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Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 Product Brief

About This Book

This Product Brief provides a high-level overview of how Sun™ Open Net Environment (Sun ONE) Identity Server components work together to consolidate identity management and to protect enterprise assets and web-based applications. It explains basic Identity Server concepts and terminology. This book is designed to help you identify topics relevant to your enterprise needs so that you can explore those topics more fully in other Identity Server documentation. This preface contains the following sections:

Audience for This Guide

This Product Brief is intended for use by IT administrators and software developers who implement an integrated identity management and web access platform using Sun ONE servers and software. It is recommended that administrators understand the following technologies:

Because Sun ONE Directory Server is used as the data store in an Identity Server deployment, administrators should also be familiar with the documentation provided with that product. The latest Directory Server documentation can be accessed online.

Identity Server 6.1 Documentation Set

The Identity Server documentation set is separated into two core sets of manuals: the Sun ONE Identity Server 6.1 core application manuals and the Sun ONE Identity Server Policy Agents books.

Identity Server Core Documentation

The Identity Server documentation set contains the following titles:

Updates to the Release Notes and links to modifications of the core documentation can be found on the Identity Server page at the Sun ONE documentation web site. Updated documents will be marked with a revision date.

Identity Server Policy Agent Documentation Set

Policy agents for Identity Server are available on a different schedule than the server product itself. Therefore, the documentation set for the policy agents is available outside the core set of Identity Server documentation. The following titles are included in the set:

Updates to the Release Notes and modifications to the policy agent documentation can be found on the Policy Agents page at the Sun ONE documentation web site. Updated documents will be marked with a revision date.

Your Feedback on the Documentation

Sun Microsystems and the Identity Server technical writers are interested in improving the documentation and welcome any comments and suggestions. Please email these comments to

Documentation Conventions Used in This Guide

In the Identity Server documentation, certain typographic conventions and terminology are used. These conventions are described in the following sections.

Typographic Conventions

This book uses the following typographic conventions:


Below is a list of general terms used in the Identity Server documentation set:

Related Information

In addition to the documentation provided with Identity Server, there are several other sets of documentation that might be helpful. Table 1 lists these and additional sources of information.

Table 1  Where to Find Related Sun ONE Resources  

Information or Resource

Internet Location

Directory Server documentation

Web Server documentation

Web Proxy Server documentation

Sun ONE Download Center

Sun ONE Technical Support

Sun ONE Professional Services Information

Sun Enterprise Services, Solaris Patches and Support

Developer Information

Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party Web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

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