C H A P T E R  4

Using Web Services for Device Access

In addition to the Java APIs described in Chapter 3, the Sun Javatrademark System RFID Software 3.0 provides two web services that can be used by Java and non-Java client applications to access RFID devices. The web services for device access can be installed by using the custom installation option of the RFID Event Manager installer. This chapter describes how to use these web services and includes the following topics:

Overview of Web Services for Device Access

These web services expose the device client Java interface of Sun RFID Event Manager. So any client application, including standalone Java applications, web clients, J2EE application clients, and other native clients, can use the common XML-based interface to interact with readers configured in the RFID Event Manager

The device access web services are only available if you install the RFID Event Manager using the custom installation option and choose the Web Services for ALE and Device Access component. See the Sun Java System RFID Software 3.0 Installation Guide for information on using this option of the RFID Event Manager installer.

The device access web services are described by the WSDL located at the following URLs:

The variable, em-hostname, is the host name of the machine where the RFID Event Manager is installed. The app-server-port, is your application server HTTP port number.

For example, using Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 Platform Edition listening on port 8080, the URL is http://localhost:8080/readeraccess/ReaderAccess?WSDL.

Web Services Interface Reference

This section describes the interfaces for the device access web services as follows:

The following terms are used in the interface descriptions:

Web Services for Reader Access Java Interface

The implementation of the reader access Java interface API is contained in the following class, ReaderAccessSEI.java.

The following table lists the public ReaderAccessSEI APIs:

TABLE 4-1 ReaderAccessSEI Interfaces




Sends a command to a RFID reader.


Returns the status of the RFID reader.


Tells all the RFID readers to inquire about the list of tags in the readers field of view.


Gets the current tags from the RFID reader.


Write an Identifier to the RFID reader.


Turns the indicators attached to the RFID reader on or off.


Reads the contents of the user data memory area for the identified RFID tag.


Writes the specified data to the user data memory area of the specified RFID tag.


Returns the size of the user data memory area in bytes.


Returns the protocol for the specified RFID tag.


Returns the type of the specified RFID tag.


Some RFID tags contain an Identifier memory area that is read-only. If the tab memory area supports read/write capability, this method can be used to lock the EPC identifier area of the RFID tag.


Locks the user memory data area of the specified RFID tag.


Permanently disables the RFID tag for the specified Identifier.


Determines if automatic gathering of the user data is necessary during the RFID tag inventory operation.


Enables or disables the automatic gathering of user data during the RFID tag inventory operation.


Get the reader EPC identifier from the reader name.


Get the reader description.


Get the reader Handle.


Get the reader role.

  • This field is used to indicate a business process role and should not be confused with the concept of an RFID Event Manager role, a term that is described in the Sun Java System RFID Software 3.0 Administration Guide.


Returns true if automatic read mode is on. Returns false if otherwise.


Enables or disables the automatic read mode.

Web Services for Printer Access Java Interface

The implementation of the printer access Java interface API is contained in the following class, PrinterAccessSEI.java.

All of the public PrinterAccessSEI APIs are listed in the following table.

TABLE 4-2 PrinterAccessSEI Interfaces




Returns the status of the RFID printer.


Returns the RFID printer EPC Identifier from printer name.


Returns the RFID printer description.


Returns the RFID printer Handle.


Returns the RFID printer Role.

PrintTag (with properties)

  • Programs the single tag in the RFID printer's field of action and prints a label. The Properties object is applied to a template identified by the template property. The default template is used, if a template property is not specified.
  • When you invoke the printTag method, the framework automatically adds the values for the properties HEXEPC and URNEPC to the Properties object. You still need to include the two properties in your template.
  • Strings of the form ${rfid.myproperty} in the template are replaced with the value of myproperty from the Properties object that is passed to the printTag method. This mechanism enables each printed label to have data customized for that specific label.

PrintTag (with data stream)

Programs the single tag in the RFID printer's field of action and prints the label with the data contained in the supplied String. The String is sent to the printer verbatim with no dynamic substitution of data.

Creating and Running the Web Services for a Device Access Client

To discover a specific reader service in the RFID Jini lookup server, you need to supply the following parameters:

These parameters are described in more detail in Reader Client Constructor Parameters of Chapter 3 of this guide.

To simplify the call parameters, the DeviceFinder class has been defined to package these three parameters. You must create a DeviceFinder object that defines the name of the reader you wish to access, along with the necessary Jini information, such as the list of Jini groups in which to search for the reader and any Jini locators that may be necessary to find readers running in an RFID Event Manager on a different subnet. The list of Jini groups and Jini locators may be null. If null is specified for the groups argument, then all Jini groups are searched. If null is specified for the locators argument, then only readers running on the same subnet on which the client is running are found. You can specify multiple groups and locators in either String by using a space, tab, or comma as the separator character.

The four types of device clients that can be used to interact with the RFID device access web services are the following:

This guide focuses on the first two methods and provides examples of how to develop the reader access client. The examples are packaged as NetBeans projects and are included in the Sun Java System RFID Software Toolkit (RFID Software Toolkit).

Prerequisites for Running the Web Services Client Examples

To use the examples you need an installation of the NetBeans 4.1 IDE. You also need to download and install the RFID Software Toolkit.nbm and set up your RFID environment. Use the following procedures to set up your NetBeans environment.

