Trusted Solaris Audit Administration

Planning Auditing at Your Site

When the system administrator and security administrator configure the first workstation for Trusted Solaris, auditing is enabled and a limited number of audit records are collected to a default audit location, workstation_name:/var/audit. The security administrator needs to plan what to audit and whether to customize site-specific event-to-class mappings. The system administrator plans disk space (local and remote) for the audit files, an audit administration server, and the order of installation.

Planning auditing for a non-networked workstation is a bit simpler. For a single workstation, customizing event-to-class mappings may not be worth the time. Your most important task is to ensure that auditing does not slow down your work. Planning the size and locations of auditing partitions can prevent work slowdown, and a regular maintenance schedule can automatically back up and free up the audit partition for more audit records.

Planning What to Audit

Trusted Solaris collects user actions and non-attributable (in the class na, non-attribute) events into audit classes. It is these audit classes, each of which holds a number of events, that are audited for success, for failure, or for both.

Before configuring auditing, understand the audit flags and the types of events they flag. Develop a philosophy of auditing for your organization that is based on the amount of security your site requires, and the types of users you administer.

Unless the process audit preselection mask is modified dynamically, the audit characteristics in place when a user logs in are inherited by all processes during the login session, and, unless the databases are modified, the process preselection mask applies in all subsequent login sessions.

See Appendix A, Event-to-Class Mappings for a list of provided audit classes. The list shows per audit class, each audit event's corresponding system call or user command, and points you to its audit record format.

The security administrator plans what to audit based on the site security policy. You can configure a system-wide setup and user exceptions/additions.

  1. Decide if non-attributable events should be audited.

    The audit flag na represents the non-attributable class of events. For example, accessing the PROM, booting, and remote mounting are non-attributable events. See "Events in Audit Class na " for a list of the events in the default non-attribute class.

    When you audit a class, you audit all events in that class. If you want to customize the non-attributable class, see "Planning a Site-Specific Event-to-Class Mapping".

    To audit non-attributable events, you will enter the na flag on the naflags: line of the audit_control file.

  2. Decide whether to audit them for success, for failure, or for both.

    To audit non-attributable events for success, the naflags: line of the audit_control file would look like:


    To audit non-attributable events for failure:


    To audit non-attributable events for both:


  3. Decide if all events will be audited.

    Note -

    The class all includes all auditable events in the Trusted Solaris software system. While unusual circumstances may dictate use of this class, typically you would avoid auditing all events.

  4. If you are not going to audit all events, repeat Steps Step 1 and Step 2 for the other audit classes for the class na.

    The decisions you have made in Steps Step 3 and Step 4 you will enter in the audit_control file when establishing auditing on the first workstation.

    To audit these events, you will enter their flag on the flags: line of the audit_control file, just as you entered the na flag in the naflags: line.

  5. Determine if there are particular users or roles that should be audited slightly differently than the system-wide setup.

    You will enter user exceptions to the system setup in the audit_user file.

  6. Be consistent.

    All workstations in a Trusted Solaris network should have identical naflags: entries in their audit_control files.

    All workstations in a Trusted Solaris network should have identical flags: entries in their audit_control files.

    All workstations in a Trusted Solaris network should have identical audit_user files.

Considerations When Planning What to Audit

What is audited at your site is based on your site policy and the costs of auditing (time, efficiency, disk space). For a discussion of the costs, see "Controlling Audit Costs ". The following are factors to consider when using auditing as it is implemented in the Trusted Solaris environment.

Planning a Site-Specific Event-to-Class Mapping

Optional: Skip this section if you are using the default event-to-class mappings provided by Trusted Solaris. Do not skip this section if you have decided to rearrange what events are assigned to what classes, or to create new classes or new events.

Trusted Solaris allows 32 audit classes, including the class all. Your site may add classes until the total number is 32.

The security administrator plans site-specific mappings. To plan site-specific mappings:

  1. Decide what classes are needed.

  2. Decide what events belong in what classes.

    1. Decide what events should be copied to another class or classes.

      An audit event can belong to more than one class. For example, the audit event AUE_RENAME belongs to the classes file create and file delete in the default event-to-class mapping.

