Java Desktop System Configuration Manager Release 1.1 Administration Guide

Policy Group Action Bar

The Policy Group Actions drop-down menu contains the following actions:

Table 2–1 Policy Group actions




A dialog window opens, where the administrator enters the (unique) name of the policy group. After clicking OK, the policy group is added. The Navigation pane is refreshed to reflect the changes. 


A pop-up window opens, with a warning message to confirm deletion of the policy group(s). If the administrator clicks OK, the policy group(s) are deleted. The Navigation pane is refreshed to reflect the changes. 


A dialog window opens, the administrator enters the new (unique) name for the policy group, the policy group is renamed and the Navigation pane is refreshed to reflect the changes. 

Edit Priorities 

A dialog window opens, which contains a list box for changing the priorities. 


A dialog window opens. The administrator enters the destination path where the selected policy group(s) are exported to. 


A dialog window opens. The administrator selects the policy group(s) to be imported. After clicking OK, the policy group is added and the Navigation pane is refreshed to reflect the changes.