SunVTS 3.0 User's Guide

Running a Test From the Command Line (Tutorial)

In some cases it may be more convenient to run a single SunVTS test from the command line. Unless specified, the test runs without the SunVTS kernel (vtsk). All events and errors are sent to stdout or stderr, and are not logged in the log files.

There are two directories where tests reside:

Use the pathname based on the type (32-bit or 64-bit) of operating system that is running.

When you run a test in this way, you must specify all test options in the form of command line arguments.

There are two types of command line arguments:

The standard syntax for command line execution is:

testname [-scruvdtelnf] [-p number] [-i number] [-w number] [-o test_specific_arguments]

The standard command-line argument usage for all SunVTS tests is:

Table A-2 Standard Command-line Arguments
 Argument Definition
-sRun a test as though it were invoked from the SunVTS kernel (vtsk). This causes the test to send output to an RPC port that the SunVTS kernel is using. The default is to send the output to stdout or stderr.
-c Enables a core image of the test process to be created in the current working directory upon receipt of certain signals, otherwise those signals are caught and handled to prevent a core from being generated. The default is to disable the creation of a core image.
-r Enables run on error so that when an error occurs, the test continues with the next test sequence instead of exiting. The default is false.
-u  Displays command line usage information.
-v Runs the test in Verbose mode and displays messages with more detailed information about the testing process. The default is false.
-d Runs the test in debug mode and displays messages to help programmers debug their test code. The default is false.
-t Runs the test in test Trace mode and displays messages that track function calls and sequences currently in use by the test code. The default is false.
-e Runs the test in Stress mode by increasing the system load. The default is false.
-l Runs the test in Online Functional mode. This is the same mode that tests run in when executed through SyMON. It is a non-intrusive version that will not significantly affect other applications. See the note below. The default is true.
-n Runs the test in Connection mode. See the note below.The default is false.
-f Runs the test in full Functional test mode. This mode assumes that the test has complete control of the device under test. See the note below. The default is false.
-i number Defines the number of instances for scalable tests.
-p number Defines the number of passes.
-w number For scalable tests, defines to which instance the test is assigned.
-o Used to indicate that the options and arguments that follow are test specific. Note: Separate each test specific argument by commas, with no space after each comma.

Note -

If you choose to specify a test mode with the l, n, or f option, specify only one option at a time because only one test mode can be selected at a time.

Run A Single Test from the Command Line
  1. Review the command line syntax and arguments for the test you plan to run:

    There are nearly fifty individual SunVTS tests. The tests that you choose to run depends on the configuration of your system. For this exercise you are directed to run one of three tests (for devices that are somewhat common to all configurations.) Choose the test that matches your system configuration (choices are listed below). For information on cammand line systax and test options refer to the SunVTS 3.0 Test Reference Manual.

  2. Load any required test media (tape, CD, or diskette) or loopback connectors required by the test.

    Note -

    This is a necessary step for several tests, however, none of the examples in this exercise require test media or loopback connectors.

  3. Run the test (choose one of the examples below):

    To test your audio device:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/audiotest -vf -p1 -o M,X

    In this example, -vf -p1 -o are standard arguments (common to all tests), and M,X are two arguments specific to the audiotest. Notice that the test specific arguments are separated by a comma and no spaces.

    To test your disk drive:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/disktest -n -p2 -o dev=c0t0d0

    This example tests a disk drive called c0t0d0. You may need to replace this device name with a device name of a disk that is connected to your system.

    To test your CPU:

    # /opt/SUNWvts/bin/systest -v -f -p3 -i5

  4. Watch the display as the tests run.

    If an error occurs, an error message will be reported to the screen. Since the test is running without the SunVTS kernel, events and error are not logged in log files.