GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

Using Your Navigation History

Nautilus maintains a history list of files, folders, and FTP sites. You can use the history list to navigate to files, folders, and FTP sites that you have recently visited. Your history list contains the last ten items that you viewed. The following sections describe how to navigate your history list.

To clear your history list choose Go -> Clear History.

To Navigate Your History List Using the Go Menu

To display a list of previously-viewed items, choose the Go menu. Your history list is displayed in the lower part of the Go menu. To open an item in your history list, choose the item from the Go menu.

To Navigate Your History List Using the Toolbar

To use the toolbar to navigate your history list, perform one of the following actions:

To Navigate Your History List Using the History Tabbed Pane

To display the History tabbed pane, click on the History tab in the side pane. The History tabbed pane displays a list of your previously-viewed items.

History tabbed pane with sample file, folder, and URL locations.

To display an item from your history list in the view pane, click on the item in the History tabbed pane.