System Administration Guide, Volume 2

Tools for Managing Terminals and Modems

The table below lists the recommended tools for managing terminals and modems. Table 12-3 lists specific differences in functionality between the Service Access Facility (SAF) and Admintool: Serial Ports.

Table 12-2 Recommended Tools For Managing Terminals and Modems

If You Want The Tool That Is ... 

Then Use ... 

To Start This Tool See ... 

The most comprehensive 

Service Access Facility (SAF) commands 

"Service Access Facility"

The quickest setup 

Admintool graphical user interface (for local systems only) 

Chapter 13, Setting Up Terminals and Modems (Tasks)

Table 12-3 Functionality Differences Between Admintool and Service Access Facility

If You Need To ... 

Then Use ... 


Inform users that a port is disabled 

Service Access Facility ttyadm -i

ttyadmin -i specifies the inactive (disabled) response message. The message is sent to a terminal or modem when a user attempts to log in when the port is disabled. This functionality is not provided when a port is disabled using Admintool.

Keep the modem connection when a user logs off a host 

Service Access Facility ttyadm -h

ttyadm -h specifies that the system will not hang up on a modem before setting or resetting to the default or specified value. If ttyadm -h is not used, when the user logs out of a host, the host will hang up the modem.

Require the user to type a character before the system displays a prompt 

Service Access Facility ttyadm -r

ttyadm -r specifies that ttymon should require the user to type a character or press Return a specified number of times before the login prompt appears. When -r is not specified, pressing Return one or more times will print the prompt anyway. This option prevents a terminal server from issuing a welcome message that the Solaris host might misinterpret to be a user trying to log in. Without the -r option, the host and terminal server might begin looping and printing prompts to each other.


Admintool: Serial Ports sets up the serial port software to work with terminals and modems by calling the pmadm command with the appropriate information. It also provides:

Service Access Facility

The SAF is the tool used for administering terminals, modems, and other network devices. In particular, SAF enables you to set up:

The SAF is an open-systems solution that controls access to system and network resources through tty devices and local-area networks (LANs). SAF is not a program. It is a hierarchy of background processes and administrative commands.