A P P E N D I X  A

Sun ILOM Remote Console

This appendix introduces the Sun ILOM Remote Console features and explains how to launch and configure the Sun ILOM Remote Console application.

For more information, refer to the following sections:

Sun ILOM Remote Console Overview

The Sun ILOM Remote Console is a Java application that you can launch from the ILOM web interface. When you use the Sun ILOM Remote Console, you can remotely redirect and control the following devices on a remote x64 host server:

The Sun ILOM Remote Console enables the devices on your local client to behave as if they were directly attached to the remote host server. For instance, the redirection functionality, using a network connection to the remote host server, enables you to do the following:

Installation Requirements

The Sun ILOM Remote Console does not require you to install any additional hardware or software. It is built into the ILOM software. However, to run the Sun ILOM Remote Console, you must have the following software installed on your local client:

Launch and Configure ILOM for Remote Management

Prior to launching the Sun ILOM Remote Console, you must launch the ILOM web interface and configure ILOM for remote management.

Note - Typically you will set up the remote management control settings once in ILOM with the exception of the remote host power states.

procedure icon  To Connect to the ILOM Web Interface

Follow these steps to connect to the ILOM web interface:

1. Open a web browser and specify the IP address of the x64 server SP that you want to remotely manage, then press Enter.

The ILOM Login page appears.

2. In the ILOM Login page, enter the user name and password of a valid Administrator role account, then press Enter.

Tip - The preconfigured administrator role account shipped with ILOM is root/ changeme.

procedure icon  To Configure ILOM Remote Control Settings Using the Web Interface


Follow these steps to configure ILOM settings for remote management:

1. In the ILOM web interface, click the Remote Control tab.

The Remote Control page appears displaying three sub-tabs: Redirection, Mouse Mode Settings, and Remote Power Control.

2. In the Remote Control page, set the following remote control settings.

Console redirection settings

Click the Redirection tab and select one of the following console color redirection options:

  • 8-bit. Select 8-bit redirection for slower network connections.
  • 16-bit. Select 16-bit redirection for faster network connections.

Mouse mode settings

(SP setting only)

Click the Mouse Mode Settings tab and select one of the following mouse mode settings:

  • Absolute. Select Absolute Mouse Mode for best performance when you are using Solaris or Windows operating systems. Absolute is the default setting.
  • Relative. Select Relative Mouse Mode when you are using a Linux operating system. Note that not all Linux operating systems support Absolute mode.

Power state settings

Click the Remote Power Control tab to select one of the following host server power states:

  • Immediate Power Off. Select Immediate Power Off to immediately turn off the power to the remote host server.
  • Graceful Shutdown and Power Off. Select Graceful Shutdown and Power Off to attempt to shut down the OS gracefully prior to powering off the remote host server.
  • Power On. Select Power On to turn on full power to the remote host server. Power On is the default.
  • Power Cycle. Select Power Cycle to immediately turn off the power on the remote host server, then apply full power to the remote host server.
  • Reset. Select Reset to immediately reboot the remote host server.

PC-Check diagnostic settings

Click the Diagnostics tab to enable or disable the appropriate settings for PC-Check diagnostics.

Launch and Configure Sun ILOM Remote Console for Remote Server Management

To manage a X2250 server remotely, you must launch the Sun ILOM Remote Console and configure the console features, as needed, for remote management. For more information, see these procedures:

procedure icon  To Launch the Sun ILOM Remote Console Using the ILOM Web Interface


To launch the Sun ILOM Remote Console using the ILOM web interface, follow these steps:

1. In the ILOM web interface, click the Remote Control tab.

The Remote Console page appears.

2. In the Remote Console page, click the Redirection tab.

The Redirection page appears.

3. In the Redirection page, click Launch Redirection.

A certificate warning message might appear stating that the name of the site does not match the name on the certificate. If this message appears, click Run to continue.

The Sun ILOM Remote Console window appears.

procedure icon  To Add a New Server Session


Follow these steps to add a new server session to the ILOM Remote Console:

1. In the Sun ILOM Remote Console window, select Redirection --> New Session.

The New Session Creation dialog appears.

2. In the New Session Creation dialog, type the IP address of a remote host x64 server SP, then click OK.

The Login dialog appears.

3. In the Login dialog, type an Administrator account user name and password.

A session tab for the newly added remote host server appears in the tab set of the Sun ILOM Remote Console.

procedure icon  To Start, Stop, or Restart Device Redirection


Follow these steps to start, stop, or restart the redirection of devices:

1. In the Sun ILOM Remote Console window, click the Redirection menu.

2. In the Redirection menu, specify, if necessary, any of the following redirection options:

Start Redirection

Select Start Redirection to enable redirection of devices. Start Redirection is enabled by default.

Restart Redirection

Select Restart Redirection to stop and start redirection of devices. Typically, this option is used when a valid redirection is still established.

Stop Redirection

Select Stop Redirection to disable the redirection of devices

A confirmation message appears confirming that you want to change the redirection setting.

3. In the confirmation message, click Yes to proceed or No to cancel the operation.

procedure icon  To Redirect Keyboard and Mouse Devices


Follow these steps to redirect a remote host server keyboard and mouse to your local client:

1. In the Sun ILOM Remote Console window, do the following:

a. Select Devices --> Mouse to enable or disable mouse redirection.

