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Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows 

Chapter 5
Installing Sun Java Enterprise System Using the Installation Wizard

This chapter provides instructions for using the interactive graphical interface, also called the installation wizard, to install the Sun Java™ Enterprise System software.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Before installing, you should have developed your installation plan. If it is not ready, refer to Chapter 2, "Developing Your Installation Sequence".

You should also survey your system for incompatibilities before running the installer. For more information, refer to What Components Are Installed?.

Running the Installation Wizard

This section includes:

    To Begin Installation

Verify that you have met the pre-installation requirements. Refer to Installation Prerequisites for a listing of the specific tasks that might apply to your installation. By default, the English language version of the wizard is always installed.

  1. Access the CD drive where the Sun Java Enterprise System is mounted.
  2. Click the Setup launcher to start the wizard.


    Run \setup.bat and NOT \products\setup.exe to start installation.

  3. For a Download. Unzip the bits, Navigate to the directory where you download the software, and click the Setup Launcher (setup.bat)
  4. For CDs. Navigate to a directory the CD drive where the CD is mounted and click the Setup launcher.
  5. The Welcome screen is displayed.
  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. The Software License Agreement screen is displayed.

  8. Select I accept the terms of the license agreement, click Next to continue.
  9. The Language Support screen displays.

    Figure 5-1  Installation Wizard’s Language Support Screen

  10. Select any additional language support required for the products.
  11. The Choose Destination Location screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-2  Installation Wizard’s Choose Destination Location Screen

  12. Browse to a folder where you want to install the product. To keep the default location do not make any change. Click Next.
  13. The Setup Type screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-3  Installation Wizard’s Setup Type Screen

  14. Choose the type of installation from the two choices below,
    • Default
    • Choose the Default type installation if you want to install and configure all the products and features automatically at one instance.

    • Custom
    • Choose Custom type installation if you want to select the products and features to be installed and configuration type.

    To Install by Default Setup Type
  1. Select the Default setup type from the Setup Type Screen and Click Next.
  2. All the components are installed and configured by Default and then the Administrator Settings Screen appears

  3. Follow the procedure from Step 4 of the To Initiate the Quick Configure Installation
    To Install by Custom Setup Type
  1. Select the Custom set type from the Setup Type screen. Click Next
  2. The Configuration Type Panel screen appears

  3. Choose the type of Configuration from the two choices below,
    To Initiate the Quick Configure Installation

The Quick Configuration option (Configure automatically during installation) installs the components you select and configures them according to the default configuration settings. If you are new to Sun Java Enterprise system and undecided about the configuration best suited for your need, this option is good to start with.

  1. Select the Quick Configure radio button. Click Next.
  2. The Customize Installation screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-5  Installation Wizard’s Customize Installation Screen

  3. Choose the components that you want to install and configure automatically, by selecting and deselecting the check boxes. You can select some or all components:
    1. Select All Components. By default all the products are selected in the Product Selection panel.
    2. Select Some Components. First deselect the check box next to Sun Java Enterprise System, and then select the check box next to the components you want to install. As you make each selection, the installer automatically selects any other component that the component you selected depends on.
    3. Each selection causes additional files to be installed, adding to more disk space required for installation. The screen displays the disk space available on your machine and the disk space required by the components you selected.

  4. When a web application is selected (IM,UWC, AM,PS,DA) and if no web container is selected, the web container selection screen appears.
  5. Select one of the Web containers

    Figure 5-6  Installation Wizard’s Web Container Selection Screen

    Click OK to get back to the product selection panel.

  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. The Administrator Settings screen displays.

    Figure 5-7  Installation Wizard’s Administrator Settings Screen

  8. Enter the Administrative user ID, Administrative user password, and re-type the Administrative user password in the respective fields. Click Next.


    Though the values entered in this screen are set as default values, these default settings can be modified during the post-installation.

  9. The Start Copying Files screen is displayed. This screen also confirms the component selections for this installation session.

  10. If the products selected lists all the components to be installed and configured, click Next. To make any changes to component selection, click Back and make the appropriate changes.
  11. The Setup Status screen and subsequently the Installation In Progress screen is displayed. It is followed by the Configuration In Progress screen. This might take some time depending on your server setup.
  12. The Information screen is displayed after the installation and configuration of the components are over. Click Next to continue.
  13. The Installation Complete screen is displayed. Click Finish to exit the setup.
    To Initiate the Configure Later Installation

The Configure Later option (Configure manually after installation) only installs the components you select, it does not configure them. You need to configure them later. See chapter on Post-installation Configuration for Configure Later Option to proceed with the configuration of the components after successful installation.

  1. Select the Configure Later radio button. Click Next.
  2. The Customize Installation screen is displayed.

  3. You must choose the components that you want to install by selecting and deselecting the check boxes. You can select all or some of the components:
    1. Select All Components. Select the check box next to Sun Java Enterprise System.
    2. Select Some Components. Select the check box next to the components you want to install. As you make each selection, the installer automatically selects any other components that the component you selected depends on.


      You can choose to unselect installer selected components if you plan to use components installed on remote sytems.

    3. Each selection causes additional files to be installed, adding to the disk space required for installation. The screen displays the disk space available on your machine and the disk space required by the components you selected.

  4. Click Next to continue.
  5. The Start Copying Files screen is displayed. This screen confirms the selections you made for installation.

  6. The Products Selected screen lists all the components to be install. Click Next. To make any changes to component selection, click Back and make appropriate changes.
  7. The Setup Status screen and subsequently the Installation In Progress screen is displayed. This might take some time depending on your server setup.
  8. The Information screen is displayed after the installation is over. Click Next to continue.


    The Message Queue is automatically configured if selected. You do not need to configure it separately.

  9. The Installation Complete screen is displayed. Click Finish to exit the setup.

After an installation session, a summary file containing the list of products installed can viewed from the installation wizard by clicking the View Summary button, or from the installation directory [INSTALLDIR] where this file is saved.

To Cancel Installation

You can cancel installation by clicking Cancel from the screens where it is enabled. This starts the uninstall process and removes any Java Enterprise System software that is already installed.

If you selected the Quick Configure option, you should not cancel installation after copying files for installation is complete and configuration is in progress.

Next Steps

After you have completed the installation and configuration of components through Quick Configure option, proceed to Chapter 9, "Starting and Stopping Components", to learn how to start and stop these components.

If you have completed the installation through the Configure Later option, proceed to the Post-installation Configuration for Configure Later Option to learn how to configure the components.

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Part No: 819-1652-10.   Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.