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Sun Java System Directory Editor 1 2005Q1 Installation and Configuration Guide 

Chapter 3
Getting Started

This chapter provides an overview of Directory Editor’s graphical user interface and major features. The information in this chapter is organized as follows:

Product Features

Directory Editor is J2EE-based web application that enables you to quickly and easily manage directory data. Directory Editor:

Logging In

When the Directory Editor Log In page is displayed (see Figure 3-1), enter your credentials (user name and password) for full access.

Figure 3-1  Directory Editor Log In Page

Enter your user name and password on the Directory Editor log in page.


  • If you enable the Log In Anonymously checkbox, you will have access to Directory Editor’s Home, Browse, and Search pages only. You cannot access the Create or Configure pages.
  • After initial configuration, the log in screen (Figure 3-1) will display every time you open Directory Editor.
  • After a user logs in, Directory Editor will not allow them to delete, disable, or rename the object (dn) they used to login.
    If they try to change the object an error message will result.

When you log in successfully, the Directory Editor Home page is displayed.
(See Navigating Directory Editor for an overview of this, and other, Directory Editor pages.)

Changing Your LDAP Password


If your password is about to expire, Directory Editor provides a warning message and allows you to change your password. However; if your password has already expired, you cannot log in until the system administrator resets your password.

To change your LDAP password, use the following steps:

  1. From the Home page, click the Change My Directory Password link.
  2. Figure 3-2  Change My Directory Password Link
    Use the Change My Directory Password link to change your password.

  3. When the Edit Password page is displayed (Figure 3-3), type a new password into the Password text box and the Confirm Password text box.
  4. Figure 3-3  Edit Password Page
    Use the Edit Password page to enter and confirm a new password.

  5. When you are finished, click Save to save the new password and return to the Home page (or click Cancel to return to the Home page without saving the password).

Navigating Directory Editor

After logging into Directory Editor as an administrator, the Home page displays as shown in Figure 3-4:

Figure 3-4  Directory Editor Home Page

Use the Home page to navigate to all other Directory Editor pages.


If your Home page looks different than the one shown in Figure 3-4, you may have specified credentials for an account that is not a member of the Manager Group you specified in Step 5: Specify the Managed Directory Properties.

The Home page contains a list of tasks commonly performed with Directory Editor. Click any of the links on this page to perform the task described, as follows:

The following options (located in the upper-right corner of the application window) are available from all Directory Editor web pages:

Browsing Directories

Select the Browse tab to browse the contents of the directory.

Figure 3-5  Browse Tab

Use the Browse page to browse the contents of the directory.

Initially, only the top-level directory objects (based on object class) are displayed in tree view, as follows:

  • OU, O
  • Domains
  • Groups
  • Person
  • Role
  • All other


You specify the directory context using the Managed Directory parameters stored in the configuration directory.

Click the node key to view the contents of that folder.

If there are more than 100 objects in the folder, the objects will be displayed on several pages, and the following navigation tool will display.

Use this navigation tool to view the different pages as follows:

In addition, Directory Editor provides a link to the Search page. Click the link if you want to search for a particular object.


  • If you click the folder icon or directory name, the Edit page is displayed so you can edit that object.

    For example, if you select cn=Directory Administrators you can edit the object name, the availability of people in the group, add or remove members, and view statistics. Instructions for editing objects are provided in Chapter 4, "Creating and Editing Objects."

  • You can change the default settings for maximum number of lines to display per page and page size (as well as other settings) by selecting Configure > Forms and then click the Default Browse Form’s Customize button. When the next page displays, click the ldaptree node. You can edit any of the parameters listed.

Using the Browse Button

Many Directory Editor pages provide a Browse button to help you locate information you must provide to complete a task.

For example, to create a new object, you must provide a parent entry (the name of the context) where you are going to add the object. You could use the following steps to locate the parent:

  1. Click the Browse button to open a Browse dialog box (Figure 3-6):
  2. Figure 3-6  Example Browse Dialog Box
    Use the Browse dialog box to locate and select parent entries (context names).

  3. In this dialog box, navigate within the tree to locate the appropriate parent entry (or context name).
  4. Click the entry to select it.
  5. For example, you might want to add a new user entry under the People node.

  6. When you have made your selection, click OK to save your selection and return to the Create page.
  7. Directory Editor then enters the context information into the Parent Entry text box.

    Figure 3-7  Completed Parent Entry Text Box
    Select a new object type and specify the parent entry.

Using Online Help

Directory Editor provides an online help tool that you can use to quickly and easily locate information about the product.

To access the online help, click the Help link located in the upper right corner of the Directory Editor browser window and the Help window is displayed as follows:

Figure 3-8  Online Help Window

Directory Editor online help window.

Use the following features to navigate in the Help window and to locate information about Directory Editor:

When you are finished with the Help window, click the Close button to close the Help window.

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Part No: 819-2191.   Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.