LDAP Binding Component Tutorial

Create a WSDL Document : Delete Feature

In this section, the user sets the Delete feature.

For steps, see the following links:

  1. Creating a WSDL Document.

  2. Create a WSDL Document For Type : SOAP.

    1. Click the Delete tab.

      In the current example, the selected Object Class is inetOtgPerson.

      Delete Entry

        Remove Filter

      1. Select Remove Filter — inetOrgPerson from the drop-down list.

      2. Select the entry from the Remove Filter list.

        For example, uid

      3. Click the > arrow.

      4. inetOrgPerson.uid = is moved to the right pane.

    2. Click Finish.

  3. Creating a BPEL Process.

  4. Creating a Composite Application Project.

  5. Deploying a Composite Application.

  6. Testing the Composite Application.