Solaris Smart Cards Administration Guide
 accessing a protected application ( Index Term Link )
 activating, card services ( Index Term Link )
 AID (applet identification) property ( Index Term Link )
 AMI (Authentication Management Infrastructure), keys used by smart cards ( Index Term Link )
 answer to reset property (ATR), changing ( Index Term Link )
 application card property
  effects on login ( Index Term Link )
  initializing an application ( Index Term Link )
 application property,
  how it works
   on card ( Index Term Link )
 ATR (Answer to Reset) property, updating ( Index Term Link )
  authmechanism property for client applications ( Index Term Link )
  challenge-response ( Index Term Link )
  default mechanism on a card ( Index Term Link )
  how private key works ( Index Term Link )
  methods ( Index Term Link )
   application ( Index Term Link )
  with a private key ( Index Term Link )
 authentication, activating on system ( Index Term Link )
 authentication, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 authentication, defining on system ( Index Term Link )
 authentication, system ( Index Term Link )
 authentication mechanism
   initialization on a card ( Index Term Link )
 authmechanism property ( Index Term Link )
  assigning to a client application ( Index Term Link )
 authservicelocations property ( Index Term Link )
 badge office
  exporting key files to enable use on multiple systems ( Index Term Link )
  importing keys to enable card use on multiple systems ( Index Term Link )
 card reader
   Console ( Index Term Link )
  advanced configuration folder
   Console ( Index Term Link )
  basic configuration folder ( Index Term Link )
  Card Terminal Factory name
   Console ( Index Term Link )
  configuring the card reader
   command line ( Index Term Link )
  removing ( Index Term Link )
  types supported ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  viewing configuration for system
   command line ( Index Term Link )
 card service, location property ( Index Term Link )
 card services
  Dallas Semiconductor iButton ( Index Term Link )
  deactivating ( Index Term Link )
  property ( Index Term Link )
  Schlumberger Cyberflex ( Index Term Link )
  Schlumberger Payflex ( Index Term Link )
 card terminal factory name
  for a Sun SCRI External Card Reader 1 ( Index Term Link )
  for a Sun SCRI Internal Card Reader 1 ( Index Term Link )
  for an iButton reader ( Index Term Link )
 challenge-response ( Index Term Link )
  authentication sequence ( Index Term Link )
  answer to reset property (ATR) ( Index Term Link )
   default folder ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  OCF server
   Console ( Index Term Link )
  OCF Server
   properties ( Index Term Link )
 changing client properties
   Card Reader ( Index Term Link )
   Smart Cards ( Index Term Link )
 client application properties
  authentication mechanisms
   default ( Index Term Link )
  configuring properties
   local system ( Index Term Link )
 client configuration
   Smart Cards ( Index Term Link )
  Options Folder ( Index Term Link )
  timeouts folder ( Index Term Link )
  OCF Server
   command line ( Index Term Link )
  system ( Index Term Link )
 creating user information on a smart card ( Index Term Link )
 Cyberflex ( Index Term Link )
 debug folder
   command line ( Index Term Link )
  setting up for OCF Server ( Index Term Link )
 defaultcard property ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  OCF Server
   command line ( Index Term Link )
 disabling, smart card operations ( Index Term Link )
 enabling, smart card operations on system ( Index Term Link )
 /etc/smartcard/.keys ( Index Term Link )
 graphical user interface (GUI)
  getting help with tasks ( Index Term Link )
   CDE ( Index Term Link )
   command line ( Index Term Link )
 iButton reader ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  card terminal factory name ( Index Term Link )
   command line ( Index Term Link )
  reader driver name ( Index Term Link )
 iButton smart card ( Index Term Link )
 initializerlocations property ( Index Term Link )
J file ( Index Term Link )
  .keys file ( Index Term Link )
  private key setup ( Index Term Link )
  symmetric (DES) ( Index Term Link )
 loading, applets ( Index Term Link )
 logging in to the desktop, user instructions ( Index Term Link )
 logging into
  the desktop
