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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Samba Guide
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1.  Installing and Configuring HA for Samba

A.  Deployment Example: Installing Samba packaged with Solaris 10

B.  Deployment Example: Installing Samba from

Target Cluster Configuration

Software Configuration


Installing and Configuring Samba downloaded from

Example: Preparing the Cluster for Samba

Example: Configuring the Non-Global Zones

Example: Configuring Cluster Resources for Samba

Example: Download and Configure Samba from

Example: Create the Samba smb.conf Configuration File

Example: Verify winbind and Samba

Example: Enabling the Samba Software to Run in the Cluster

Example: Verify the HA for Samba resource group

C.  Deployment Example: Installing Samba in an HA Container


Example: Configuring the Non-Global Zones

In this task you will install two Solaris Containers on Vigor5.

  1. On local cluster storage create a directory for the non-global zones root path.
    Vigor5# mkdir /zones
  2. Create a temporary file for the whole root zone, for example /tmp/whole, and include the following entries.
    Vigor5# cat > /tmp/whole <<-EOF create -b set zonepath=/zones/whole EOF
  3. Create a temporary file for the sparse root zone, for example /tmp/sparse, and include the following entries.
    Vigor5# cat > /tmp/sparse <<-EOF create set zonepath=/zones/sparse EOF
  4. Configure the non-global zones, using the files you created.
    Vigor5# zonecfg -z whole -f /tmp/whole
    Vigor5# zonecfg -z sparse -f /tmp/sparse
  5. Install the zones.

    Open two windows and issue the following command in each window.

    Vigor5# zoneadm -z whole install
    Vigor5# zoneadm -z sparse install
  6. Boot the zones.
    Vigor5# zoneadm -z whole boot
    Vigor5# zoneadm -z sparse boot
  7. Log in to the zones and complete the zone system identification.
    Vigor5# zlogin -C whole
    Vigor5# zlogin -C sparse
  8. Close the terminal windows and disconnect from the zone consoles.

    After you have completed the zone system identification, disconnect from the two windows your previously opened.

    Vigo5# ~.
  9. Create local mount points for the HA-ZFS file system with in the zones.
    Vigor5# zlogin whole mkdir /local
    Vigor5# zlogin sparse mkdir /local