Sun Java System Access Manager 7 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Configuring and Reconfiguring an Instance of Access Manager

You can configure an instance of Access Manager that was installed with the Configure Later option or reconfigure the first instance that was installed using Configure Now option in the Java Enterprise System installer by running the amconfig script.

For example, you might want to reconfigure an instance to change the Access Manager owner and group.

ProcedureTo Configure or Reconfigure an Instance of Access Manager

  1. Log in as an administrator, depending on the web container for the instance. For example, if Web Server 6.1 is the web container, log in either as superuser (root) or as the user account for Web Server Administration Server.

  2. Copy the silent configuration input file you used to deploy the instance to a writable directory and make that directory your current directory. For example, to reconfigure an instance for Web Server 6.1, the following steps use an input file named amnewinstanceforWS61 in the /reconfig directory.

  3. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the DEPLOY_LEVEL variable to one of the values described for a Deployment Mode Variable operation. For example, set DEPLOY_LEVEL=21 to reconfigure a full installation.

  4. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the NEW_INSTANCE variable to false:

  5. Set other variables in the amnewinstanceforWS61 file to reconfigure the instance. For example, to change the owner and group for the instance, set the NEW_OWNER and NEW_GROUP variables to their new values.

    For a description of other variables, refer to the tables in the following sections:

  6. Run the amconfig script, specifying your edited input file. For example, on Solaris systems:

    # cd opt/SUNWam/bin/
     # ./amconfig -s ./reconfig/amnewinstanceforWS61

    The -s option runs the script in silent mode. The amconfig script calls other configuration scripts as needed, using variables in the amnewinstanceforWS61 file to reconfigure the instance.