authentication password syntax
authorization identity control
Common Development and Distribution License
deprecated password storage scheme
Directory Services Markup Language
entry change notification control
extensible match search filter
greater than or equal to search filter
less than or equal to search filter
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
notice of disconnection unsolicited notification
Password Modify extended operation
Simple Authentication and Security Layer
virtual attributes only control
The CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism provides a way for clients to authenticate to the Directory Server with a username and password in a manner that does not expose the clear-text password, so it is significantly safer than simple authentication or the PLAIN SASL mechanism when the connection between the client and the server is not secure.
The CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism is described in the Internet Draft. The process is as follows:
The client sends an LDAP message to the server with a bind request protocol op type using an authentication type of SASL with a mechanism name of CRAM-MD5 and no credentials.
The server sends a bind response message back to the client with a result code of 14 (SASL bind in progress) and a server SASL credentials element including randomly-generated data (the challenge).
The client responds with a second SASL bind request message to the server with a mechanism name of CRAM-M5, and this time provides SASL credentials containing the authentication ID used to identify the user and an MD5 digest that is computed by combining the server-provided challenge with the clear-text password.
The server uses the authentication ID to identify the user, and then retrieves the clear-text password for that user (if the clear-text password cannot be obtained, then authentication will fail) and uses it to determine whether the provided digest is valid. The server will then send an appropriate response to the client (usually with a result of either success or invalid credentials) indicating whether the authentication was successful.
The CRAM-MD5 SASL mechanism is very similar to DIGEST-MD5, but it is somewhat weaker because CRAM-MD5 only includes random data from the server whereas DIGEST-MD5 includes random data from both the client and the server. DIGEST-MD5 also provides a provision for ensuring connection integrity and/or confidentiality, which CRAM-MD5 does not offer.