   default authentication for login ( Index Term Link )
   effects of a private key ( Index Term Link )
   sequence ( Index Term Link )
 network administrator tasks, pre-configuration checklist ( Index Term Link )
 OCF (Open Card Framework) ( Index Term Link )
 OCF Clients, configuring ( Index Term Link )
 OCF Server
  authentication mechanism
   defining ( Index Term Link )
  configuring properties
   command line ( Index Term Link )
  debug folder ( Index Term Link )
 OCF server
  default resources folder ( Index Term Link )
 OCF Server
  defining properties
   command line ( Index Term Link )
 OCF server
  properties ( Index Term Link )
 OCF Server
   changing default properties ( Index Term Link )
 OCF server properties
   Console ( Index Term Link )
 ocfserv ( Index Term Link )
  restarting ( Index Term Link )
 ocfserv server, server properties defined ( Index Term Link )
 packages, Solaris Smart Cards ( Index Term Link )
 password ( Index Term Link )
  authentication mechanism
   initialization on a card ( Index Term Link )
  card properties ( Index Term Link )
  database ( Index Term Link )
  property on a smart card
   how it works ( Index Term Link )
 Payflex ( Index Term Link )
 PIN (personal identification number) ( Index Term Link )
  changing ( Index Term Link )
  role in the login sequence ( Index Term Link )
  use during login ( Index Term Link )
 PIN card property
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  how it works ( Index Term Link )
  initialization ( Index Term Link )
 private key
  how it works ( Index Term Link )
  property ( Index Term Link )
   effects on login ( Index Term Link )
   initializing ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  configurable properties
   ocfserv ( Index Term Link )
  defining on smart cards ( Index Term Link )
   command line ( Index Term Link )
 public key, infrastructure (PKI) ( Index Term Link )
 reader driver name
  for a Sun SCRI External Card Reader 1 ( Index Term Link )
  for a Sun SCRI Internal Card Reader 1 ( Index Term Link )
  for an iButton reader ( Index Term Link )
 removing, card reader ( Index Term Link )
 restarting ocfserv ( Index Term Link )
 server protocol property ( Index Term Link )
 setting properties
  debugging properties
   command line ( Index Term Link )
 setting smart card support ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 Smart Card login, how it works ( Index Term Link )
 smart cards
  card properties definitions ( Index Term Link )
  card service property modules ( Index Term Link )
  cards and readers supported ( Index Term Link )
  changing client properties
   defaults ( Index Term Link )
  client configuration
   defaults ( Index Term Link )
  configurable properties
   system ( Index Term Link )
  contents of card ( Index Term Link )
  creating user information on ( Index Term Link )
  enabling operation ( Index Term Link )
  logging in with a card ( Index Term Link )
  updating to new release ( Index Term Link )
  using on multiple systems ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris 8 ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Smart Cards
  card readers supported ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  graphical user interface ( Index Term Link )
  main features ( Index Term Link )
  packages ( Index Term Link )
 SunTM External Smart Card Reader 1 ( Index Term Link )
 SunTM Internal Smart Card Reader 1 ( Index Term Link )
 Sun SCRI External Card Reader 1
  card terminal factory name ( Index Term Link )
  reader driver name ( Index Term Link )
 Sun SCRI External Reader 1
   command line ( Index Term Link )
 Sun SCRI Internal Card Reader 1
  adding from command line ( Index Term Link )
  card terminal factory name ( Index Term Link )
  reader driver name ( Index Term Link )
 Sun Smart Card Reader I ( Index Term Link )
 supported card readers property ( Index Term Link )
 system authentication ( Index Term Link )
 system configuration ( Index Term Link )
  configurable properties list ( Index Term Link )
  disabling smart cards operations ( Index Term Link )
  pre-configuration tasks ( Index Term Link )
 updating, ATR (Answer to Reset) ( Index Term Link )
 user card property ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 user property, how it works on smart card ( Index Term Link )
 validcards property ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )