Asian Application Developer's Guide
 app-defaults directory ( Index Term Link )
 application interfaces ( Index Term Link )
 .bdf files ( Index Term Link )
 Big 5, number of characters in ( Index Term Link )
 Bitmap Distribution Format (BDF) ( Index Term Link )
 bitmap fonts
  adding to OpenWindows ( Index Term Link )
  using with XView ( Index Term Link )
  viewing ( Index Term Link )
 calls, font set ( Index Term Link )
 CDE message files ( Index Term Link )
 character sets ( Index Term Link )
  GB 2312-80 ( Index Term Link )
  supported in Korean Solaris ( Index Term Link )
  supported in Simplified Chinese ( Index Term Link )
  supported in Traditional Chinese ( Index Term Link )
 characters, supported in ko.UTF-8 ( Index Term Link )
 CNS 11643 code conversion ( Index Term Link )
 codeset conversion ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 codesets ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 command line font ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 composite fonts ( Index Term Link )
 configuration directory ( Index Term Link )
  codeset ( Index Term Link )
  in codesets ( Index Term Link )
 conversion utilities ( Index Term Link )
  CNS 11643 character codes ( Index Term Link )
  GB-2312-80 character codes ( Index Term Link )
  KS C 5601 character codes ( Index Term Link )
 data type definitions directory ( Index Term Link )
  app-defaults ( Index Term Link )
  configuration ( Index Term Link )
  data type definitions ( Index Term Link )
  fonts ( Index Term Link )
  fonts ( Index Term Link )
  libs ( Index Term Link )
  print ( Index Term Link )
  print ( Index Term Link )
  xview ( Index Term Link )
 Display PostScript (DPS) ( Index Term Link )
  programming ( Index Term Link )
 DPS ( Index Term Link )
 editing fonts ( Index Term Link )
 encoding fonts ( Index Term Link )
 environment variables, LANG ( Index Term Link )
  See Extended UNIX Code
 Extended UNIX Code ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  special characters ( Index Term Link )
 files, locale-specific ( Index Term Link )
 Font Admin tool ( Index Term Link )
 Font Editor ( Index Term Link )
 font encoding ( Index Term Link )
 font lists ( Index Term Link )
  Korean ( Index Term Link )
  Korean UTF-8 ( Index Term Link )
  Simplified Chinese ( Index Term Link )
  Traditional Chinese ( Index Term Link )
  zh_TW.BIG5 (Traditional Chinese) ( Index Term Link )
 font set calls ( Index Term Link )
 font sets ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  starting OpenWindows with ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  adding to OpenWindows ( Index Term Link )
  composite ( Index Term Link )
  Display PostScript (DPS) ( Index Term Link )
  encoding and editing ( Index Term Link )
  Korean ( Index Term Link )
  PostScript ( Index Term Link )
  scalable ( Index Term Link )
  Simplified Chinese ( Index Term Link )
  size ( Index Term Link )
  Traditional Chinese ( Index Term Link )
  viewing ( Index Term Link )
 fonts directory ( Index Term Link )
 fonts directory ( Index Term Link )
 GB-2312-80 code conversion ( Index Term Link )
 GB 2312-80 PRC character set ( Index Term Link )
 iconv library ( Index Term Link )
 IM server ( Index Term Link )
 internationalization ( Index Term Link )
 Johap code ( Index Term Link )
 key grabbing ( Index Term Link )
 ko locale ( Index Term Link )
 ko.UTF-8 locale ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  characters supported ( Index Term Link )
 Korean font lists ( Index Term Link )
 Korean messages ( Index Term Link )
 Korean UTF-8 font lists ( Index Term Link )
 KS C 5601 code conversion ( Index Term Link )
 LANG environment variable ( Index Term Link )
 LC_ALL general locale setting ( Index Term Link )
 libraries, locale-specific ( Index Term Link )
 libs directory ( Index Term Link )
 locale category setting ( Index Term Link )
 locale files, location ( Index Term Link )
 locale setting ( Index Term Link )
 locales ( Index Term Link )
 message files ( Index Term Link )
 N-byte code ( Index Term Link )
 off-the-spot style ( Index Term Link )
 on-the-spot style ( Index Term Link )
  adding bitmap fonts ( Index Term Link )
  environment ( Index Term Link )
  starting with a specific font set ( Index Term Link )
  viewing bitmap fonts ( Index Term Link )
 over-the-spot style ( Index Term Link )
 Packed code ( Index Term Link )
 partial locales ( Index Term Link )
 Portable Compiled Format (PCF) ( Index Term Link )
 PostScript fonts ( Index Term Link )
 preedit area styles ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 primary codeset ( Index Term Link )
 print directory ( Index Term Link )
 print directory ( Index Term Link )
 programming, Display PostScript (DPS) ( Index Term Link )
 PSWDisplayText() ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 root-window style ( Index Term Link )
 scalable fonts ( Index Term Link )
 Simplified Chinese
  character sets ( Index Term Link )
  font lists ( Index Term Link )
  messages ( Index Term Link )
 Solaris Internationalization Guide for Developers ( Index Term Link )
 special characters ( Index Term Link )
 status styles
  preedit area ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 style, preedit area ( Index Term Link )
  off-the-spot ( Index Term Link )
  on-the-spot ( Index Term Link )
  over-the-spot ( Index Term Link )
  preedit area ( Index Term Link )
  root-window ( Index Term Link )
 supplementary codesets ( Index Term Link )
 toolkit use ( Index Term Link )
 tools, Font Admin ( Index Term Link )
 Traditional Chinese
  character sets ( Index Term Link )
  font lists ( Index Term Link )
  messages ( Index Term Link )
 Unicode support, in Korean Solaris ( Index Term Link )
 using bitmap fonts ( Index Term Link )
 UTF-8 ( Index Term Link )
 UTF-8 locale ( Index Term Link )
  codeset conversion ( Index Term Link )
  conversion ( Index Term Link )
  xfd ( Index Term Link )
  xlsfonts ( Index Term Link )
 Wansung code ( Index Term Link )
  See wide character (WC)
 wide character (WC), defined ( Index Term Link )
 window message files ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 X Font Displayer (xfd) ( Index Term Link )
 X Window input method (XIM)
  architecture ( Index Term Link )
  overview ( Index Term Link )
 xfd utility ( Index Term Link )
 XIM, See X Window input method (XIM) ( Index Term Link )
  protocol interface (XIMP) ( Index Term Link )
 XIMP ( Index Term Link )
 xlsfonts utility ( Index Term Link )
 XView, using bitmap fonts ( Index Term Link )
 xview directory ( Index Term Link )
 zh locale ( Index Term Link )
 zh_TW.BIG5 (Traditional Chinese), font lists ( Index Term Link )
 zh_TW.BIG5 (Traditional Chinese) locale ( Index Term Link )
 zh_TW locale ( Index Term Link )