SunVTS Quick Reference Card

Starting the SunVTS Software

Follow these steps to start SunVTS.

To Start SunVTS
  1. Become superuser (root) and change directories to the SunVTS bin directory (/opt/SUNWvts/bin) by default.

  2. If you have a local system type the following

    # ./sunvts 

  3. If you have a remote machine running the SunVTS kernel, type the following:

    # ./sunvts -h remote_hostname

Replace remote_hostname with the hostname of the remote machine.

To Start SunVTS Using OpenWindows(TM)
  1. Type the following:

    # ./sunvts -l

To Start SunVTS Using the SunVTS TTY Interface
  1. Type the following:

    # ./sunvts -t

    Note -

    The SunVTS default graphical user interface (GUI) is Common Desktop Environment (CDE).

Table 1-1 describes the common TTY interface command keys.

Table 1-1 Common TTY Interface Command Keys




Selects another panel; the selected panel is surrounded by asterisks (*) 


Selects an option or displays a menu  

Space bar 

Toggles (enables/disables) a choice 

Arrow Keys 

Moves the cursor in a selected panel 


Discards a pop-up menu or window 


Scrolls forward in option windows 


Scrolls backward in option windows 


Quits the TTY Interface, but leaves the SunVTS kernel running on the test machine