Solaris のシステム管理

x86: 例 - システムを復元するためにブートする

type any key to reboot
Running Configuration Assistant...
Solaris Device Configuration Assistant 
Boot Solaris    
                                                                                                     Select one of the identified devices to boot Solaris.    
                                                                                                     > To make a selection, use the arrow keys, then press Enter to mark it [X]. 
  Boot Solaris      
             target: 0; port: 1F0-1F7, 3F6-3F7; irq: 14      
  [ ]  NET : Intel EtherExpress network card
             port: 300-30F; irq: 5

             FF2_Boot Solaris    F3_Back    F4_Boot Tasks    F6_Help 
                         <<< Current Boot Parameters >>>
Boot path: /isa/ata@1f0,0/cmdk@0,0:a
Boot args: 
Type    b [file-name] [boot-flags]       to boot with options
or      i                                to enter boot interpreter
or                                       to boot with defaults
                  <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>>
Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: b -s
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /a
# cd /a/etc
# TERM=AT386
# export TERM
# vi passwd
# cd /
# umount /a
# init 6