Solaris User's Guide

Using the Wastebasket

The Wastebasket is a temporary storage area for files that you want to discard and that you probably will delete from your file system. When you start File Manager, the Wastebasket is automatically created and displayed as an icon. You can move the Wastebasket anywhere you want on the workspace.

When the Wastebasket is empty, the icon shows an empty wastebasket. After you have put a file in the Wastebasket, the Wastebasket icon's appearance is changed to remind you that at least one file is there. Figure 2-27 shows the Wastebasket icon when empty and when there are one or more files in it.

Figure 2-27 The Wastebasket Icon, Empty and with One or More Files


You can move folders and files to the Wastebasket by selecting them and dragging and dropping them onto the Wastebasket icon or window, or by choosing Delete from the Edit menu.

Files that you put in the Wastebasket are stored in a .wastebasket folder in your home directory.

You can view the contents of the Wastebasket by opening the Wastebasket icon. A window is displayed with a scrolling pane that shows you the files you have moved to the Wastebasket. Figure 2-28 shows an example of the Wastebasket window.

Figure 2-28 Wastebasket Window


The Wastebasket window has View, Edit, and Empty Waste functions available. To access the Wastebasket pop-up menu, move the pointer anywhere in the Wastebasket window and press MENU. You can use the Wastebasket pop-up menu to do the following:

Creating a New Wastebasket

If you quit the Wastebasket window, you can create a new one by following these steps:

  1. Make sure the File Manager Tool General Defaults Properties Edit Menu item is "Delete".

    The "Delete" option is the default setting. See "Customizing Your File Manager" for information about setting the File Manager Tool Properties.

  2. In File Manager, select a folder or file that you want to put into the Wastebasket.

  3. Choose Delete from the Edit menu or the File Pane pop-up menu.

    A new Wastebasket is created to contain the files you selected.