authentication password syntax
authorization identity control
Common Development and Distribution License
deprecated password storage scheme
Directory Services Markup Language
entry change notification control
extensible match search filter
greater than or equal to search filter
less than or equal to search filter
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
notice of disconnection unsolicited notification
Password Modify extended operation
Simple Authentication and Security Layer
virtual attributes only control
Quality of protection (QoP) is a property of certain SASL mechanisms (especially the DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI mechanisms) that can be used to protect the communication between the client and the server.
There are three different QoP levels:
This indicates that the associated SASL mechanism should only be used to authenticate the client connection. It should not provide any other protection for the client-server communication
This indicates that the associated SASL mechanism should be used for authentication, and then should also provide integrity protection for the communication between the client and server. Integrity protection will not prevent third-party observers from understanding the communication, but it will ensure that a man-in-the-middle is unable to alter that communication in an undetectable manner
This indicates that the associated SASL mechanism should be used for authentication, and then should also provide integrity and confidentiality protection for the communication between the client and the server. This will ensure that third-party observers will be unable to understand the communication
At the present time, the directory server supports only the auth quality of protection. It does not support either the auth-int or auth-conf levels.