Designing Data Integrator Projects

Adding Tables to an Existing Collaboration

Once you have defined source and target tables using the Data Integrator Wizard, you can add additional tables as needed. Adding tables is a simple drag and drop procedure.

ProcedureTo Add Tables to a Collaboration

  1. Open the ETL collaboration you want to edit.

  2. On the Services window, expand Databases.

  3. Right-click the database containing the tables you want to add to the collaboration, and then click Connect.

  4. Expand the Tables node under the database you just connected to.

  5. Select a table and drag it onto the ETL Collaboration Editor canvas.

  6. On the dialog box that appears, select either Source Table or Target Table.

  7. If you selected Source Table, do one of the following on the Confirm Join Creation dialog box:

    • To add the new table without creating a join to an existing table, click No.

    • To create a join between the new table and an existing table, click Yes. The Create New Join View dialog box appears. Define the join as described in Joining Source Tables.