SunVTS 3.0 User's Guide

CDE System Map

The System map (Figure 4-11 and Figure 4-12) is used to display detailed information about the system under test. Scrollbars provide access to information that is beyond the window size. Such information includes:

Figure 4-11 CDE System Map (Logical View)


Figure 4-12 CDE System Map (Physical View)


To Access the Device-Specific Option Menus
  1. Place the CDE pointer on the name of device that you want to access options for, hold the mouse menu button down, and click the menu you want to set up.

    The option menus are described in Table 4-5 below.

  2. Set up the menu with the options you need and click Apply.

The Device-specific option menu provides access to test status information and three test option pop-up menus:

Table 4-5 Device-Specific Option Menu
 Menu Description
 Status Lists each test instance and a test pass and fail value for each instance
 Test Parameter Options Shows device configuration information and specifies test specific settings. This menu is different for each device
 Test Execution Options

Provides access to the same test execution options that can be set at the system level (See "Options Menu") but these settings configure test execution for a specific device. The parameters are:

  • Stress--run the test for this device in stress mode, working the device harder than normal

  • Verbose--display verbose messages in the SunVTS Console window while device is tested

  • Core file--allows a failure to produce a core file for debugging, otherwise a message is displayed and logged indicating the signal that caused the failure

  • Run on Error--continue testing until the Max Errors number is reached

  • Max Passes--specifies the maximum number of test passes for this device (0=no limit)

  • Max Errors--states the maximum number of allowable errors before stopping the test for this device. A value of zero sets the SunVTS kernel to continue testing regardless of errors

  • Max Time--states the time limit, in minutes, that a test can run on this device. A value of zero enables testing with no time limit

 Test Advanced Options Provides a setting to "lock" the option settings for an individual device so that the system level setting will not affect the option setting for this test

To Select Devices for Testing

Each device group and device has a checkbox. Refer to Figure 4-13.

  1. Perform one of the following:

    • Click the checkbox to place a checkmark in the checkbox. The checkmark indicates that the device or group is selected for testing. A blank box indicates that the device or group is not selected for testing.

    • Choose Default, None, or All in the Test mode selection window.

    Note -

    Certain tests are not selectable until intervention mode is enabled. Refer to "Intervention".

    Figure 4-13 Viewing Devices in the System Map


Test Status in the System Map

The primary method of displaying pass and fail status uses color within the System Map window (see the outlined areas in Figure 4-14). During testing, the name of any device changes from black to green if it has at least one pass and no failures. The moment a device has at least one failure, it changes to red. This color information is propagated up an entire branch of the hierarchy, but keeps the System Map hierarchy closed.

A secondary level of status is the individual device pop-up window that displays the testing Pass and Fail counts for the device and its immediate subdevices. For the lowest level device, it displays the test status for that device and all of the test instances below it. You can choose devices that you want to monitor during testing, and you can display the corresponding status windows, which are dynamically updated during testing.

Note -

The boxed regions in Figure 4-14 show areas that change color to indicate test status on color monitors. If you have a monochrome monitor, these changes cannot be detected; in this case, rely on the status pop-up windows.

  1. View the System map any time during or after testing to identify pass/fail conditions.

    Figure 4-14 CDE System Map View for Test Status
