authentication password syntax
authorization identity control
Common Development and Distribution License
deprecated password storage scheme
Directory Services Markup Language
entry change notification control
extensible match search filter
greater than or equal to search filter
less than or equal to search filter
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
notice of disconnection unsolicited notification
Password Modify extended operation
Simple Authentication and Security Layer
virtual attributes only control
An authorization ID is an identifier that is used by a client to indicate that one or more operations should be performed under the authority of an alternate identity. This alternate authorization identity can last for a single operation (when used in conjunction with the proxied authorization control) or for the entire duration of an authentication session (when used in conjunction with an appropriate SASL mechanism, like DIGEST-MD5, GSSAPI, or PLAIN).
In most cases, an authorization ID should be specified in one of the following forms:
The string dn: followed by the distinguished name of the target user (or just the string dn: if the authorization identity should be that of the anonymous user).
The string u: followed by a username used to identify the user. An identity mapper maps the provided username to the corresponding user entry.
The ability for a client to use an alternate authorization identity is controlled by the proxied-auth privilege. In some cases, additional access control rights may also be required.