Installing Additional Components for Java CAPS 6

Installing the HL7 OTD Library

The Java CAPS Uploader, a web-based application, is used to select and upload adapters and add-on files during the installation process. The following section describes how to install the selected HL7 Libraries.

Note –

When the Repository is running on a UNIX operating system, the components are loaded from the Enterprise Manager running on a Windows platform connected to the Repository server using Internet Explorer.

Installing the HL7 OTD Library on a Java CAPS Supported System

This section describes the method to upload and download SAR files from the repository.

ProcedureTo Upload Files to the Repository

This procedure describes the method to upload the HL7OTDLibraryxx.sar files to Java CAPS Uploader. After this step you can select and submit (upload) the SAR file.

Note –

For installing HL7eWay.sar, see To Install Additional Non–JBI Based Java CAPS Components.

  1. Select HL7OTDLibraryxx.sar and click Next in the top-right or bottom-right corner of the page.

    Note –

    Following are the SAR files.

    1. HL7OTDLibrary.sar (This is a common SAR file required for any version-specific SAR file.)

    2. HL7OTDLibrary21.sar

    3. HL7OTDLibrary22.sar

    4. HL7OTDLibrary23.sar

    5. HL7OTDLibrary24.sar

    6. HL7OTDLibrary25.sar

    7. HL7OTDLibrary231.sar

    8. HL7OTDLibrary251.sar

    9. HL7OTDLibraryGeneric.sar

    10. HL7V32006ACCTBilling.sar

    11. HL7V32006ClaimsAndReimb.sar

    12. HL7V32006ClinicalGenomics.sar

    13. HL7V32006MedicalRecords.sar

    14. HL7V32006MsgContActInfra.sar

    15. HL7V32006PatientAdmin.sar

    16. HL7V32006PersonnelManagement.sar

    17. HL7V32006PublicHealthRepot.sar

    18. HL7V32006QueryInfra.sar

    19. HL7V32006RegulateStudies.sar

    20. HL7V32006Scheduling.sar

    21. HL7V32006SharedMessages.sar

    22. HL7V32006TransInfra.sar

    List 2 through List 22 are dependent HL7 OTD Libraries packaged with the Java CAPS Suite.

See Also

After Installation

Once you install the HL7 OTD Library, it must then be incorporated into a Project before it can perform its intended functions.

Installing HL7 OTD Library nbm into the NetBeans IDE

For step-by-step instructions, see To Install Additional JBI Based Java CAPS Components.

Note –

The nbm is installed the first time, you install an HL7OTDLibraryxx.sar. Next time, when you install another version of HL7OTDLibraryxx.sar, The NetBeans IDE does not install the same nbm. Hence, when you click on Reload Catalog, the nbms are not listed. When you install a new version of HL7OTDLibrary, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Tools menu.

  2. Click CAPS Repository and select Refresh All.

    The newly available HL7 OTD Libraries are listed in the Projects tab. You do not need to restart the IDE to see the changes.