System Administration Guide

Example--Modifying File Systems in a Cache

In the following example, the cache is deleted, then re-created, and then mounted again with the demandconst option specified for the file system /docs. This example shows the steps including rebooting to single user mode. You may have other commands you prefer to use to accomplish some of the tasks shown in this example.

$ su
# init 0
ok boot -s
Type Cntrl-d to proceed with normal startup,
(or give root password for system maintenance):
# enter password:
Here is where you may be prompted from system to run fsck
on the file system where the cache is located.
# fsck /local
# mount /local
# cfsadmin -d all /local/mycache
# cfsadmin -c /local/mycache
# init 6
console login:
# mount -F cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/cache1,
demandconst  merlin:/docs /docs

If you did not successfully remount the file system in the cache, the system displays an error message similar to the following:

cachefsstat: /doc: not a cachefs mount point