If you are not familiar with the NetBeans 4.1 IDE, refer to the NetBeans 4.1 Quick Start Guides.

procedure icon  (Optional) To Access the NetBeans IDE 4.1 Quick Start Guide for Web Services

1. After installing and starting the NetBeans 4.1 IDE, choose Help right arrow Tutorials right arrow Quick Start Guide.

The Getting Started with NetBeans IDE 4.1 Quick Start Guide web page appears in your web browser.

2. Click Web services.

The NetBeans IDE 4.1 Quick Start Guide for Web Services web page appears.

3. Review the instructions as needed to get started creating your own web services clients.

When you are ready, proceed to the examples in this chapter. The following sections of this chapter describe using the ReaderAccess client example to illustrate how to develop a web service client.

procedure icon  To Configure the Environment for the Web Services Client Examples

Prerequisite - Confirm that you have installed the NetBeans 4.1 IDE and installed the RFID Software Toolkit. See Prerequisites for Running the Web Services Client Examples.

1. Start your application server.

2. Confirm that the reader client web service has been deployed as part of your RFID Event Manager installation.

See the Sun Java System RFID Software 3.0 Installation Guide.

3. Confirm that Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 is configured in NetBeans.

For example, use the following steps:

a. In the IDE's Runtime window, right-click Servers and choose Add Server from the contextual menu.

The Choose Server pane of the Add Server wizard appears.

b. Select Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 and click Next.

Browse to the location of your application server installation.

Screen capture of Add Server Instance showing a Microsoft Windows installation path for Application Server Platform Edition. The enabled buttons are Back, Next, and Cancel.

c. Select your application server and click Next.

The Enter Registration Properties pane of the wizard appears.

d. Type the registration properties following the instructions on the wizard pane and click Finish.

The Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 instance is added to the IDE's Runtime window.

4. Start the RFID Event Manager and the readers that you plan to use.

For this example, start the PMLReader.

Writing the Static Web Services Client

The static client example shows the simplest way to write a client for the reader access web service. The static web service client makes method calls through a stub, a local object that acts as a proxy for the remote service. Because the stub is created at development time (as opposed to runtime), it is usually called a static stub.

procedure icon  To Run the Static Web Services Client Example

1. Confirm that you have successfully complete the procedure, To Configure the Environment for the Web Services Client Examples.

2. Start the NetBeans 4.1 IDE.

3. Choose File right arrow Open Project Folder.

The Open Project dialog box appears.

4. Navigate to the directory containing the static client.

For example, if the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the RFID Software Toolkit is toolkit-dir. The static client is located at toolkit-dir/samples/readerAccess/webServices/static. The ReaderAccessClientStaticWS project is listed as shown in the following screen capture.

Screen capture showing Open Project dialog box with the static client selected.

5. Click Open Project Folder.

To resolve the reference problem described in the following message, create a library named jwsdp. See To Create the RFID Library for the Custom Component Examples for the general steps to use. Add the JAR files in the following locations:

Screen Capture of Open Project informational dialog indicating a project resource problem. Button is Close.

6. In the Projects window, navigate to the following files and configure the URL with the correct host name and port number.


7. In the Projects windows, right-click the static client project node and choose Run Project.

The IDE rebuilds and runs the project.

Writing the Dynamic Web Services Client Example

In contrast to the static web service client described in the preceding section, a dynamic client calls a remote procedure through a dynamic proxy. The dynamic proxy is a class that is created during runtime. Although the source code for the static stub client relies on an implementation-specific class, the code for the dynamic proxy client does not have this limitation.

procedure icon  To Run the Dynamic Web Services Client

1. Confirm that you have successfully complete the procedure, To Configure the Environment for the Web Services Client Examples.

2. Start the NetBeans 4.1 IDE.

3. Choose File right arrow Open Project Folder.

The Open Project dialog box appears.

4. Navigate to the directory containing the dynamic web service client.

For example, if the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the RFID Software Toolkit is toolkit-dir. The dynamic client is located at toolkit-dir/samples/readerAccess/webServices/dynamic. The ReaderAccessClientDynamicProxyWS project is listed as shown in the following screen capture.

Screen capture showing Open Project dialog box with the dynamic client selected.

5. Click Open Project.

6. (Optional) To refresh the WSDL, use the following steps.

a. In the Projects window, expand the Web Service References node.

b. Select the ReaderAccess.wsdl node and right-click.

c. Choose Refresh WSDL from the contextual menu.

The Refresh WSDL for Web Service Client dialog box appears.

d. Change the Original WSDL location if necessary and click OK.

7. In the Projects window, navigate to the following files and configure the URL with the correct host name and port number.


8. Right-click the project node, ReaderAccessClientDynamicProxyWS, and choose Run Project from the contextual menu.

The IDE rebuilds the project and deploys it to your application server. The ReaderAccessClient servlet is invoked and a JSP appears in your web browser as shown in the following screen capture.

Screen capture showing the JSP in the web browser. Data fields are Reader Name and Jini Group. Buttons are Submit and Reset.

9. Type the Reader Name and the Jini Group and click Submit.

You see something similar to the following in your web browser.

Screen capture of web browser window showing successful use of the dynamic web services client.