Technical Case Study: Sun Java Enterprise System SunWeb 4.0

Choosing Security Strategies for the SunWeb Architecture

The requirements for the SunWeb portal service posed the following security challenges:

For more information on the security requirements, see Security Requirements.

The SunWeb architects met the first challenge by including Access Manager and Directory Server in the deployment to control employee access to portal content. These Access Manager and Directory Server instances are separate from the main corporate LDAP service. The SunWeb directory service is dedicated to maintaining each employee's portal desktop profile. The desktop profile includes any desktop customization performed by the employee, as well as LDAP attributes and object classes that determine what content an employee is authorized to view. For more information on this aspect of the deployment, see The LDAP Schema.

The SunWeb architects met the second challenge by including the Portal Server Secure Remote Access component and its gateway service in the deployment and by designing network access zones that take maximum advantage of the gateway service. The access zones are demarcated by firewalls. The access zones and the firewalls are represented in Figure 3–4.

The outermost zone in Figure 3–4 is the demilitarized zone (DMZ), which contains the portal gateway. The DMZ is reasonably secure. The portal gateway service behind the firewall can be accessed at one specific URL only. Employees who connect to the SunWeb portal with remote web browser clients or mobile clients access the gateway service at the specified URL. The firewall blocks all other ports and addresses.

In addition to deploying the gateway service behind Firewall 3 in the DMZ, the SunWeb architecture protects the gateway service in the following ways:

The next zone, behind Firewall 2, is the SunWeb subnet. This zone contains the actual SunWeb portal service, which is provided by eight instances of Portal Server, supported by eight instances of Access Manager and two instances of Directory Server. This zone is defined by an additional firewall (Firewall 2).

In addition to deploying the portal service on its own subnet behind Firewall 2, the SunWeb architecture protects the portal service in the following ways:

The main corporate network contains various corporate information services that are accessed by the SunWeb portal service. These services are protected by Firewall 1. In addition to Firewall 1, the main corporate network is protected by the following measures:

Not shown in Figure 3–4 is the fact that the individual computers running the Java ES services are hardened.