    2. Decide what events should be moved to another class or classes.

    3. Decide what events should be added to a class or classes.

  3. For each class, decide whether to audit it for success, for failure, or for both.

    When new software programs include audit events not provided by Trusted Solaris 2.5.1 software, add the events to existing classes or create a new classes for the new events.

Considerations When Changing Event-to-Class Mappings

The following are factors to consider when changing the contents of default audit classes and creating new ones in the Trusted Solaris environment.

Planning Space for Audit Records

Storing audit records on a non-networked workstation involves setting up at least two local partitions dedicated to audit records, one primary and one backup, and planning a maintenance schedule.

Storing audit records for a network of workstations involves setting up a local (backup) partition dedicated to audit records, plus a network of audit servers with partitions for remote (primary) audit storage, and plus an audit administration server from which the entire audit trail can be monitored. The audit trail is every audit file (audit files hold audit records generated on a workstation) created by every workstation on the network.

Planning Space on a Non-Networked Workstation

On a non-networked workstation, plan the size of a disk partition to hold audit records. For efficiency, it is best to place the audit records on a separate disk. For safety, you may want to create two audit partitions on that disk, one as the primary storage area and the other as a backup if the first partition gets full. Set filesystem security attributes to set on the audit directory to prevent snooping on the audit trail.

  1. Estimate the volume of auditing between audit record backups.

    Balance your security needs against the availability of disk space for audit trail storage.

    A rule of thumb is to assign 200 MB of space per workstation. However, the disk space requirements for the workstation are based on how much auditing you perform and may be far greater than this figure.

    "Controlling Audit Costs "and "Auditing Efficiently" provide guidance on how to reduce storage requirements.

  2. Decide at what point the audit file system sends a warning that it is filling up.

    You will specify what is called the minfree limit for audit partitions in the audit_control file. This is the percentage of disk space remaining when the audit administrator is sent an email message (by the audit_warn alias) that the disk is getting full. The default is to send the warning when there is 20% disk space remaining. This percentage is tunable.

Planning Space on a Network of Workstations

A networked system should include audit servers to store audit files for users' workstations, an audit administration server for central audit analysis and backup, and a local audit partition on every workstation. You may want to set filesystem security attributes on the directories and mount points to prevent snooping on the audit trail. Create a worksheet to record your auditing plan, or use another mechanism that helps you track the auditing network that you set up.

  1. Determine how much auditing your site needs to do.

    Balance your site's security needs against the availability of disk space for audit trail storage.

    A rule of thumb is to assign 200 MB of space for each workstation that will be on the distributed system, but remember that the disk space requirements at your site is based on how much auditing you perform and may be far greater than this figure per workstation. If you are able to dedicate a local and a remote disk for auditing, one way to set up audit partitions is to divide each disk into two partitions.

    "Controlling Audit Costs "and "Auditing Efficiently" provide guidance on how to reduce storage requirements while still maintaining site security.

  2. Decide at what point each audit file system for the workstation sends a warning that it is filling up.

    You will specify what is called the minfree limit for audit partitions in the audit_control file. This is the percentage of disk space remaining when the audit administrator is sent an email message (by the audit_warn alias) that the disk is getting full. The default is to send the warning when there is 20% disk space remaining. This percentage is tunable.

  3. Determine which workstations will be audit servers.

    The system administrator and you will install these workstations before installing the audit client workstations.

  4. Plan a local audit partition for each workstation.

    The local partition provides a backup in cases where the audit server's partitions are full or when the network is unreachable.

  5. Determine which clients will use which audit file systems on which audit server.

    Lay out the auditing network. The following figure shows an audit server, egret, with file systems /etc/security/audit/egret[.n]/files available to store remote hosts' audit records.

    Figure 2-1 Audit Server egret's Audit File Systems


  6. Follow the naming conventions for audit file systems.

    As illustrated in the figure, the convention for naming the audit file systems on a workstation is:

    /etc/security/audit/workstationname.3/files ...

    For an explanation of the naming scheme, see "Audit Storage".

Planning the Rollout

Rolling out the auditing plan to the workstations is a job coordinated by the system administrator, who sets up the disks and the network of audit storage, and the security administrator, who decides what is to be audited and enters the information in the audit configuration files. Together, you want to set up an audited network of workstations where: