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Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 

Chapter 3
Installation Process and Prerequisites

This chapter provides information that you will need before starting an installation of the Sun Java™ Enterprise System software.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Getting the Sun Java Enterprise System Software

You can get the Sun Java Enterprise System software in any of the following ways:

The Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Process

The Sun Java Enterprise System installer utilizes Windows Installer service for installation. The installer uses a wizard (a GUI interface), which guides you through a sequence of interactive panels and also supports a parameter-driven silent installation mode. In the silent installation mode, you generate a response file as per the installation requirements before starting the installation.

All components of the Sun Java Enterprise System can be installed in a single session, providing the following benefits:

Installer Modes

The Installer supports two kinds of installation:

Language Selection

The interactive installer runs in the language specified by the operating system locale setting. The following languages are available:

If your operating system language is not listed, the installer runs in English. The installer automatically installs English version of all Java ES components. In addition, you can install component packages in any of the above listed languages. If your operating system language is on the list, that language is automatically selected for component installation, but you can change the selection.

During an installation session, the language you choose applies to all the components you are installing. To install some components in one language and other components in another language, you must run the installer multiple times.

Dependency Check

Many components depend on the presence of other components to provide their core functions. The installer does an extensive cross checking of components to ensure that the components you select will function properly due to their interdependencies. For this reason, the installer might prompt you to select certain components as you make your component selections. Prompt messages from the installer are based on the type of configuration selected. Sun Java Enterprise System supports Quick Configure and Configure Later options.

In general, the Sun Java Enterprise System installer uses the following rules for handling dependencies among the components:

Configuration Options and Parameter Settings

Sun Java Enterprise System installer provides you with two options for configuring the products. Before choosing any of the options, it is advisable to plan for the installation tasks.

Depending on which configuration option you select, the following parameter information might be required during installation:

The Sun Java Enterprise System Uninstallation Process

The Sun Java Enterprise System provides an uninstallation program for removing the components that were installed on your system using the installer.

The uninstall wizard can be accessed as follows:

  1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Select Sun Java Enterprise Systems.
  4. Click Change/Remove.

After all Sun Java Enterprise System components are uninstalled, the uninstallation program is automatically deleted.

General Behavior

Like the Sun Java Enterprise System installation process, the uninstallation process can also be run through the wizard (GUI mode) or the silent mode.

For more information on dependencies that affect the removal of some components of the software, refer to Interdependency Handling.

Interdependency Handling

The behavior of the uninstallation program depends on the installed components and their interrelationships.

The uninstall program does not recognize the following interdependencies:

Component Dependencies From Remote Hosts

Some component dependencies can be satisfied with components deployed on remote hosts only if the configuration selected is Configure Later. The uninstallation program does not recognize these dependency relationships.

For example, if you uninstall Directory Server, the uninstallation program does not warn you that Access Manager depends on Directory Server, even if both the components are deployed on the same host. This is because another Directory Server instance on another host could support Access Manager.

Component Dependencies Resulting From Configuration

The uninstallation program does not recognize a component dependency that is the result of post-installation configuration.

For example, suppose you install both Portal Server and Calendar Server on the same host, and then configure Portal Server to use Calendar Server for the Portal Server calendar channel. After this configuration, Portal Server depends on Calendar Server. However, if you then uninstall Calendar Server, the uninstall program does not warn you that Portal Server depends on Calendar Server because the uninstall program does not know about the post-installation configuration.

Installation Prerequisites

The following table lists the tasks that you should perform before beginning any type of installation. The left column lists the order in which you should perform the tasks, the middle column describes the action, and the right column contains the location of instructions and other useful information. Not all tasks are required for all installations.

Table 3-1  Pre-installation Checklist 



Instructions and Helpful Information


Plan how to install the Sun Java Enterprise System components.

Chapter 2, "Developing Your Installation Sequence"


Verify that system requirements are met.

Are Your Systems Ready?

Java Enterprise System Release Notes,


For Administrative user, create the necessary system accounts.

For Directory Server, Directory Proxy Server, or Administration Server to run as a non-root user, you must create the accounts before configuring.


When installing components that depend on servers or services that are already installed, ensure that the existing servers and services are running and accessible.

For example, If you are installing a Portal Server Secure Remote Access subcomponent, the Secure Remote Access core must be running and accessible.


If installing Access Manager or Messaging Server, verify that the domain name of the machine on which Access Manager will be installed is set.



If installing Calendar Server or Messaging Server, verify that the configurator file contains the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) rather than a simple host name.

For example: loghost


If installing Web Server, verify that UID 80 and GID 80 are not already allocated for Web Server use.

If 80 is already allocated to Web Server, errors occur and Web Server installation fails.


When reinstalling, verify that the Web Server installation directory does not exist. If it does, remove or rename the directory.



If Directory Proxy Server will use a preinstalled Configuration Directory Server, ensure that the Configuration Directory Server is running during the installation of Directory Proxy Server.

If you are installing Directory Proxy Server and the Configuration Directory Server at the same time, you can skip this pre-installation task.

Next Steps

Now that you have an idea of what are the installation prerequisites, different installation modes and component interdependencies, you are ready to install the Sun Java Enterprise System. Proceed to one of the following installation chapters:

Chapter 5, "Installing Sun Java Enterprise System Using the Installation Wizard"

Chapter 8, "Installing the Software in Silent Mode"

If you are going to do a Configure Later installation, gather your configuration information from Chapter 6, "Gathering Configuration Information for Configure Later Option".

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Part No: 819-1652-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.