Simplified Chinese Solaris User's Guide

How This Book Is Organized

Each chapter of this guide addresses a different aspect of using Simplified Chinese Solaris software. The chapters tell how to check your set up before you begin using the facilities of Simplified Chinese Solaris software and give step-by-step instructions for using Simplified Chinese facilities.

Chapter 1, Introduction briefly describes general modifications made to Solaris software, including CDE, to internationalize and localize it for Simplified Chinese.

Chapter 2, Starting the Simplified Chinese Solaris Software gives the step-by-step instructions you must follow to start your Solaris user environment. It also describes Simplified Chinese Solaris-specific features you must use to turn Simplified Chinese facilities OFF/ON by using dtlogin.

Chapter 3, Using the htt Input Method Server introduces the startup, appearance, and use of htt.

Chapter 4, Entering Simplified Chinese Text describes different Simplified Chinese character entry modes and provides a step-by-step tutorial in their use. (Further information on customizing commands and other advanced user topics are covered in Solaris Internationalization Guide for Developers and Simplified Chinese Solaris System Administrator's Guide.)

Chapter 5, Code Table Input Method Interface describes the interface that allows the user to add new input.

Chapter 6, Localized Applications describes uses of two desktop tools localized for Chinese mailx, talk, and tools to convert file codes.

Chapter 7, Fonts explains how to customize fonts used in your Simplified Chinese Solaris applications.

Chapter 8, Simplified Chinese Printing Facilities discusses Simplified Chinese Solaris support for line printers with built-in Chinese fonts or using the Simplified Chinese Solaris xetops filter package.

Appendix A, Open Windows Information describes the special requirements of the OpenWindows environment.

Appendix B, Backward Compatibility discusses running compiled binary code of earlier SunOSTM 4.x/Solaris 1.x/Asian OpenWindows 2.x applications without recompilation.

Appendix C, Running Networked Applications discusses running localized applications that reside on another machine across your network.

Glossary contains a list of words and phrases found in the Simplified Chinese Solaris documentation set, and their definitions.