Enable (checkmark) is the default.

b. Select Devices --> Keyboard to enable or disable keyboard redirection.

Enable (checkmark) is the default.

procedure icon  To Control Keyboard Modes and Key Send Options


Follow these steps to control keyboard modes and individual key send options:

1. In the Sun ILOM Remote Console window, click the Keyboard menu.

2. In the Keyboard menu, specify, if necessary, any of the following keyboard settings.

Auto-keybreak Mode

Select Auto-keybreak Mode to automatically send a keybreak after every key press. Use this option to help resolve keyboard problems over slow network connections.

The Auto-keybreak Mode is enabled by default.

Stateful Key Locking

Select Stateful Key Locking if your client uses stateful key locking (Solaris with XSun, OSX).

Stateful Key Locking applies to these three lock keys: Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock.

Left Alt Key

Select the Left Alt Key to toggle the left Alt Key on or off.

Right Alt Key

Select Right Alt Key to toggle the right Alt Key on or off for non-US keyboards.

When enabled, this option allows you to type the third key character on a key. This keyboard option provides the same capabilities of an Alt Graph key.


Select F10 to apply the F10 function key (typically used in BIOS).

Control Alt Delete

Select Control Alt Delete to send the Control-Alt-Delete sequence.

Control Space

Select Control Space to send a Control-Space sequence to enable input on remote host.

Caps Lock

Select Caps Lock to send the Caps Lock key to enable input with Russian and Greek keyboards.

procedure icon  To Redirect Storage Devices or ISO Images


su to root
ppriv -s +file_dac_read pid_javarconsole

Follow these steps to redirect a storage device or ISO image:

1. In the Sun ILOM Remote Console window, select the Devices menu.

2. In the Devices menu, do the following:

a. Enable the appropriate storage device or image setting.


Select CD-ROM to enable the local CD device. This option causes your local CD-ROM drive to behave as though it were a CD device directly attached to the remote host server.


Select Floppy to enable the local floppy device. This option causes your local floppy drive to behave as though it were a floppy device directly attached to the remote host server.

CD-ROM Image

Select CD-ROM Image to specify the location of a CD-ROM image on your local client or network share.

Floppy Image

Select Floppy Image to specify the location of a floppy image on your local client or network share.

Tip - There are only two choices for CD/DVD redirection. You can choose to either redirect a CD-ROM drive or redirect a CD-ROM image.

Tip - If you are installing software from distribution CD/DVD, insert the CD/DVD into the redirected drive and select CD-ROM drive.

Tip - If you are installing software from an ISO image, place the ISO image on your local client or network shared file system then select CD-ROM image.

A dialog appears prompting you to specify a storage drive location or image file location.

b. To specify the storage drive location or image file location, do one of the following:


3. To reuse these storage settings on the host at a later time, click Devices --> Save as Host Default.

procedure icon  To Exit the Sun ILOM Remote Console

Follow these steps to exit the Sun ILOM Remote Console and close any remote server sessions that might have remained opened:

1. In the Sun ILOM Remote Console window, select the Redirection menu.

2. In the Redirection menu, select Quit.

CD and Diskette Redirection Operation Scenarios

Use the following information to help identify different case scenarios in which the CD drive or diskette drive redirection functionality might behave during a Remote Console session.



DVD As Seen by Remote Host

Diskette As Seen by Remote Host


Remote Console application not started, or Remote Console started but DVD/diskette redirection not started

DVD device present. No medium indication is sent to the host from ILOM when the hosts asks.

Diskette device present. No medium indication is sent to the host from ILOM when the host asks.


Remote Console application started with no medium present in the drive

DVD device present. When the host asks, which may be automatic or when you access the device on the host, the remote client sends a status message. In this case, since there is no medium, the status is no medium.

Diskette device present. When the host asks (for example, you double-click on a drive), the remote client sends a status message. In this case since there is no medium, the status is no medium.


Remote Console application started with no medium, then medium is inserted

DVD device present. When the hosts asks (automatic or manual), the remote client sends a status message as medium present and also indicates the medium change.

Diskette device present. When the host asks (manual), the remote client sends a status message as medium present and also indicates the medium change.


Remote Console application started with medium inserted

Same as case 3.

Same as case 3.


Remote Console application started with medium present, then medium is removed

Next command from the host will get a status message indicating medium not present.

Next command from the host will get a status message indicating medium not present.


Remote Console application started with image redirection

Same as case 3.

Same as case 3.


Remote Console application started with image, but redirection is stopped (which is the only way to stop ISO redirection).

Driver knows DVD redirection stopped, so it sends a medium absent status on the next host query.

Driver knows DVD redirection stopped so it sends a medium absent status on the next diskette query.


Network failure.

The software has a keep-alive mechanism. The software will detect keep-alive failure since there is no communication and will close the socket, assuming the client is unresponsive. Driver will send a no medium status to the host.

The software has a keep-alive mechanism. The software will detect unresponsive client and close the socket, as well as indicate to the driver that the remote connection went away. Driver will send a no medium status to the host.


Client crashes.

Same as case 8.

Same as case 8.