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Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Sun Java Enterprise System Solution Life Cycle
Figure 2-1 Example of a Deployment Architecture
Figure 5-1 Installation Wizard’s Language Support Screen
Figure 5-2 Installation Wizard’s Choose Destination Location Screen
Figure 5-3 Installation Wizard’s Setup Type Screen
Figure 5-4 Installation Wizard’s Product Configuration Screen
Figure 5-5 Installation Wizard’s Customize Installation Screen
Figure 5-6 Installation Wizard’s Web Container Selection Screen
Figure 5-7 Installation Wizard’s Administrator Settings Screen
Figure 9-1 System Server Login Screen
Figure 9-2 System Server Console Screen
Figure 9-3 Administration Server Console Task Tab Screen
Figure 9-4 Web Server 6.1 Administration Server Screen
Figure 9-5 Web Server’s Server Manager Screen
Figure 9-6 Web Server’s Server Manager Success Confirmation Dialog Box
Figure 9-7 Stopping the Web Server Screen
Figure 10-1 Welcome Screen to Modify the Installed Components
Figure 10-2 Component Selection for Uninstallation
Figure 10-3 Welcome Screen to Remove the Installed Components
Figure 10-4 Confirmatory Dialog Box to Remove the Installed Components
Figure 10-5 Finish Screen During Uninstallation

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Part No: 819-1652-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.