Solaris User's Guide

Using the Find Pop-up Window

When you do not know or cannot remember the specific location of a folder or file, or when you want to locate a group of files according to specific criteria, use the Find pop-up window. To display the Find window, choose Find from the File menu. The Find pop-up window is displayed, as shown in Figure 2-25.

Figure 2-25 Find Window


Finding Files With the Find Window

To find a specific file or group of files, you can fill in some or all of the text fields, according to the type of search you want to perform.

When you have filled in the text fields, click SELECT on the Find button to start the search. Once you start a search, the Stop button is activated. You can stop the search at any time by clicking SELECT on the Stop button.

When the search is completed, all files that match the pattern are displayed in the scrolling list at the bottom of the Find window. If you have more than one field filled out on the Find window, a file must match the information in all of these fields for it be listed. Figure 2-26 shows an example of a file content pattern matching search. File Manager found 37 files containing the specified string. (Seven of the files found are shown in the figure, the rest are scrolled out of view.)

Figure 2-26 Example of a Find


You can select and open one file at a time from the Find window scrolling list. To select a file, move the pointer onto the line and click SELECT. The line is highlighted, and the Open button is activated. To open the highlighted file, click SELECT on the Open button.