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Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 


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Chapter 1   Installation Planning Overview
Where Does Installation Fit in the Java Enterprise System Solution Life Cycle?
What Are the Installation Planning Tasks?
What Components Are Installed?
Are Your Systems Ready?
System Requirements
Access Privileges
Memory and Disk Space Requirements
Next Steps

Chapter 2   Developing Your Installation Sequence
What Does My Deployment Call for?
Reviewing Your Deployment Architecture
What Are My Key Installation Issues?
How Do Component Interdependencies Affect My Installation?
What Setup Type Is the Best?
Default Option
Custom Option
Which Is the Best Configuration Option?
Quick Configure Option
Configure Later Option
How Many Installation Sessions Are Needed?
Single Installation Session
Multiple Installation Sessions
Next Steps

Chapter 3   Installation Process and Prerequisites
Getting the Sun Java Enterprise System Software
The Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Process
Installer Modes
Language Selection
Dependency Check
Configuration Options and Parameter Settings
The Sun Java Enterprise System Uninstallation Process
General Behavior
Interdependency Handling
Component Dependencies From Remote Hosts
Component Dependencies Resulting From Configuration
Installation Prerequisites
Next Steps

Chapter 4   Installation Scenarios
Single-Session Installation Examples
Evaluation Example
Access Manager Only Example
Access Manager and Directory Server Example
Access Manager and Portal Server Example
Application Server Only Example
Communications Express and Messaging Server Example
Directory Server Only Example
Directory Proxy Server Only Example
Instant Messaging Only Example
Message Queue Only Example
Portal Server Only Example
Portal Server Secure Remote Access Only Example
Web Server Only Example
Calendar Server and Messaging Server Example
Schema 1 Calendar-Messaging Example
Identity Management Example
Communication and Collaboration Services Example
Portal Server Using a Remote Access Manager Example

Chapter 5   Installing Sun Java Enterprise System Using the Installation Wizard
Running the Installation Wizard
To Cancel Installation
Next Steps

Chapter 6   Gathering Configuration Information for Configure Later Option
How to Use This Chapter
Suggested Look-up Strategies
Administrator Server Settings
Access Manager Configuration Information
Access Manager: Parameter Information
Access Manager: Directory Server Information
Access Manager: Web Container Information
Web Container Information: Access Manager With Web Server
Web Container Information: Access Manager With Application Server
Application Server Configuration Information
Application Server: Shared Component Information
Application Server: Web Server Information
Delegated Administrator Configuration Information
Delegated Administrator: Administration Information
High Availability Session Store Configuration Information
High Availability Session Store: Administration Information
Web Server Configuration Information
Web Server: Administration Information
Web Server: Default Web Server Instance Information
Instant Messaging Configuration Information
Portal Server Configuration Information
Portal Server Secure Remote Access Configuration Information
Messaging Server Configuration Information
Communications Express Configuration Information

Chapter 7   Post-installation Configuration for Configure Later Option
Installed Components
Configuring Access Manager After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Administration Server After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Application Server After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring HADB After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Calendar Server After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Communications Express After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Delegated Administrator After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Directory Proxy Server After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Directory Server After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Instant Messaging After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Message Queue After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Messaging Server After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Portal Server After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Portal Server SRA After a Configure Later Installation
Configuring Web Server After a Configure Later Installation
Next Steps

Chapter 8   Installing the Software in Silent Mode
Silent Installation Events
Creating a Response File
Editing the Response File
Running the Installer in Silent Mode
Understanding the Setup.log File
Next Steps

Chapter 9   Starting and Stopping Components
Startup Sequence for Java Enterprise System
Starting and Stopping Access Manager
Starting and Stopping Administration Server
Starting and Stopping Application Server
Starting and Stopping Calendar Server
Starting and Stopping Directory Server
Starting Directory Server
Stopping Directory Server
Starting and Stopping Directory Proxy Server
Starting and Stopping HADB Management Agent
Starting and Stopping Instant Messaging
Starting and Stopping Message Queue
Starting and Stopping Messaging Server
Starting and Stopping Portal Server
Starting and Stopping Web Server
Next Steps

Chapter 10   Uninstalling the Software
Pre-uninstallation Tasks
Running the Uninstall Program in Graphical Mode
Running the Uninstall Program in Silent Mode

Chapter 11   Troubleshooting
General Troubleshooting Methods
Examine Installation Log Files
Examine Component Log Files
Verify Product Dependencies
Check Resources and Settings
Check Postinstallation Configuration
Check the Distribution Media
Check Directory Server Connectivity
Remove Web Server Files and Directory
Verify Passwords
Installation Problems
Installation Fails Due to Leftover Files During Uninstallation
Installation Failure
Unexpected External Errors
Silent Installation Fails: “Response File Is Incompatible or Corrupted”
Silent Installation Fails
Uninstallation Problems
Uninstallation Fails, Leaving Behind Files
Component Troubleshooting Information
Access Manager Troubleshooting Tools
Administration Server Troubleshooting Tools
Application Server Troubleshooting Tools
Calendar Server Troubleshooting Tools
Communications Express Troubleshooting Tools
Directory Proxy Server Troubleshooting Tools
Directory Server Troubleshooting Tools
Instant Messaging Troubleshooting Tools
Message Queue Troubleshooting Tools
Messaging Server Troubleshooting Tools
Portal Server Troubleshooting Tools
Portal Server Secure Remote Access Troubleshooting Tools
Web Server Troubleshooting Tools
Delegated Administrator Troubleshooting Tools
High Availability Session Store Troubleshooting Tools
Additional Troubleshooting Information

Appendix A   Java ES Components
Selectable Components

Appendix B   Default Port Numbers
Appendix C   Example Response File


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Part No: 819-1652-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.