrator tasks

Catalog Manager, 1

customer care agent, 1

Vending Manager, 1

API filter, 1

architecture, 1

auto-stocking, 1


billing implementations, transactions, 1

billing system, workflow, 1

browser capabilities, 1


cache enabled, 1

capability definitions, list of, 1

Catalog Manager

administrator tasks, 1

overview, 1

processes, 1

Catalog Search Service, 1 file, 1


categories, 1

changing the pricing model, 1

content type

associating a DRM, 1

submissions, 1

digital rights protection, 1

disassociating pricing option from, 1

flow of, 1

popularity, 1


grace period, 1

models, 1

relative popularity value, 1

remotely hosted copyrighted content, 1

reprotecting, 1

required pricing options, 1

search fields, 1

searching for, 1

separate content type submission, 1

single content type submission, 1

sorting, 1

streaming, 1

Content Delivery Server

automated content validation, 1

components overview, 1

database access, 1

database, workflow, 1

specific capabilities, 1

content management

Catalog Manager, 1

categories, 1

Vending Manager, 1

content validation, 1

custom fields

definition, 1

for editions, 1

popularity, 1

search index, 1

searchable, 1

customer care agent, tasks, 1


database, used for, 1


administrator account, 1

log in ID and password, 1

device definition files

creating, 1

example of, 1

device management, 1



browser, 1

mandatory, 1

specifying a value, 1

system, 1

user interface/software, 1

OMA DRM 1.0 non-compliance, 1

specification tables, 1

support for OMA DRM 1.0, 1

digital rights protection


CDS DRM agents, descriptions of, 1

CDS OMA DRM 1.0 Forward Lock, 1

Combined Delivery, 1

disabling DRM, 1

enabling DRM, 1

Forward Lock, 1

inapplicable content, 1

non-compliant devices, 1

OMA DRM 1.0, formats of, 1

Separate Delivery, 1

setting in Catalog Manager, 1

supported MIME types for OMA DRM 1.0, 1

types of, 1

documentation, Content Delivery Server, 1


editions, 1

digital rights protection, 1

final, 1

instrumented, 1

new, 1

original, 1

pricing of, 1

updates, 1

Event Service, 1 file, 1

exact search, 1


Fulfillment Manager, 1


grace period, 1


IContentSummary object, 1


DRM agents, 1

overview, 1

intended audience, 1


live streamed content, 1


mandatory capabilities, 1

Messaging Service, 1

MIME type, supported types for OMA DRM 1.0, 1

Monitoring Service, 1


Notify Service, 1


obfuscation, 1

OMA DRM 1.0, 1

on-demand streamed content, 1

organization, 1


account management

Catalog Manager, 1

Vending Manager, 1

catalog manager, 1

content management

Catalog Manager, 1

Vending Manager, 1

content validation, 1

customer care tasks, 1

device management, 1

Fulfillment Manager, 1

plan management

Catalog Manager, 1

Vending Manager, 1

Sun Java System Content Delivery Server, 1

Vending Manager, 1


plan management

Catalog Manager, 1

Vending Manager, 1

popularity, determining, 1

Postpaid Service, 1


subscriber access, 1

preview sets, 1


browser support, 1

device-based, 1

managing, 1

overview, 1

PC-based, 1

subscriber access, 1


associated content types, DRM, and pricing models, 1

changing the pricing model, 1

content, 1

grace period, 1

pricing models

defined, 1

Every Download, 1

First Download, 1

Free, 1

Per Interval, 1

Per Period, 1

Per Subscription, 1

Per Use, 1

Trial, 1

pricing options, 1

disassociating, 1

required, 1

pricing scenarios, 1


relative popularity value, 1

remotely hosted copyrighted content, 1

reports, 1


search database, reindexing, 1, 2

search fields

custom fields, 1

exact searches, 1

for content, 1

for editions, 1

search result displays, 1

search results

default displays, 1

examples of, 1

for subscriber portal, 1

limiting display of, 1

session descriptor protocol (SDP) file, 1

Simple Network Management Protocol, 1

software capabilities, 1

sort order

multiple sorting, 1

specifying, 1

streamed content

live, 1

on-demand, 1

restocking, 1

session descriptor protocol (SDP) file, 1

stocking, 1

stocking editions, 1

streaming_audio, 1

streaming_video, 1

submitting, 1

types of, 1

vending.streaming property, 1

streaming content type, 1

streaming_audio, 1

streaming_video, 1

subscriber database operations, 1

subscriber database, workflow, 1

subscriber profiles, 1

Sun Java System Content Delivery Server, 1

synchronization of Catalog and Vending Manager databases, 1

system capabilities, 1


user interface capabilities, 1

user roles, 1


validation process, customizing, 1

Vending Manager

administrator tasks, 1

customer care agent tasks, 1

overview, 1

processes, 1

Vending Search Service, 1

vending.streaming property, 1

vsadmin.popularity.impl file, 1 file, 1



billing system, 1

Content Delivery Server database, 1

subscriber database, 1